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Lilac Lace Society

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It all began during the turn that the Scholar watched over the land. To some, He brought His wisdom with him. For others, He granted them the strength to be the river to shape their new world. Others? Well, they paid little mind to the silent Twelve. It was the time of festivity during the Lover's moon. Little Ladies' Day had come once more and with it brought inspiration. 


Despite the dressed up city streets, strife still lingered after the Calamity. War waged on borders and shores alike, there was unease both in the North and South, and darkness lurked in every corner of the realm. Pain was not so easily forgotten. Yet, in times of struggle, you will always find those who are willing to help. You will always find those who bring smiles to frowns, who nurture and tend, who care and guide. 


When better than to develop an organization so matronly than during the time of women? When better than to develop an organization founded upon love, than during the Lover's moon? And, of course, when would be a better time to develop an organization than when you had the wisdom of the Scholar watching over you?


We all make a choice. The Lilac Lace Society chose hope. Will you?



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[align=left]The Lilac Lace Society (LLS) is a woman only organization founded on benevolence and is dedicated towards charity. Our volunteers strive to foster a better world for Hydaelyn's many communities. No matter the unfavorable circumstance, the Lilac Lace Society devotes itself to being a beacon of aid. During times of reprieve, the Lilac Lace Society hosts various charity events to support women and children in need. 


As a sisterhood, the Lilac Lace Society vows to help one another as they help the world around them. The organization rallies behind its own. It is this powerful, nurturing, and supportive atmosphere that drives the members of the Lilac Lace Society.[/align]



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What to expect:


  • Charity, restoration, and other kind-hearted events.
  • A group of women all willing to offer aid
  • A safe place for those to escape troubled environments

What not to expect:

  • Women with a blatant criminal background and no desire to change
  • Women who are racist, misandrist, or classist
  • Men (we're a women only group, akin to the Red Hats!)


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[align=left]Join Us Today 


This organization is an in character organization. Your real life gender can be all across the spectrum but all characters joining should be female. Please note that this organization is run out of a linkshell (not a free company!). This linkshell will have minor moderation and a golden rule:



  • Be Respectful



Anyone who would like to join can speak to Simi Jinkjahl or Lilithium Altair and we'll invite you to the linkshell while we set up an in character meeting. Ladies are able to hear about the organization through word of mouth and simply seek out the aforementioned organizers. Do you use tumblr? Find us



If you would like the Lilac Lace Society to sponsor or assist with your event, please message Simi Jinkjahl or Lilithium Altair with details! If you have any questions, please message us over ffxiv-rp or in game. We look forward to getting to know you. ♥




[align=center]The Lilac Lace Society is not currently recruiting.[/align]

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My character is probably not a good fit for this but it's such a cute idea! Good luck!


♥ Thank you for the well wishes!




Lilac Lace Society is still taking on members. Please just get in touch with myself or Lililove if you'd like to join

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♥ Just an update: 

We're still accepting new members & talking about what type of future events we can host!

The Little Ladies Day Charity Banquet is coming up soon. Please make sure to check it out.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns just contact myself or Lililove and we'll do our best to get back to you. ♥

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have some upcoming events to look out for. However, I'd like to take this moment to give an update to the various users who have tumblr. We now have one, too! You can find our tumblr here and on our updated information page. ♥


♥ We're still always taking members.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello! I would like to join this linkshell please! I am Lamiah Oakalee on Balmung.  Who can I contact?




Hi there!

I am normally on Simi Jinkjahl. You can contact me or Lilithium Rinannis. I will keep an eye out for you! ♥ I'm normally on during the evening hours of American timezones.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Now upcoming is a biweekly get together of the LLS entitled...



L i l a c  L u n c h e o n



Once every two Mondays, us girls will get together at Lilithium's estate to share news, discuss upcoming events, and to welcome our new members while getting to know one another. The first luncheon will be Monday, May 23rd at 5:30 PST!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there!  I was also interested in getting some information and possibly joining if you all are still accepting people, but I can never seem to find any of you.  Is there a good time to hunt you down?

At the moment many of us are currently on other games! :( My other half (Simi) is also facing computer issues and currently isn't able to play FF14 for any extended periods of time. We're not actively recruiting for the moment I'm afraid and we'll try to update the information soon!

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