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Lucan reporting in to Balmung!


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Hi there! My main character is Lucan Zuna/Shasel. I recently ventured forth into balmung from Brynhildr. Still reeling from the loss of my cottage, I hope to network and find new and interesting people to roleplay with on server. 



MMO Experience



I have played a few mmo's but most have not taken up my time as much as my major three. Star Wars Galaxies (Swordsman/Doctor AKA the Scum build), World of Warcraft (Shadow Priest aka exceedingly mediocore) and Final Fantasy XIV (aka please stop turning the boss in circles).


RP Experience


Most of my experience is just from looking at good looking outfits (my first stringent criteria for potential rp friends) then Search Descriptions. I come from a hobby of writing short stories and other random tidbits to entertain and amuse others. I have heard that my RP talents are at the very least passable. So.../huzzah!


Character Details/Info


Name: Lucan

Occupation: Courier...sorta...

Short History: Lucan was raised in a life of piracy...although his captain (Ol' Cap) kept them for the most part on the morally right side of the Pendulum, there is always something to regret. The newest member and youngest, Lucan gained his first nickname, "New Fish." Even years down the line, they have never dropped it. The second nickname he earned was "The Surgeon." During a raid on a Garlean convoy, a fellow pirate was being dragged down into the abyss by a chain wrapped around his arm. Lucan swiftly remedied the problem.


After an event involving a Garlean convoy, a Diplomatic ship from Limsa Lominsa and Ol' Cap dragging the crew along, the crew was faced with a decision. Join the city-state or be punished for piracy. Making the only logical choice, Lucan and his crew were sent to the one place they were thought to make the least amount of trouble, Summerford Farms. The life proved relaxing, happy and all too short, for two years later, with trouble brewing in all direction, the Admiral created a small company, High Tide Courier Services, to serve as a front for her own soldiers to gather intelligence, infiltrate targets and ...sometimes actually deliver parcels. A good front actually has to do some business. Lucan...after becoming acclimated and enjoying farm life is now thrust back into danger...but... Til Sea Swallows All...right?


RP TYPE: Medium- Heavy I believe...



Thank you for reading this much if you got here. I hope to meet all your characters soon!


-Lucan Shasel

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