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[NSFW] Sexuality in Eorzea

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[align=center]Sexuality in Eorzea[/align]

[align=center]and Beyond[/align]



After oddly enough a discussion about sexuality in Eorzea, I figured, we don’t have anything of this yet. So I presents; The lore you never/always wanted!


Due to the nature of the topic, I’m tagging this as NSFW. Bare with me as some terms are not described the politically correct way as I’m sometimes quoting NPCs. While certain topics may be highly sexual, others are more about courtship, love and relationships. But mostly they are about sex. Keep in mind some topics may or may not be uncomfortable for certain people.



[align=center]There will be mentions of sexual abuse, slavery, non-con and fetishes of various tastes.

You have been warned.[/align]





[align=center][align=left]PS: This isn't done yet, but I hope to finish it up one of these days! Eventually I hope to add love and courting in more detail to this as well.




Ala Mhigans and Sexual Abuse

Ala Mhigo’s Sacking/Sexual Abuse by the Garleans


Costa del Sol Sexworkers/Entertainers

Female on Male Abuse

Gold Saucer Bunny Girls


Ishgard’s Naughty Pictures

Ishgardian Jewels and Implications of Them

Mamool Ja Dances

Miner’s Guild 1.0 Sexworkers



Polyandry and Polygamy

Roegadyn’s Golden Scepter

Selective Breeding

Sexual Slavery in Sastasha

Subligars and Adoration of Physical Finesse


- Crotch rot

- Kissing Disease

Traditional Role Reversal


- Miqo’te Sunseekers

- Miqo’te Moonkeepers

Xaela Tribes

- Bayaqud

- Borlaaq

- Olkund

- Dazkar

- Goro







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Ala Mhigans and Sexual Abuse

In the MSQ one Ala Mhigan woman wanders too close to the Corpse Brigade. It is heavily implied she got to endure the Corpse Brigade in numbers without any consent on her part, given she speaks of humiliating her, and crying her eyes out in the meantime.


Also, the Corpse Brigade leader, Milleuda the Slitter, is a woman. Heavily implying that women have no qualms endorsing these measures as well in Eorzea. But more about that further down the post.


"I was out foraging...when the Corpse Brigade came... They took me to their hideout...and they...they... "


"What those animals did to Bertliana is unforgivable! And to think they look down on us!"





Ala Mhigo’s Sacking/Sexual Abuse by the Garleans


Arenvald is a half-Highlander/Garlean. His mother left him after she couldn’t bear the sight of him any longer due to his heritage. Cid Garlond defected partly due to the atrocities being committed in Ala Mhigo. Apparently it is very common for sacked cities to face such things, and the Garleans are certainly not afraid to get their hands dirty either to terrorize the population.


“Everyone knows what happens when a city is sacked, even if the bards choose to omit that part. But Arenvald shouldn't be pitied. Boys like him have a clean slate, an opportunity to write their own story, free of the ties that bind the common man.”







Brothels in Ul’dah and Limsa seem to be a common, and accepted thing. However Limsa is unique in the fact they have their brothels on ships, dubbed pleasure barges.


Those in Ul’dah, known as pillowhouses, appear to be slightly expensive.


“And here, I'll give ye this as well. Ain't worth a night in Ul'dah's finest pillowhouse, but I'm sure ye'll find a use for it.”


The pleasure barges however can be quite shifty as evidence provided by the Astrologian quest, and sexual slavery does seem to happen. Pretty pale skinned woman often end up on the barges one claims. Maybe a preference of women in Limsa’s pleasure barges? Who knows.


“Ah, feisty. We'll fetch a fine price for that one from the pleasure barge captains.”









Costa del Sol Sexworkers/Entertainers


Adult entertaining and the like seem to be serious business in Costa del Sol. From sexworkers, to dancers, Master Gegeruju, the Ul’dahn owner, takes care of all for people visiting his tropical resort. There’s all sorts of races to be found, but miqo’te are surely outnumbering most of the other women to be found.


