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Seeking friends and contacts!

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Due to having tried the method of sitting in the quicksand to find what it was I was looking for, and getting no progress. I have created one of these threads before, a year ago, and have met some rather interesting people and some fun characters. Because of some unfortunate  yet understandable events (end of subscriptions, hiatus, interest in other games, irl issues) I have lost contact with some of the people whom I have had my characters have the pleasure of meeting. however, there are some who are still around and like me they wish to increase their rp friend base. So now I am trying my hand at this once more, in hopes that I will have the same luck of meeting more interesting characters and the people who are behind said characters. I am pretty much looking for anything to be honest, Rping LS, people to run things with oocly etc. 

I am in the Est timezone and I am mostly on and available during the afternoon to evenings and so on. With that said I suppose I should get to introducing my characters! Mind you they are all Freelancers, but dabble in other things!



[align=center]Amarakuro Loivissa (Amarak Malaguld)[/align]


[align=center]One of my older character who I use to rp with quite often, however I have no had the opportunity to rp with him much. In order to fix that I had attempted to revamp his story all over again again, from scratch. He is somewhat of a work in progress but for the most part, in terms of backstory, everything has already been revamped. I am hoping to get the opportunity to rp with him more.[/align]


[align=center]Amarakuro (Amarak or Amara for short he doesn't mind which one he's called) is my stubborn yet caring Xeala from the Malaguld tribe. After an unfortunate incident during a hunt in which he had lost a close friend, and brother, he left his tribe and the steppes of Othard and came to Eorzea in order to escape his shame that he felt. Amara now travels the realm as a freelancer and adventurer, during his travels he has learned a many of new things about the people of the land, but is intent or learning more. Despite the history between the people of Ishgard and the Au Ra/Auri, Amara has done some freelance working in Ishgard, having fought a small group of heretics from time to time, for one of the families that served the high houses. [/align]



[align=center]Kaiden Fortessa[/align]


[align=center]I suppose I can say that Kaiden is a new character of mine, but not too new. I have been rping with him quite a lot and working out his story as I've done so. So far, he has met a few interesting people, but I hope to have him meet more.[/align]



[align=center]Kaiden is of mixed blood, being half Elezen and half Hyuran. With his physical appearance being that of a midlander a bit with small pointed Elezen ears (Think Hilda, if you would). His family hails from Ishgard but after falsely being branded as Heretics, fled the country and relocated to Gridania. For most of his childhood Kaiden had not be told about the land of his birth and instead was led to believe that Gridania was where he was born, thus, he embraced the teachings of the Gridanians, learning of the elements among many other things.  It was not until he reached his teens that he learned about his true birthplace, however, he was never told why his family fled nor was he told of Ishgardian ways. [/align]



[align=center]Daurion Vaulgard[/align]


[align=center]Another one of my characters who is of mixed blood, and another one of my older characters. I have recently started getting back into using Daurion after having found a purpose for him once more. [/align]



[align=center]Daurion is my laid-back, carefree half Garlean and half Doman. He was born and raised in a small town in Othard, thus meaning he was raised under imperial rule. He even served the Garlean Empire during his teen years, along side several other teens who were drafted in the service of the Emperor. For a while he worked as a scout, something his father, who was a pure Garlean, did not approve of. Eventually he and a few members of his home town managed to escape to Eorzea, where they lived as Nomads until catching word of Eorzean alliance. Though he was well trained he was prohibited from taking part in the battle of carteneau. After the battle and learning of his fathers demise he took care of his mother who fallen into depression. While in Ul'dah he met a Lalafell who offered him and his mother refuge in turn for their services, he worked as the woman's retainer and even formed a brother-sister bond with her. After his service he was allowed to venture out into the world in order to see more of Eorzea, all the while learning new things.[/align]


[align=center]If any of these characters interest feel free to PM here, there is a chance that we can work something out or even plan something. You can also shoot me a tell ingame, whichever one is best for you! Naturally, I am an open minded person and I'm up for anything that may prove to be fun and interesting, and will increase my circle of rping friends. I am looking for a number of things from my characters, friends/rivals, contacts/clients, antagonist, flings. I check the site often, so it might be quicker to shoot me a pm, or just leave any details about your character, and I will contact you ingame.[/align]

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I am kind of in the same boat as you. A lot of my friends who I usually run things with have gotten a little bored and quit for a while and I've been a bit lonely.


