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Seeking connections for an interesting miqo'te!

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Heya!  Thanks for taking the time to read this!  I'm pretty sure you've seen me posting a bit- getting help with my character background, banging away at my wiki page (now in some semblance of order), and writing to fill months-old RP prompts- I'm looking forward to meeting some of you out there, hopefully!  But first, a little about me:


- Been role-playing for a long while, been writing fiction for about that same while- have some experience over with WoW, Champions, and a few other games I just tried for a month or two.


- My playtime is usually consistent- usually late afternoon to possibly all night Eastern U.S. time (I work really odd hours...), but I'll play when I get the time, whenever I get it!  If I can't get on for a scheduled play, I'll try to let you know via PM!  You can reach me either in-game or through here- I'll always check here before I go into the game!


- I'm good doing anything from para to multi-para, provided you don't start giving me grief if it takes a few minutes to type up everything; along the same lines, don't expect me to write a multi-paragraph post over something like just opening a door.  Give me something to work with, yeah?  At the same time, it's okay to use a few lines if they'll suffice. Who wants to wait in a tavern?


- There will be times when I just don't feel up for roleplay; but instead want to go stomp on things PvE style until they stop moving.  Please understand that sometimes I just want to go and level and play, yeah?  I'm still not max level, so please bear with me?


- I like pretty much all kinds of RP- one-offs, short term, long-term- but please just make it clear what you're interested in and we can go from there, yeah?  Please be up-front about it; where do you want the story to go? 


- Caleria has an overarching plot planned for her about the loss of her memory and her work to regain it.  This will take a long time, and you don't have to be involved in it if you don't want to be.  Honestly, I'd love if she could find one or more people to help her out- support her, point her in the right direction, maybe give her a talk when she needs it- and if needed, it could happily go both ways- Caleria supports her friends!



Character Overview: Caleria Amih - check the wiki page if you need to know more!


Possible Plot Hooks:


- Casual!  Maybe Caleria is just getting a drink after a long day of working, and you come on over and say hello?


- Working... Caleria's picking up a new line of work, and she could use a teacher.  Maybe you take her underneath your wing?


- Patrolling!  Maybe you're out there and in trouble, somewhere in the Shroud, and Caleria ends up pulling your bacon out of the fire?


- Got an idea of your own?  Let me hear it!  You're part of the story too, yeah?



Notes and Other Stuff:



- I enjoy romantic RP as much as the next person, but let's keep OOC and IC stuff separate, yeah?  If things work out, they work out, if they don't, they don't.  If you're just looking for ERP just because you want ERP, you might look elsewhere, too- not that I'm against it, but it's not the be-all-end-all (I'm also perfectly happy with fades to black, too).   I imagine elezen, miqo'te, hyur and female Au Ra might have decent luck...


- If you'd like to know more about her long-term plot, drop me a message!  I'll tell you what I've got so far, and if you'd like to be part of it, we can work it out!


- I'm hoping someone will take a chance and ask me to be part of their story- maybe it'll be you?

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Always willing to throw my miqo'te at others if they'll have him. I have a pretty shit work schedule, but always down for RP when I'm on. Feel free to poke at me in game or on tumblr if you have one! S'where I check for messages mostly nowadays when it comes to RP. 


Possible Plot Hooks:


- Casual!  Ruen loves drinking, smoking, and just all around enjoying the peace or bustle of time off duty. Certainly could run into him that way~


- Working... Never a problem here! Ruen is a liaison (of sorts) for a company (of sorts) and is always looking for contacts for him and his associate's expanding circle! Whether she's looking for work herself or is need of assistance gathering information or the acquisition of supplies or what not. (might open up some possibilities on her hunt for her past) 



And hell, non-rp-related: if you're still leveling, would love to join up for whatever duties you need help with as well! And if you have any questions or need any help with anything else in game, I would do my best to assist. o7

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I'm coming back after a long break away from the game, so everything is kinda new to me.  And prior to my break I didn't do much in the game but putz around on classes doing fates and such so there are TONS of aspects of the game that I'm a total newbie at.


As far as RP is concerned, I still haven't worked up a Bio or anything (plan to put something together this weekend) but he's currently in the Shroud taking odd jobs here and there trying to make a name for himself as an adventurer so he can get the higher paying work gigs.  Has some natural talent with a weapon and has some training, but is an unknown so is working hard to change that.


I'm CST and on most nights after 6:30/7pm


Would love to meet new people to RP level/dungeon with and help flesh out the character some more and just in general meet new people to do things with.


If this sounds like something of interest to you, feel free to shoot me a PM or shout out in game.

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  • 1 month later...

So that didn't go as planned- many thanks and good feelings towards everyone who answered, even if I ended up pulling an ostrich and shoving my head into the sand that is the MSQ and the crafting system instead of contacting you (thanks, shyness, please go away now, okay?).


So I'm just posting this in case someone out there feels like taking a chance on me as far as roleplaying. I'll be better this time, I promise... :blush:

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So that didn't go as planned- many thanks and good feelings towards everyone who answered, even if I ended up pulling an ostrich and shoving my head into the sand that is the MSQ and the crafting system instead of contacting you (thanks, shyness, please go away now, okay?).


So I'm just posting this in case someone out there feels like taking a chance on me as far as roleplaying. I'll be better this time, I promise... :blush:


My original PM to you here on the boards still stands as an open offer! :D

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Hi there! Being someone with a somewhat odd work sched myself, I know from experience it can be a tad hard to find people to mess around with online at late hours. If I see you in game, I'll be sure to throw a tell your way to see if there is anything we could come up with.


Either way, hope you find some people to run around with soon, mmos are much more enjoyable with some company!

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  • 8 months later...

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