Aismurl Goldmember gets a courtesan gifted on Gegeruju’s behalf. So giving women as reward doesn’t seem to be unheard of in Eorzea.


As far as I can tell the women here seem to be rather content with their profession and get paid well for their services. In general, the women here are very free-spirited and independent.














Female on Male Abuse


While we all have a laugh about what happens over at the Sanguine Siren outpost in Limsa, the woman make very clear that men are good for only one thing: bedding them. However a thing people seem to miss often is one poor midlander man who gets forced to eat more oysters, and claims he doesn’t want to any more, while the Siren with him keeps forcing it upon him. We don’t know if she actually pushes him beyond that, but given the stance of the Sirens on men, it is highly likely.


As well there are plenty of female pirates in the Sastasha dungeon as well. Perhaps pirates have an unspoken culture of taking what they can get away with? Who knows. In any case, for the better or worse, Square Enix is very equal in terms of who faces abuse. The two male midlander NPCs in the tavern, the Missing Member, don’t look too happy either.


Also, the Corpse Brigade leader is FEMALE, who probably endorsed the abuse of an Ala Mhigan woman.


“The Sirens don't 'ave time for men, unless they's warmin' our beds.”


“I'm not giving you a choice. Get this boy another plate of Oysters! “

“I don't think I can bear another night.”   






Gold Saucer Bunny Girls


While being an obvious reference to the Playboy bunnies, the ladies in the Gold Saucer there as eye candy besides from friendly flirting. The ‘worst’ we’ve seen is them asking MGP for a kiss. Besides that they simply seem to be flirting their way around, serving drinks and food, and making sure everyone has a jolly good time.







In the Whitebrim outpost, there is a knight who invites his squire into his bed. They are both very much men. Also we have a couple, who are both men, involved with unlocking Wanderer’s Palace. ‘Thankfully’ no one has qualms with their sexuality, but yet they bring up issues with their race and the fact they are romantically engaged. As well, the women in the miner’s guild in 1.0 didn’t care much whether you were male or female.


Nor did Haurcefant care about your gender as the WoL.


The U tribe has a bunch of Miqo’te bathing, and seem to be rather flirty if are female.


Your companion in 1.0, if you picked the Miqo’te, was probably bisexual.





Ishgard and Sexual Abuse


In the 30 quest, you save a woman from unjustly being accused by the Temple Knights. They were planning to do horrendous things to the lady in question, but the Warrior or Light thankfully intervenes in time.


It sadly enough appeared to be a common thing. Women could make it back provided they didn't fight it (and presumably kept quiet about it).


Why are the pretty ones always so daft...


But my granddaughter, she started yelling at the Temple Knight─and I tried to stop her, I did! But then he said she had to come with him, and...and if I could just tell him how sorry I am, maybe...maybe he would...


(-Weary Young Man-)...Ain't the first time they've taken a girl her age. If she doesn't fight back, they might let her go after...


Assuming they didn't just drag her into an alley, they've taken her to either the Congregation or the Tribunal.





Ishgard’s Naughty Pictures


While they don’t go into detail, the picture in question is described as.


“An oil painting depicting the Fury helmed and astride a dragon.”


What gets you this reply in your questlog. We say no more.


“Emerissel is curious why you give him such strange looks—that is, until he sees the package. One glimpse of the painting wrapped inside sends him into the throes of a strange euphoric experience, ranting about renewed religious fervor. He soon regains his composure and asks you to keep this all secret. However, you cannot shake the feeling that you have done something terribly wrong.”   






Ishgardian Jewels and Implications of Them


Whereas other city-states appear to be more open regarding this subject, Ishgard holds a strict rule upon it's women. Women are meant to keep themselves chaste and pure. This is shown off with wearing peridot. If a woman does not wear this particular gem, she is to be mistrusted in the eyes of other Ishgardians.

