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Anybody play on Mac? Also hi

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Hi hello, I've wanted to play FFXIV and have been more or less following it since its initial failed launch attempt, but unfortunately I have a Mac. And it got launched on Mac forever ago but was pulled I heard? Due to bugs or something. But today I popped open the website for no reason and noticed its downloadable on Mac again.So I was wondering if anyone plays on Mac, and how it is? I don't want to buy it if it's a buggy mess again. There's only a PC demo from what I've seen

I love FF and I love rp and I love cat people so I'd like to play, haha. I do know I'll have to find my way into Balmung, but any other noob info about the rp would be appreciated


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I play on a Mac, but play the Windows version of the game through Bootcamp. It seems to work rather well. Certainly better than potential headaches from the Mac version.


Cat people are awesome. Miqo'te FTW!

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Hi there! I've played the Mac version since its initial launch, and oddly enough, I've never had any major issues. It will run with Bootcamp, but it's kind of a pain, and it takes up space, so I'd def go with the Mac version.


Though if you don't wanna risk it, don't forget you can also play FFXIV on the Playstation, if that's available to you.

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The Mac version is basically a proprietary version of Wineskin, which uses the Wine project here.




Because it's basically converting all the Windows functions into something a Mac can do, there can be times when the game is not very optimized. Unless you have a reasonably new Mac with a dedicated graphics card in it, you probably will not be getting amazing performance out of the game. (Also, don't play in native retina resolution unless you want to have a bad time).


If you can, I'd say Bootcamp is the way to go. You'll get much better performance out of the game. Or if you're comfortable with running command line programs, I'd say just give Wine a try. The version compiled for Macs should include all the tools to set up the environment, and it'll run about as well as the "real" Mac version.


But if you've got the license key to spare, or already bought it, then I'd say give the Mac version a shot. ...it can have some quirks, but it should be fully playable.

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Unless you have a reasonably new Mac with a dedicated graphics card in it, you probably will not be getting amazing performance out of the game. 

This. I play on a mac, but it's older and just barely under SE's recommended specs, so I crash a lot and have to play on a super-low resolution. If your mac is new and above the recommended specs, you'll probably be fine.


I love my mac, but they're just not gaming machines.


Anyway, the RP is great, and I personally love the game's story as well, so it's well worth it IMO.

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Ooh okay thanks guys!!!

I do have a newer Mac and I do also have boot camp, but I refrain from buying PC things on it because it's a pain in the ass.

So it should work fine on my Mac, not optimized of course, but I believe Guild Wars 2 Mac functions the same way and I've never had any problems running it.

My only issue is that the only Mac option is the $60 original game/heavensward combo download, $60 plus the cost of transferring to Balmung, because I've heard it's impossible to get in without dishing out money. So expect a making connections thread from me in the near future when I finally succumb.

Though I do have a question: is purchasing the game linked to your account? For example, could I purchase the core game on PC but also download the Mac version later using the same account, with the core game unlocked? Or something? Idk I'm cheap and poor.

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Though I do have a question: is purchasing the game linked to your account? For example, could I purchase the core game on PC but also download the Mac version later using the same account, with the core game unlocked? Or something? Idk I'm cheap and poor.


Game codes are exclusive to whichever machine you bought them for. It's not the most ideal situation, but you need a license for every separate method you want to access the game from.


To further cause headaches, the PC version is NOT the Steam version, so you that means there's licenses for Mac/PC/Steam/PS3/PS4.

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The way Square Enix handles the service is weird.


There are two distinctions: Service and Platform.


All users need to buy service to play that game. That's the monthy fee/timecard.


In order to access the game, you need to buy it for that platform and register it to your service account.


So If you had a service account and bought the game for both Mac and PC, you could hop between them. If you only have the Mac version, it'll only let you login on other Macs. The same as if you were mixing with PS3 and PS4. SE shows this with a little image now, when you look at your MogStation account. (Because someone might only have PS3 access for 2.0 and PC access for everything).

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