I am also on EST time so it makes contact a bit more convenient. 

Here is a brief introduction to my characters. If you are interested in either, let me know ^_^.


Gloria Wilde (Erel):










Gloria Wilde is my antagonist character. She is a Voidsent (Erel) soul inhabiting the body of a Doman woman who fell ill and passed. Prior to that, she was expelled from another of my characters and trapped into a wind up doll. 

She's aching for a little payback and will use anyone to further her motives. 




Ari Kagon:  






Ari is very sweet, very book smart, and very naive at times. She LOVES books and learning. Ari is an apprentice Scholar and former Astrologian understudy as she is interested in learning everything about everything. If you are interested in intelligent conversation, this is your gal! Word of caution: don't let her drink even the smallest bit of alcohol, unless you want a tipsy mess on your hands. 

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Hey there, Nero!


My FC-mates and I are having an open-air sort of RP night in Revenant's Toll later today (Thursday, August 25th) at 8pm Eastern if you'd like to swing by!  


We aren't a very big FC, so hopefully it won't be too overwhelming and you can find some people to connect with.  Feel free to look me up in-game or add me to your Friends List!

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Raeje Draeka the Xaela is always open to new friendships








Raeje is a bard, she performs wherever possible, but you can often see her at the Sunny Seaside Bar. She tries to attend A Night at the Cliffs, but has only actually been to one ((timing issues)). She holds down a full time job at the Gilded Pony Cabaret and Burlesque house as a performer there, where you can catch her performing her poetry. When she's not performing poetry, she's writing poetry. As a result, she knows a lot of people within the company, but only actually has a select few close friends. She doesn't like to truly let people into her heart too quickly because her lover once disappeared (( got captured by Garleans)), and so she finds it hard to trust people.

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Hey there, Nero!


My FC-mates and I are having an open-air sort of RP night in Revenant's Toll later today (Thursday, August 25th) at 8pm Eastern if you'd like to swing by!  


We aren't a very big FC, so hopefully it won't be too overwhelming and you can find some people to connect with.  Feel free to look me up in-game or add me to your Friends List!

Unfortunately I was unable to make it to your little gathering, had to tend to some matters irl. So I greatly apologize.

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Raeje Draeka the Xaela is always open to new friendships








Raeje is a bard, she performs wherever possible, but you can often see her at the Sunny Seaside Bar. She tries to attend A Night at the Cliffs, but has only actually been to one ((timing issues)). She holds down a full time job at the Gilded Pony Cabaret and Burlesque house as a performer there, where you can catch her performing her poetry. When she's not performing poetry, she's writing poetry. As a result, she knows a lot of people within the company, but only actually has a select few close friends. She doesn't like to truly let people into her heart too quickly because her lover once disappeared (( got captured by Garleans)), and so she finds it hard to trust people.

Raeje sounds like a interesting character, don't really see many characters who recite and write poems. Singers and dancers among other things but I've yet to have any of my character meet anyone who does poems. ^-^

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[align=center]Amarakuro Loivissa (Amarak Malaguld), Kaiden Fortessa, Daurion Vaulgard[/align]



-throws out a net on all these characters- What do we have in the catch of the day... Oh, such characters!


Are they still looking for new friends? :3

=3 Of course! They are always looking to make new friends! The more friends they make, the better and fun things will be!

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[align=center]Amarakuro Loivissa (Amarak Malaguld), Kaiden Fortessa, Daurion Vaulgard[/align]



-throws out a net on all these characters- What do we have in the catch of the day... Oh, such characters!


Are they still looking for new friends? :3

=3 Of course! They are always looking to make new friends! The more friends they make, the better and fun things will be!


Hooray! :D In that case, bring 'em on by my FC's upcoming tavern night tomorrow (event details) and come say hi and make some friends! We also run a Discord server with a public text chat channel for anybody who can behave themselves and wants to chitchat and coordinate RP and such, the details for which are on our FC page here on the RPC (linked in my sig). Our linkshell in-game is the same way, non-FC folks are welcome as long as they actually use the linkshell (since linkshells have limited capacity we can't keep lurkers, though).

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