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New Ul'dah guard jobber in need of partner

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Syzrael has recently taken up a position as a part time guard in the Quicksand and I think it would be awesome to find her a partner or mentor. She's not a big fighter and it's just a paycheck to her but over time she may value her work.  Check her RPC wiki for more info! 


I'm usually only free during the day on most weekdays, EDT.

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Take it from me: Standing around in the Quicksand and butting into RP as a cop-like figure can definitely take you places!


Here's a link to that wiki if anyone was curious!

Yes as well as pissing off the RP community and being flat out ignored.


"Walk ups welcomed"

You're inviting people to come and RP with you. This can also mean an authority figure can just walk up and say "Hey, don't do that."


It really depends on how the person is OOCly and how they choose to react ICly. Either it will lead to a small conflict, or the situation will remain calm and either the party that was told to stop will leave, or just leave it alone.


Guess the only gamble is going into an RP with someone not having "walk ups welcomed" or whatever.


I think this is a good idea, I just don't go to the QS very often. >.<


EDIT: Nice Roe. :)

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Take it from me: Standing around in the Quicksand and butting into RP as a cop-like figure can definitely take you places!


Here's a link to that wiki if anyone was curious!

Yes as well as pissing off the RP community and being flat out ignored.


Only if you're shit at it. A lot of people are very open to someone joining them as long as they don't try to throw imaginary authority at scenes they aren't a part of.


"Hey, is there a problem here?" goes a lot further than "HEY STOP OR I'LL ARREST YOU."

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Take it from me: Standing around in the Quicksand and butting into RP as a cop-like figure can definitely take you places!


Here's a link to that wiki if anyone was curious!

Yes as well as pissing off the RP community and being flat out ignored.


Only if you're shit at it. A lot of people are very open to someone joining them as long as they don't try to throw imaginary authority at scenes they aren't a part of.


"Hey, is there a problem here?" goes a lot further than "HEY STOP OR I'LL ARREST YOU."

Thanks for making a link! I'm posting on my phone from work which is a struggle. Too many RPers think that can attack or bully other characters right in public and that nobody should bother them and there's no NPC guards in Ul'dah. It makes it unsafe for nonviolent characters that don't want to just blacklist everyone they don't like.  It's good to have someone around to stick up for people.

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Thanks for making a link! I'm posting on my phone from work which is a struggle. Too many RPers think that can attack or bully other characters right in public and that nobody should bother them and there's no NPC guards in Ul'dah. It makes it unsafe for nonviolent characters that don't want to just blacklist everyone they don't like.  It's good to have someone around to stick up for people.



Yes but... remember, that bullying may be part of a plotline. Probably best to send a tell asking if they mind security stepping in. ^^

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Thanks for making a link! I'm posting on my phone from work which is a struggle. Too many RPers think that can attack or bully other characters right in public and that nobody should bother them and there's no NPC guards in Ul'dah. It makes it unsafe for nonviolent characters that don't want to just blacklist everyone they don't like.  It's good to have someone around to stick up for people.


Absolutely! It's one of the amazing things that happens on this server: People tend to be incredibly respectful if people attempt to play peacemaker. Emphasis on peace obviously, but for the most part I've found folks willing to play along if somebody rolls up to even odds or something.


My only advice is to be polite about it! As mentioned above, feigned authority will more than likely get people to ignore your responses. Anyone playing a bouncer, cop or military person is only given as much authority as the other people in the scene will allow, and it's much more amenable to not come out swinging with the handcuffs and/or taser.


Maybe we'll run into each other someday!

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Thanks for making a link! I'm posting on my phone from work which is a struggle. Too many RPers think that can attack or bully other characters right in public and that nobody should bother them and there's no NPC guards in Ul'dah. It makes it unsafe for nonviolent characters that don't want to just blacklist everyone they don't like.  It's good to have someone around to stick up for people.



Yes but... remember, that bullying may be part of a plotline. Probably best to send a tell asking if they mind security stepping in. ^^

Walk-ups Welcome means Walk ups welcome.  Most people mean it when they have it. If you dont want people possibly entering the scene, dont rp in a public place.

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I agree with you on that Warren.  Never jumped into an rp without sending a pm.  But seen a few people, mostly in QS, flip out before when someone randomly joined in; meanwhile it -did- say in their search info walk-ups welcome.


Just saying if you dont want it, take it out of your search info.

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Alright, so I RP a Flame officer, who are the Ul'dahn standing army and not city guard. Whenever Kale sees something egregiously bad in the Quicksand, he tends to go "WHAT THE BLOODY HELLS" rather than "STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM" (again, he's not a lawman). Saying "what the bloody hells" can be done by any character, after all, it's just Kale's position as an agent of the state compels him to show an interest. 


Of course, Kale might attempt to verbally try to simmer things down and remind people that the Brass Blades are just around the corner (though I am confident they don't care for your regular bar brawls). The biggest thing is to not engage in denial, or outright try to shut down an RP conflict; as it was pointed out, it might be part of a plot (though I question the wisdom of doing such a thing in a public place).


Overall, if someone decides to RP a fight in a public RP hub, everyone reserves the full right to engage with it, but nobody has any right to attempt to shut it down WITHOUT a consensus (I like to send a /tell if I reckon my char might respond in a way to try and shut it down).

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I roleplay a Paladin in service of the Sultansworn. She frequently strolls through the ''lower parts'' of Ul'dah and certainly makes her presence known if something is amiss. She doesn't directly involve herself in hunting criminals or keeping the peace outside of Sultansworn controlled areas, but she's still a Paladin, so she won't stand for injustice or lets a nasty situation get out of hand simply because the authority first falls to the Brass Blades.


There is a severe lack of guard-like roleplay so this is a very welcoming change!

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