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From Phoenix to Balmung!


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Forgive me for using this forum for this, but it felt like the right place to go.


Anyway, I recently returned and transferred my character to BALMUNG because I want to be part of an environment where RP is often, and where the people are many. Even from more countries!


I am currently working my way up the last story chapters of Realm Reborn, in order to experience Heavensward - wich I am looking forward too!


However, occasionally it would be awsome to do some roleplay, meet new friends and start the immersion. I am abit new to this realm, so I was wondering if anyone could give me a tip or point in some direction as to where I can find a FC that would soothe my needs?


I am from Europe, and I would love to be part of some european roleplaying/ pve community! My character is an Hyur named Rylder Comara, skilled in the arts of magic!


Hope to hear from some of you, have an awsome holiday!




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Hello Rylder, Welcome to Balmung!


For getting started off with the 'European Crowd' then you can check out this forum post below:




This is a European Directory you can use to find Free Companies, Linkshells and more. People also reply to the forum post with a brief summary of their character, you can do the same so people can find you or you can contact others here. Feel free to give me a PM in-game (Sahja Maimhov) if you are still lost though!

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Welcome Fellow Transferee!


You'll find everyone here very accommodating and very helpful so if you have any questions, comments and such the members of this community have been very good about keeping their mind's open and their eyes peeled for such. Anyroad, I'm always up for that random RP encounter (as are most!).

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