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Shy/Creeping Veteran Newb. HI!


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Well. Um, a little late to the game on this. I've been here for a while but kept forgetting to really post anything, plus with me being an introvert... /muttermumble I suppose I'm a veteran Roleplayer, although lately I've been in a bit of a slump. With that said however...


Hello there! My name is Onini, often I just go by Nini and I am on the server Balmung.


MMO Background: It's not an extensive list. I first came to know the 'MMO' sort of world through MUDs when I was a sophomore in highschool, I didn't have a gaming computer at all back then. Then I migrated to private servers of Ragnarok Online, after that finally died (Having gone back and forth between different servers) I then found out of Tera Online, never roleplayed there since I was more into content at the time. And then when Tera went free to play, it was GW2. Same thing there, until I finally heard of FFXIV again, the previous time being when 1.0 was around I assume. Tried out the Open Beta a little before Official Launch, and I've loved the game ever since. c:


RP Experience: I've actually roleplayed ever since I was about.. eleven or so, mostly writing stories in notebooks and sharing it with my close friends between classes (i.e I'd start with an intro, give it to a friend one period, and then take it back the next to respond to what they wrote). Mind you, being the EVER SKILLFUL writer that I was, I'd always make a chimera of a character of the things I love. To which I cringe looking back to. But that's for another time. After gaining access to the interwebs, it was Hogwarts RP with AOL Messenger, then more Fantasy RPs on YIM, and then Gaia Online... and then FINALLY FFXIV! Huzzah! With more exchanging notebook in between during high school. /cough


Character Ideas/Info: Oh boy. WELP. Currently, my pride and joy is Onini Nini, my cranky Dunesfolk (Void)mage suffering insomnia and who can be a little loopy from her head being too stuck in the dark too long. She's much darker than some of my previous characters, and took a great deal a care in compiling her background to make it consistent. I still find myself tweaking stuff here and there the more Lore I learn (The Lore book = WANT). 


Roleplayer I aim to be: Honestly, I would say Light to medium. I typically serve heavy roleplay for really deep and significant changes to character(s) or recollections of the past. Despite how dark Nini can be, I still try to have interactions with her comical, quirky, palpable. Not everything has to be doom and gloom, twenty-four seven. :love:


Real Life: So. About me, I'm twenty-eight year old Pisces that works from home. I'm an artist, and lately for the past month or so I've been really trying to improve on my artwork, traditional and digital, thanks to my wonderful Boyfriend who supports me very much in my endeavor. I love Video Games, I love art supplies ( Often window shopping for them ), I love seeing colors, and I love Final Fantasy, and a plethora of other things but I won't drown out this post.


And I do believe that's.. about it. Yes! Kinda went into a tangent there. :> It's very nice to meet everyone! :blush:

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Hello and Welcome to the Community! I also had a bit of a hard time creating an introduction after making an account but the people here are rather nice! I hope to see Onini in game as well! If you'd like, we can attempt a meet up with either L'Zhax or my Lalafell Ulemo. PMing me would be the easiet route to get ahold of me and don't be shy reaching out to others either! I look forward to seeing you about.

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Hey there, and welcome out of the shadows! :thumbsup:


I'll just echo what's already been said- don't be afraid to reach out, and finding yourself a few contacts here and there can breathe a whole lot of life into characters. Linkshells, Free Companies, and even making a post on the Making Connections if you're looking for something specific... everything helps!

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