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Roguishly Handsome Miqo'te Looking for Contacts

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Hello once again, FFXIV roleplay community! So, thanks to the generosity of one of the members of our community, I am now on Balmung! I am really excited to roleplay with you all, and I have a character here I really like and would like to get started interacting with you all. Because of this, I am looking for a couple things for him. I will try to elucidate what exactly I am looking for, and I hope those out there know who/what might be a good fit.




The Character-




Misha'to Nhami is a male miqo'te born to a tribe of the Keepers of the Moon. While he had a fairly normal childhood, upon reaching his teenage years, his relationship with his family began to deteriorate. Due to his homosexuality, he refused to do his 'duty' of mating with females. This eventually became such a large rift that forced him out of his family and out of their lands.


Angry at this, Misha'to decided to carve out an existence of his own. Going to Gridania, he made a living as a hunter for the Archer's guild as he studied various subjects. In his travels he eventually became interested in the work of the Machinists' guild, and has become an accomplished machinist himself. Misha'to is a suave and witty personality, but also inquisitive and friendly who can fit in most social groups.


One note is his appearance varies a -little- from his in-game model. He has a circle beard (aka a connected mustache and goatee), and he is a bit more muscular. A small detail, but I thought I should include it nonetheless.




Desired RP Connections-



Friends in General: This can be most any sort of person! While it would be fun for him to have more engineer/machinist friends, this is not a must. Misha'to's free company has recently decreased in size, and thus he is looking for some potential friends outside of the company. If you have any ideas and how they could potentially meet, feel free to drop a comment in this thread or even PM me! Either would be helpful.


Fellow Machinists: He could also really use fellow gunslingers, and it would be possible if someone wished to teach him more advanced techniques. An apprenticeship would be definitely appreciated.


Romance: Due to recent circumstances, Misha'to finds himself a bit lonely in the romantic companionship department. While he may not be actively attempting to replace it in-character, OOCly I would like him to be in a romantic relationship for character development purposes. His criteria, however, are a tad picky: he desires a masculine man, not a pretty boy. A highlander or miqo'te would be best to fit in this instance, but depending on how they are a roegadyn, midlander, or potentially an elezen may be able to fit. Again, feel free to comment or PM me if you have any ideas.


Family(?): This one is highly optional, but figured I could include it. Not ALL of his family hates him, and I think it would be potentially interesting if anyone wanted to play a member of his family. But again, I'm not exactly pursuing this avenue.




I think that is about it! If I think of anything else, I will be sure to update the list. Hope people find some ways they could include him in their character's life!

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Oh woah! That's super awesome excellent that you managed to make it over to Balmung! :D


Good luck on your hunting, and maybe I'll run into you at some point!

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Hello there, welcome to Balmung! :D Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested. I would also recommend looking into Ebonbrand Teknoworks! Not sure how much they really shy away from the unlawful, but they are based around a Magitek mechanic theme.

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Any magitech or engineering themed free companies would be most desired, but any sort of free company for inquiry or adventure would do, so long as it's not unlawful.


When you say unlawful do you mean it needs to be a lawfully themed Free Company or just one that doesn't deal in illegal activities?


Wayfarers of Eorzea is a Chaotic/Neutral Freecompany that leans toward the good side. While we don't require or members to pick a morale side, we do encourage them to help each other and to protect the other members, or ,as it has come to the term, family. We have an engineering core in the works with several members, the lead being very experienced ICly. I could ramble on, but look us up. Our page isn't fully completely, but it get across the general idea of what we do.


From a non FC standpoint, I'd still welcome you to come by Wayfarer's Rest. We are always looking for new friends. : )

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I have two characters Nanagi and Kanako (wiki's in my signature). Although Kanako is likely more of what you are looking for, Nanagi could also fit. Kanako is more sociable than Nanagi, and Nanagi if more formal. Pick your poison : )


Something to note about Nanagi, she is currently going under two major character arcs and it has left her in almost constant seclusion, rarely coming out to socialize unless asked to do so. With that being said, if you wish to meet Nanagi, you'll have to wait a little bit until at least one of these character arcs are concluded.


Oh, before I forget.....Welcome to Balmung! We're happy to have you and I hope we can RP soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Depending on when Misha'to was in Gridania and when he was with the Archer's guild and how much he did with them, it's plausible our characters may have met.


Ah! Well, at the moment he is still in the guild, and he has been part of it for a couple years. So it could be likely!

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Depending on when Misha'to was in Gridania and when he was with the Archer's guild and how much he did with them, it's plausible our characters may have met.


Ah! Well, at the moment he is still in the guild, and he has been part of it for a couple years. So it could be likely!


Awesome. Aden was training with the lancer's guild for roughly six months, up until about two months ago, and had a friend in the archer's guild he spent a lot of time with so it's likely they've met in passing. If you wanna talk more about it PM me and we'll discuss.

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  • 4 weeks later...



So, I am updating this thread with some updated information. And also to potentially aid in my search for a free company. I am reiterating that a free company is what I am looking for most with Misha'to at the moment. While random RP at events is fun, I am looking for something that can help me establish larger ongoing plots with this character. In addition, I am hoping that through a free company I will be able to establish more friendship contacts.


Here is what I need most out of the free company: I would LIKE a magitech/engineering slant from the free company, but any sort of adventuring company or related group that has engineers/machinists in it would suffice. I would like this free company to help with Misha'to's eventual IC transition to a machinist. Potentially mentors, if you will. This is what I hope for most.


If you have any suggestions for such a free company, please feel free to let me know here or via private note.

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I have Illua, who is a fairly typical Garlean defector with a small bit of personal flair. She's got the magitek and gun skills down if you want someone to be all typical ex-Garlean.

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  • 5 months later...
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