Although, not entirely unexpected,  noble women have found their way to show off their supposed purity, yet mean a very different thing with it – oversized gems being the way to appear suggestive instead of chaste, while keeping oneself to what society deems proper.

Pure as peridot” is a saying used by the Ishgardians on this matter.






Mamool Ja Dances


The Mamool Ja have a dance apparently making even the worst of pirates capable of blushing. We say no more.


Also, they are peeping toms.






Miner’s Guild 1.0 Sexworkers


In 1.0 Ul’dah’s miner guild had an abundance of miqo’te women who were to bed you, regardless of race and gender. One of the miqo’te dialogue does seem to change on your gender, pointing out that homosexuality once more is no issue.







Eorzea is not a stranger to having corpses used for such purposes.


“The body of this poor soul has been defiled in more ways than one. “








1.0 was very colourful in describing the use of earrings for piercing the more sensitive parts of the body, on men and women alike. This is a common theme to be found in Ul’dah’s brothels according to the leve in question.





Polyandry and Polygamy


An au ra tribe, the Bayaqud, are known to take several husbands! Also whereas Nuhn don’t seem to marry their women, we do know as the breeding males they bed several of their tribe members. Taking more then one mate seems to be a rather tribal thing in Eorzea so far.


“A tribe of the steppe’s western edges. Women from the Bayaqud tribe will traditionally take several husbands, as did the tribe's founding matron 2000 years ago.”






Roegadyn’s Golden Scepter


Without further ado, I present to you to talk of gold member ingame.  I’m really not sure what they are exactly talking about, but one friend swear that they are talking about the size, while the other claims about possible adornments. Unless we can pull the pants of the good man in question, it shall forever be a mystery.


“Is it true what they say about Sea Wolves?”

“And your gilded scepters?”

“Why don’t you find out?”






Selective Breeding


While we don’t see any direction mentions of it beyond the au ra tribe, the Olkund, FFXIV isn’t shy of throwing in selective breeding being a thing in the tribes of the au ra. Who knows it may have been a thing for the other races as well?


“Selective breeding has seen the average height of the central steppe-dwelling Olkund tribe males reach over two and a half yalms. The females, for whatever reason, remain of an average height.”





Sexual Slavery in Sastasha


In the first ever dungeon you get, Sastasha, if you go to the additional rooms, you will find a lot of women locked up, who are relieved to see you freeing them, echoing something along the lines “This nightmare is finally over.” Another NPC claims to still have her virtue unlike others NPCs. While they don’t spell it out directly, it is very likely that these women were kept as sex slaves by the pirates.


“Slit them between the legs! Every last one of them!”


“Mother… Father… what did I do to deserve this!?”   


“I'm not one of them! I swear it on what little remains of my virtue!”







Subligars and Adoration of Physical Finesse



In one leve and word from God himself, Ishgardians adore the bodies of gladiators to the point of them importing their outfits to be used in the bedroom. Ishgardians really seem to worship the body type psychical fit people achieved. And they are probably just kinky and like leathery things next to that.


Although Ul’dahn crowd seems far from shy from swooning over fit men either, and their management ensuring that they are dressed properly for the occasion as well.









Crotch rot


Crotch rot is a STD mentioned The Golden Bazaar. One unfortunate midlander man seemed to have caught it from two midlander women standing just a little bit ahead, blowing kisses at him while he seems to be quite angry about the situation. When you pass the two women in question, they still offer to bed you for coin.


“Stay clear from them two. Gave me the Crotch rot, they did!”

“Here by your Lonesome? “

“Might be that we could fix that...For a price. “                                                                       






Kissing Disease


House Valentoine seems to be rather involved spreading this disease through Ishgard. We all know House Valentoine is known for their involvement with the valentine quests, and have a long history with love and courtship. The disease itself is just a nasty cough.






Traditional Role Reversal


The Dazkar are known for having their men take care of the household tasks, and the females go hunt instead.


