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Best General LS?


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I'm generally just trying to lvl at this point, but someone suggested joining a LS to try and make some connections, which sounds grand! Are there any top RP LS's that anyone recommends. I looked through the ones linked on this site but I'm not sure if they have any rules or if they are FC only, I don't want to intrude on any. But it would be nice to be able to chat with people and make some friends outside of making a commitment like joining a random FC or relying solely on forums; as wonderful as you all are. 


Sorry if this is already a topic somewhere, I'll be sure to delete it quickly if that's the case.

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Welcome aboard to the RPC! :thumbsup:


Yeah, just browse around in the Linkshell forum- see if anything catches your eye. Keep in mind though, if there aren't any recent posts for a Linkshell, it may be dead. You can have up to 8 Linkshells I think, so just make a list of the admins for the ones you're interested in, and see if you can poke 'em in-game! Good luck!

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Welcome aboard to the RPC! :thumbsup:


Yeah, just browse around in the Linkshell forum- see if anything catches your eye. Keep in mind though, if there aren't any recent posts for a Linkshell, it may be dead. You can have up to 8 Linkshells I think, so just make a list of the admins for the ones you're interested in, and see if you can poke 'em in-game! Good luck!


They just cleared out inactive LS & FC threads a couple days ago actually. :3 So they should all be good! :D

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If you are browsing the linkshell hall, each linkshell will have their own description, rules, and who to contact to join posted in their thread. There is a large variety of IC and OOC linkshells so hopefully you'll find what you are looking for, whether it's casual or heavy roleplay, certain themes or just a general chat to make friends. Good luck!

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Thanks so much for the info everyone! I'm kinda like a new born when it comes to the social aspect of this game. Just been power leveling my way though all alone. 


Ya'll are great!

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