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Harvey Gold, LF FC / RP / Contacts

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I'm looking for some plot-driven/longterm RP, or any possible contacts that may be a good fit for Harvey. An FC would be great! I prefer RP with a focus on paragraph length emotes; it isn't always necessary or feasible though.


In summary, Harvey Gold is a curious, well-mannered Midlander in his early twenties who isn't really that great at anything. Yet.


Brief history: Up until a few weeks previous, he was a member of a prestigious, wealthy family that ran a successful mining business based in Thanalan. He's recently been estranged, and has more or less been tossed to the streets to fend for himself.


Motivations/potential: He's currently without work, and looking quite hard for any means to keep himself fed as the small amount of wealth he took with him depletes rapidly. His extensively varied study during a sheltered upbringing leave him a perfect fit for just about any plot, from entry-level merc work to amateur arcane rituals.


There's an arc or two waiting to be pursued in Harvey's case, but I'm open to just about anything involving any plot! Hit me up anywhere you can and we can talk.


edit: RPC is up. https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Harvey_Gold


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Oh, I've seen you in the Quicksands on my way to the inn room or to play TT with Momodi a few times. I think you were in there RPing a couple times when I was on kinda late and that stuck out to me.


Sorry to say I'm not sure I can't give you some amazing plot driven story. I'm pretty rusty and my shyness combined with my weird timing has meant I haven't even RPed in game yet. If you want someone to RP with who's online kinda late (I tend to get on around 10 pm pst) you're free to look me up though.

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Wealthy Ul'dahn young man with family problems? Oh yes, I got you. If you are comfortable with a tiny retcon, it would be possible that you know of Valia & Brinn Rosa from when you were growing up. Brinn owns a building that houses a hunt & employment office now actually, so he can help with that too.


My company mate, Karim Omari, was also recently looking to reach out to other wealthy individuals in the three city states while he reluctantly learns the merchanting business from his father. Perhaps you can discuss your hard luck story with him.


My character wikis are linked below. More about the office building is here. (Full disclosure: I actively play all the characters listed below so that may make me a bit hard to find in game. Feel free to poke whichever you find online at the time; I'm always willing to swap and meet you somewhere.)

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If you're looking for a guild with a plot, it seems like your character might be a good fit with Rendezvous of Stars.




We're a lore-abiding group, with a concept based around people of "ordinary" ability being thrown into strange and extraordinary circumstances. If you'd like to see where we are in our plot currently, feel free to check out the "News" button at the top of our site. The reason it hasn't been updated recently is because we're currently doing a more passive / long-term plot arc: http://hostingstars.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2566344


Another thing to note is that you would not have to join our FC to enjoy all aspects of being a part of this plot. We make heavy use of our website in conveying and sharing information, so LS-only membership is just fine, although we do have a minimum activity policy.


We also have a few other OoC rules and policies that we adhere to, so I'd recommend taking a look at our Guidelines & Policies forum if you're thinking of applying. It's not to everyone's tastes though, so no offense taken if we're not what you're looking for! If you have any further questions, feel free to let me know.


Edit: Shivtr.com (the server itself) seems to be having off-and-on difficulties of late. So if the links don't load right away, I've just been waiting a few minutes before trying again, and it works eventually. If the server keeps having issues, we may be moving over to a different host.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey all. Figured it was time for a bump.


Harvey's RPC is now done for the most part: here.


It's very barebones, intentionally so, but may provide a bit more information that my post did not. I'm still looking for contacts, especially potential platonic/friendly/male relationships -- but I'll take anything!


Also looking for a FC/LS with decent RP activity.

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Hiya Harvey! I like your RPC wiki page it's very nice and well thought out! If you're still looking for an FC/LS then I'd be happy to help! It may be a slightly different path to one you intended for harvey but would he be interested in working with a unlawful company? The Mischiefs Coven is looking for men and women who have unique trades! His mining experience would come in super handy with some illegal export and import of precious metals.. Let me know if you're interested!


Mistress Mischief~

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