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[Balmung] Sword & Skillet: Regular nights, at last!

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[align=center]Might and Magitek


The Sword & Skillet Tavern![/align]


[align=center]Date & Time: Every other Sunday, 7pm EST[/align]

[align=center]Location: Goblet, Ward 6 - Plot 12[/align]




"We had our Grand Opening, and the turnout literally split the seams of our house. It was a rousing good time, with plenty of high marks telling us that... We really need to do it more often! Now, technically, we're full time open for business whenever there's someone available to man the kitchen, but... Why not throw down for a regular night out with us, every weekend!"


"We're talkin' bar games. You know, drinking contests, card trickery, terrible joke tournaments.. There'll be one major game per night, but you're all welcome to bring whatever you think might be fun. Prizes regularly awarded, ranging from free booze to the most entertaining, all the way to sacks of gil for contest winners!"


"So, if you're looking to take a load off for a few hours, have a few laughs, make a new friend or enemy, come hit us up. Of course, if you're a regular customer who just wants your regular meal.. Never fear! This bar night will always be manned by at least one of our two chefs, who you already know and love."


Might & Magitek Management




OOC: So, serious. It's been two months, we've had a number of people inquire as to when we're available for RP! I'll list some great times below, but this particular post is up to say that we'll be having a regular night every sunday, just for purpose of.. Well, those that want a gaggle of gathered groupies to gawk at their gallant... Ah.. Ah.. Geekiness. The idea is that it'll be a big group on these sundays, together for contests and drinking and fun, while the rest of the week is more for light social rp, bring a date out, that kind of thing.


As I sort them out, each new contest will go up in this post with it's rules and everything laid out for it, so it won't be too scary of a thing to go at. Prizes will range between 50,000 and 1,000,000, depending on the turnout of each event.. So bring friends! The more the merrier.




[align=center]Staff Availability:[/align]


Anton Borneheld: The head chef of the Sword & Skillet tavern, the guy who makes all the food, caters the things, wins the stuff, and in general tries hard to entertain.

Available pretty much every night after 8pm PST until roughly 5-6am PST. Weekends, usually available starting at around 3pm PST until 5-6am PST.


Kiipa Nulstat: The head honcho, the big cheese, the one that runs the tavern in the first place. She bakes a mean cake, too!

Generally somewhat around during the day, no real time set.


Inelaa Locte: Cute as a button, and has absolutely no fear of shouting out dirty jokes that she doesn't even understand! Yes, she knows how to serve a mean drink and cook one too!

Generally somewhat around during the day, no real time set.


Suna Rokuyari: Adorable little lizard-lady who loves to cook. Anton's miniature chef, currently in training, but more than capable of handling an order or two so long as one doesn't mind the occasional goof-up!

Up for grabs later on at night! Usually haunting the place after 8pm PST.


Katja Hoax: Filterless bartending babe. She makes her own alcohol, even!

Generally somewhat around during the day, no real time set.


Aurora Jhin: The kittiest of cats to serve behind the bar! She's got a good head for drinks and can make you something to dizzy you down right quick!

Around at odd times due to RL scheduling.


We are hiring, too! Feel free to inquire within. Beyond that, though, we are technically available at all times, but without one of us available, you'll have to make due with npc mammets. Yes, you can NPC out staff if you need to!






Suicide Shot Showdown!: Exactly like it sounds. Keep drinking until you can't drink no more, last man standing is the winner. Generally ran at the end of the night, as beyond this point, nobody's left to converse!

Everyone will /random. Totals will be added up to an amount determined by number of contestants, likely something similar to x*650. The closer to that number you are, the more drunk you are--Going over means you're out like a light! Of course, one might be able to drop that number by sneaking a water glass in, perhaps bribing the bartender...


Please, No More!: Quick one-off contest. It's called out, a few moments taken to think of a good joke, and the worst one--Not necessarily the raunchiest one, just the worst one wins a free drink.. Or four. Too many winners? Round of drinks on us! Exceptionally bad jokes get a drink named after the speaker!

Jokes do not have to be sexual in nature, or any sort of dirtiness. A bad joke is.. A bad joke. Ones that make you groan. What does a clock do when it gets hungry? It goes back four seconds!


Beer Pom: It’s like beer pong, but played with chocolate balls designed to look like Moogle Poms, all bright and colorful!

