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What's your character fighting style?


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Verdant Field's fighting style has always capitalized very heavily on her size and strength. Being 8'2", she's tall and muscular even for a Roegadyn, and that means that sharp movements are comparatively costly for her to make. It's more energy-efficient for her to go for power blows, seeking to crush her enemy with sheer force rather than trying to get fancy with it. She prefers to fight with an axe, as the long handle provides excellent leverage for her physical power, but she knows how to use a sword and shield in a pinch.


She has had very little formal training, and thus her attacks and defense are wild and unrefined to the point of recklessness. A good comparison might be Mugen from Samurai Champloo, or Nightmare from Soul Calibur; talented and powerful, but unguided and rendered somewhat inefficient from the lack of structure form provides, as well as being light on defense.

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Rin'li is a big fan of swiftcast into a sleep spell and then running away. ~


If that's not an option, being a mage, he'd try his best to stay at a distance from his foe, using a combination of binding/slowing spells and trying to blow them up as quickly as possible. All the while, he'd likely be panicking and trying to remember all those incantations he studied and read about but never actually put into practice.

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Sometimes Clo swings the greatsword, sometimes the sword swings her. While strong, she is not massive, and so the art of swordsmanship for her is an exercise in the preservation of inertia, minimizing wasted effort, maximizing fluidity and power. Once the thrill of battle takes her, black blood rituals are invoked in the whirling steps between blows, spurring her weapon to strike deeper, withering her enemies.

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  • 2 months later...

Misasae is my lalafell gladiator/paladin. Her fighting style is to barely fight at all, but rather to act as an infuriating fly to her enemies that they would dearly love to squash, so that her allies can do the damage on her behalf. She is acrobatic, loud-mouthed, and fights dirtier than the scummiest of pirates, thinking nothing of kicking someone in the crotch and laughing infuriatingly as she makes a run for it, if it gives her allies the chance they need to stick an arrow in their back. It makes her a good tank, but being not all that physically strong or having much reach, she would be in trouble if her allies were taken out or her enemies actually landed an unblocked hit on her.

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  • 4 months later...

I was tossing this around quite a bit when creating Jarrett. Initially I wanted his main class to be Dark Knight, but as I developed the character more the Paladin felt more suitable! As such I was trying to balance realism vs fantasy and erred on the side of fantasy, this being a vidjya game and all ;D


With that said, his fighting style is inspired by Brad Pitt's Achilles in Troy and by the Spartans in 300. He earned his surname Surefoot because his stances are usually low and wide. Transitioning his weight between stances and quickly shifting his feet gives him mobility without sacrificing stability. This also makes it very difficult to knock him off his feet. Not that it's never happened, though!


His sword and shield are in constant, fluid motion, which often gives the illusion of fast reaction times. Instead, it was simply a matter of either blade or shield already moving in that direction, so it is a small matter of slightly shifting to intercept and redirect the incoming strike. When going on the offensive, he uses his whole body as a weapon. He will punch out with the shield; slash and stab with the sword; he will also utilize all sorts of kicks, mostly to his enemy's legs to slow them down and break their footwork. If he's close enough he'll also throw in a headbutt or two.

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Improvisation, ultimately.


This is more of a preference of myself as a player, but I like doing creative and out of the box things when it comes to combat.  Grabbing a tea kettle full of hot tea and slapping someone in the face with it, using a book to block a sword attack... things like that.


I dunno why, but I've always enjoyed combat that was "use whatever is available and use your own weapons as a last resort".

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2 hours ago, Zeris said:

Improvisation, ultimately.


This is more of a preference of myself as a player, but I like doing creative and out of the box things when it comes to combat.  Grabbing a tea kettle full of hot tea and slapping someone in the face with it, using a book to block a sword attack... things like that.


I dunno why, but I've always enjoyed combat that was "use whatever is available and use your own weapons as a last resort".

Ah, the Jackie Chan method.

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