“Household duties such as cooking, cleaning, and childrearing are handled by the males of the Dazkar who, other than when on the move, rarely ever leave their family's yurts. Female Dazkar are tasked with hunting, and are known across the steppe as being some of the most accurate archers in the realm.”




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[align=center]Race/Tribe Specific Index[/align]






Miqo’te Sunseekers


While this is a topic the community has various opinion on, I’m going to keep this short and simple. There are more in depth posts around this.


“Males do not take family names, as they are each considered the ‘origins’ of new families. In place of a family name, they are given a title that denotes their tribe, and their position within it. For a male Seeker of the Sun, there are only two positions available—breeding males (nunh – pronounced ‘noon’) and all others (tia – pronounced ‘tea-ah’). All males are born as tia. At any time in their lives, a tia can challenge the tribe nunh to battle. If the tia is victorious, he takes the nunh’s place as tribe breeding male (until he is challenged and defeated), and the nunh becomes a tia once again (if he survives the ordeal). This is done to ensure that the tribe’s offspring are of the finest stock. Depending on its size, a tribe may have multiple nunh (a ratio of one nunh per ten to fifty females is average).


There is only one other way a tia can become a nunh, and that is to leave his tribe, and start his own. This, of course, requires several females to accomplish, and most female Seekers of the Sun are rarely impressed by a male who cannot defeat a nunh.


Nunh status does not equate to leadership within a tribe, and in fact, very few nunh ever become leaders.”





Miqo’te Moonkeepers


Yet another topic of various opinions within the community. I’m going to quote the basics, in depth posts can be found elsewhere I’m certain. However it is still worth pointing out that the Coeurlclaw King is one Keeper with many women.


“Unlike the Seekers of the Sun, the Keepers of the Moon is a highly matriarchal society, with family names passed down from the mother, not the father. It is said that some of these surnames have survived since the First Astral Era.


The Keepers of the Moon lead more solitary lives, rarely forming communities of more than two or three families. Therefore, a tribal letter is not assigned to the names.


The matriarchal strength is further displayed by the fact that female first names are short, one/two syllable constructions that closely resemble names used by male Seekers of the Sun.


Though there are ten suffixes listed above, rarely do even the largest Keeper of the Moon families have more than two or three sons. This is not by choice. Nature merely sees to it that more females are born to this race.”






Xaela Tribes







A Xaela tribe were polyandry seems common place!


“A tribe of the steppe’s western edges. Women from the Bayaqud tribe will traditionally take several husbands, as did the tribe's founding matron 2000 years ago.”




Know to still mate with outsider tribes, the tribe itself only exists out of women and male children under a year old.


“A tribe of all women. While breeding with men from other tribes is allowed, if a male is born into the tribe, he is given up within a year of birth.”





A tribe who is known for breeding selectively.


“Selective breeding has seen the average height of the central steppe-dwelling Olkund tribe males reach over two and a half yalms. The females, for whatever reason, remain of an average height.”





A tribe who turns things around from the heteronormative standards. The men take care of the household whereas the woman are renown hunters.


“Household duties such as cooking, cleaning, and childrearing are handled by the males of the Dazkar who, other than when on the move, rarely ever leave their family's yurts. Female Dazkar are tasked with hunting, and are known across the steppe as being some of the most accurate archers in the realm.”




Infamous among the roleplay community due to various interesting theory crafts surrounding this time. You can surely make your own up no doubt.


“The Goro believe horses to be perfect beings, and each male and female, upon their coming of age, is married to a horse of the opposite sex. Reproductive mates are chosen by lots.’”


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For the Homosexuality and Necrophillia sections I should point out two things


  1. The people that ask you to defend the Tonberries form the Mamool Ja seem to be a Gay Couple, who face bigotry. Not homophobia like one would expect, but racism (Specifiably opposition to mixed couples).
  2. Edda's entire character arc, is either Necrophillic or Necromantic. Given her (granted, likely inflected) obsession with reviving Avere as a zombie head.