Winning team divides and plays again, and theoretically we should have a winner at that point! /random to throw your shot, and each number rolled decides what cup you can aim for, 0-9. The first few shots you throw, pretty much guaranteed.. But after that, it starts getting tricksy!


Food Walk: Get food. Get plate. Balance food on plate. Walk across the room.. With obstacles. Can also substitute drinks, snacks, eggs...

5-10 rolls total, depending on how drunk people are. Each roll has a higher threshold to beat. Could start at 100.. Then 200.. Etc. Easy!


Charades: Two teams. One contestant goes up, first team to guess correctly gets the point. Most points at the end, wins!

Contestant is picked out of both teams, ideally everyone will have gone at least once by the end. The challenge that the contestant has to act, without revealing words about the challenge itself--Sounds are okay, but nothing that drops the hint as to what it is straight away--is issued by /tell only. Cheaters will not be tolerated!



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A tavern in the Goblet? A tavern that actually looks like my character could afford the drinks there?? SOMETHING THAT LOOKS NATURAL TO THE SETTING?! 


No, seriously, digging the wood interior; makes it look cozy!


Count me in. As long as I'm not working, I'll definitely be checking it out Sundays. Might visit on not-Sundays as well *cough*

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Oh, you guys <3.


Yeah, I did see that there really weren't many regular open nights at places on sundays, even more so at around that time.. There's the whole grindstone/runestone thing going on, as far as regular, every week kinda things.. But yeah.


Thanks for the compliments on the design of the place! Kiipa's the one that does all that stuff, I just make the furniture she puts down and occasionally tell her that we need more chairs.. Or something.


And as far as coming by on non-open nights, I'm trying to make it a point that I'm generally always available to drop down and manage the tavern after I get home from work, which ends at 7pm PST--So by at least 8, 8:30pm PST (yes, I know it's late, that's 11:30 EST) I'm available for small parties to come by to a place for food, drinks, whatever.


I want to do that because there've been a few times in the last year that I've tried to take friends out ICly for drinks, or take people out on dates, and.. There's no player-run place open at night. There should be more people from MM-RP working in the tavern as well, but I need to get their availability down first before I volunteer them for something.


Now to figure out how to put this on the calendar.. /chinrub

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Sorry, I'd just like to be clear: can people swing by and drop down to the tavern any time? Or is it closed to the public when not open? :)


If it is open any time, should we assume an NPC staff still serving? :-D

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I'm going to talk with the other staff tonight about what to do with it, and get back on that. The idea was that you'd come in while one of us is around, and I know I'm around fairly often after I'm off work, and generally just idling around the house anyway.


I'm not sure on the npc idea. I like it, but I'll simply have to ask about it.


Edit: I've checked in. Looks like majority preference is that the tavern is closed while nobody is available to staff it.


Keep in mind, it'll still be available plenty of time.


Edit: Further clarification says that some people (me) can't read words, and we're actually open for npc'd bartending and such.

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I'm going to talk with the other staff tonight about what to do with it, and get back on that. The idea was that you'd come in while one of us is around, and I know I'm around fairly often after I'm off work, and generally just idling around the house anyway.


I'm not sure on the npc idea. I like it, but I'll simply have to ask about it.


Edit: I've checked in. Looks like majority preference is that the tavern is closed while nobody is available to staff it.


Keep in mind, it'll still be available plenty of time.


Edit: Further clarification says that some people (me) can't read words, and we're actually open for npc'd bartending and such.


Yep! Even though we run a tavern I won't hesitate to pass on that an NPC when no one is wanting to work is still a nice feature to those who like to drop by. Wayfarer's is techinically only open 2 days a week, but we always encourage people to come when they need a place to RP with others. If you leave the doors open to people then your regulars will feel more comfortable showing up and you might possibly get random rp. : )

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That's the idea! I do love me some rp. Most of what I do is random, anyway. It's how Anton even got his mega chef bar guy title.. I updated the main post to show that answer abd all. As far as scheduling goes, it's up in the air as far as Sunday and Saturday, I'm thinking we may do alternating weeks, Sunday, then next week Saturday, then next week Sunday. Maybe switch it around if there's a big event on a day. Gotta allow for other people shinies!

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If there is no one in the bar, then there is indeed an NPC tender there. Additionally, folks who would rather sit in the comfy places away from the bar are brought their drinks by the pair of mammet 'helpers' that operate during events and during times where a fleshie isn't available.


That being said, between Anton and I and Suna, there is typically someone available. We may not always be right there, but the company is very good at letting people know when someone has entered the building.