That is all I'm gonna say about it. If you didn't want people posting here yet, I apologise

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For the Homosexuality and Necrophillia sections I should point out two things


  1. The people that ask you to defend the Tonberries form the Mamool Ja seem to be a Gay Couple, who face bigotry. Not homophobia like one would expect, but racism (Specifiably opposition to mixed couples).
  2. Edda's entire character arc, is either Necrophillic or Necromantic. Given her (granted, likely inflected) obsession with reviving Avere as a zombie head.

That is all I'm gonna say about it. If you didn't want people posting here yet, I apologise

I got the tonberry part covered that people don't care about their sexuality, but dislike them for their coupling being that of a 'race issue'. Being gay is okay in Eorzea, just not when you are doing the horizontal tango with another race. (Counts for straight couples as well. Interracial sexy time can be met with hostility.)


And yeah, you make a good point. Although I'd pray that is more necromantic of nature then flat out necrophilia. But something to add for certain! Thank you.

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I also suggest including some information from that one Post Moogle quest involving the Keeper clan. :D Basically the gist was male Keepers being nomadic, traveling and stopping to spend time with clans and father some children, then moving on and leaving the women to raise the kids. I think it might have been that same quest that also implied something about Wood Wailers often raping the Keeper women in the Twelveswood? Not sure about that one, though.


On a somewhat related note, do we have any information about Coeurlclaw tribe? I thought it was strange for a Keeper clan that they were represented as having a male leader in that one FATE.


And though not exactly selective breeding, I think that's pretty much the idea behind the Nunhs of Seeker tribes--the strongest male of the tribe siring its children and the weaker men not allowed to pass on their genes.

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In the Post Moogle quest there is some explanation about the Couerlclaw King.


The sister of the Couerlclaw woman says it is despicable for a male to try and lead in that fashion and call himself a King. From what I understood, the King actually preyed on vulnerable women and made them feel as if they were important to him to boost their self esteem in order to get them to do what he wished of them. That he'd be the only one to accept them. Stereotypical mental abuse. Because the Couerlclaw sister actually believes it and doesn't run away with her sister after he confronts her.

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I think it might have been that same quest that also implied something about Wood Wailers often raping the Keeper women in the Twelveswood? Not sure about that one' date=' though.[/quote']


That's quite a stretch even if it's totally possible. What the quest shows is wood wailers stumbling on the Coeurlclaw sister (Ufra Lizheh), knowing perfectly that she is wanted by the gridanian authorities and is a criminal, and the elezen one (always the elezen!) mocks her a little and says "Now keep your feet apart and..." and the quest leaves it at that. It's obvious that he was going to search her, but then it's only speculation on what could have happened. Sexual abuse, sure, rape though... That's another story.


In short it hints at possibilities, but not certainties. Especially since here it's about the "Thornless Rose/Lady Touch-Me-Not", a gridanian criminal and Coeurlclaw, not just your average poacher.


It is true though that the elezen also says before "If it was up to me we would just kill you all Keepers and then let the Twelve sort out the bad apples from the lot".



On a somewhat related note' date=' do we have any information about Coeurlclaw tribe? I thought it was strange for a Keeper clan that they were represented as having a male leader in that one FATE.[/quote']


See here


And though not exactly selective breeding, I think that's pretty much the idea behind the Nunhs of Seeker tribes--the strongest male of the tribe siring its children and the weaker men not allowed to pass on their genes.


It is, but at the same time there is a whole good dose of paternalistic hypocrisy here. If selective breeding was truly at the heart of the matter here, then they would also take the alpha women, since, you know, women pass 50% of their genes in the process too. So to me it's probably also a lot more to do with that harem thing.


In short, it's half selective breeding only.


As a sidenote to me, selective breeding is often equated to eugenism in our minds, but nature itself makes it so for every race. Partners with the best attributes often get a way easier way to find mates, and it's also true in our modern society, even if less so.

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