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If there is no one in the bar, then there is indeed an NPC tender there. Additionally, folks who would rather sit in the comfy places away from the bar are brought their drinks by the pair of mammet 'helpers' that operate during events and during times where a fleshie isn't available.


That being said, between Anton and I and Suna, there is typically someone available. We may not always be right there, but the company is very good at letting people know when someone has entered the building.

Okay great! ! ^^


I am often looking for a place to drop in with someone to RP. I just don't want to feel like I'm invading someone's space! That's why I asked :)

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If there is no one in the bar, then there is indeed an NPC tender there. Additionally, folks who would rather sit in the comfy places away from the bar are brought their drinks by the pair of mammet 'helpers' that operate during events and during times where a fleshie isn't available.


That being said, between Anton and I and Suna, there is typically someone available. We may not always be right there, but the company is very good at letting people know when someone has entered the building.

Okay great! ! ^^


I am often looking for a place to drop in with someone to RP.  I just don't want to feel like I'm invading someone's space!  That's why I asked :)


Nah, it's not invading!


We have a host of really fun people in the company, and most are happy to sneak down if they see new people lingering and hop in on whatever's happening.

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That was a blast. I'll have to remember to grab quotes from the next event, because a ton of things were happening and so many fun things just went HERE AND THERE AND EVERYWHERE. AHH.


We had a surprise customer that upped the drinking contest winnings to a grand total of 500k.


Amelia Ashford with first place, 250k

Cade Baneblade for second, 150k,

and Khalun Ejinn for third, 100k.


That was definitely pretty awesome. The amount of silliness that went on was definitely something I'd love to see every time! Looking forward to seeing the turnout next weekend!

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So, given the turnout of the last open night, we've decided (and yes, this is with a small sample size, shhh) that we're going to be doing every other Sunday night, so that we don't run at the same time as the other bi-weekly Sunday event, Mhaya Bajihri's Triple Triad tournament.


Which of course also means that every go-round at the bar will have a bigger prize pool for whatever the contest of the day is!

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Just so folks know, tonight is another open bar night! Come have fun, partake in our drinking games or bawdry contests and win something.. Or just come to socialize! We'll be open from 9pm EST until the last person staggers out the door!



Food: Fried Octomammoth!

Hope you're hungry, this sucker's big. Each serving consists of either a head portion, which comes in small chopped-up chunks, fried down to serve as pseudo-meatballs.. Or a tentacle portion, cut up into slabs and quickly batter-fried to lock in that chewy texture, while still giving you a delightful crunch!


Drink: Anything spicy!

Now, this doesn't mean just the hot stuff. We've got a house-brew spiced rum, plenty of dragonsfire liqueur, and several drinks that can be made.. With peppers! Okay, so yes, mostly hot stuff.



Part one: Jokes!

Bad jokes. Like, terrible jokes. That doesn't mean dirty jokes, it means.. Well, bad jokes. Like.. What do you call someone who points out the obvious? Someone who points out the obvious. The joke that has people groaning the most, crowd pick, gets it's owner a small cash prize and a free round of drinks as chosen by them!

Part two: Drinks!

With the amusing success of the last drinking contest, it makes sense throw down another hangover-and-bad-idea inducing game of shots. On the one hand, you'll get plenty of free drinks.. But on the other, you've gotta drink until you're out cold! Or just, y'know, unable to stand up anymore. Certainly, a cash prize is to be had.. But there exists rumors of something more delectable hiding around there--Maybe something from the mystical, magical.. Moogle Shop! ohboy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a heads up, another bar night coming up this Sunday.. Opening early! 4pm PST... For the europeans, since people have apparently been telling other people [ not me, who runs this shindig ] who have then told me that I need to boot it up earlier so the sneaky sneaky european folks can get in and have fun, too.


We're also going to try something crazy and impose a cutoff time. 12am PST. Be there or be square, fellows!

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Just a heads up, another bar night coming up this Sunday.. Opening early! 4pm PST... For the europeans, since people have apparently been telling other people [ not me, who runs this shindig ] who have then told me that I need to boot it up earlier so the sneaky sneaky european folks can get in and have fun, too.


We're also going to try something crazy and impose a cutoff time. 12pm PST. Be there or be square, fellows!


i hope you mean 12am (midnight)... 12 pm would be noon the next day... ;-)


I'll update this sunday's times on the calendar. maybe one of these days I'll actually be able to swing by.

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