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Auristela - Looking for connections/friends

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Hello RPC! My RP is growing rather stale lately with all friends and connections always falling short, often due to people's real life's, their lack of interest in RP or vanishing from the game entirely. While I still have a FC, I don't really have any friends of my own so, it's back to the forums!


I live in the EU(GMT+1) and my current job schedule makes interacting with NA rather difficult outside of weekends.


I'm looking to meet new people on my alt (But far more active) roleplaying character; Auristela Tullia.


Who is Auristela?



In lorebook style!

You may have to click on the image!





With a short introduction out of the way, people likely want to know what I am looking for specifically and most people usually make a list of very specific things.


I personally don't like categorizing roleplay or exclude something for no good reason so it's safe to say that -generally- I am tolerant of any roleplay style and concept, granted it does not go against established lore.


Potential hooks:

  • Fellow Magitek Engineers! (Auristela is currently in Eorzea as an engineer for Garlond Ironworks)
  • Fellow Garlean citizen! (Whether pureblood, annexed citizen or otherwise! Potential background connection -may- be available for this as well!)
  • Fellow Shinobi! (Auristela was and still is a Shinobi, even if others may no longer call her such.)
  • Gamers! (A rather strange term to use, but Auristela has found herself a little hobby in games such as Lords of Verminion and is an avid player.
  • Other tavern-goers. (We all visit taverns once in a while! Perfect opportunity to meet!)


Auristela can easily be found in almost any place and generating reasons is most of the time not all that difficult. The main places where meeting her is guaranteed at the moment, aside from very dire circumstances are:

  • Revenant's Toll
  • Ul'dah
  • Gridania
  • Lavender Beds

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I can volunteer Aelfred who is all too familiar with Imperials. Could take chance to learn more about the Raen tribes as he's not ever met one who's elected to military potential.


I have some legit connections and hookups with other Garlean RP'ers, we've had some tight events. Reply to me with PM, this post, or in game to Aelfred Sigmundsson.

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I can volunteer Aelfred who is all too familiar with Imperials. Could take chance to learn more about the Raen tribes as he's not ever met one who's elected to military potential.


I have some legit connections and hookups with other Garlean RP'ers, we've had some tight events. Reply to me with PM, this post, or in game to Aelfred Sigmundsson.

Thank you for replying! While the timezone issue might be a bit tricky, I'm definitely up for meeting your character somewhere sometime!


If you want some conflict, I can bring Tyll'a into the mix.  Because his sister Ayu died at Carteneau, Tyll'a hates the Garleans, as he blames them for Ayu's death.

Same to you, some extra conflict is always welcome. It may be difficult to get to that stage, seeing as Auristela does not really openly prance around saying she's an imperial, due to her profession. She does however have strong opinions that are somewhat unique in the eyes of an Eorzean and that is often enough to create animosity.


That being said, perhaps they'll meet sometime when Auristela is doing pro-Garlean things and she is not hiding her identity (Ignoring the fact nearly all Garleans hide their identity with their fancy armour...)

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If you want some conflict, I can bring Tyll'a into the mix.  Because his sister Ayu died at Carteneau, Tyll'a hates the Garleans, as he blames them for Ayu's death.

Same to you, some extra conflict is always welcome. It may be difficult to get to that stage, seeing as Auristela does not really openly prance around saying she's an imperial, due to her profession. She does however have strong opinions that are somewhat unique in the eyes of an Eorzean and that is often enough to create animosity.


That being said, perhaps they'll meet sometime when Auristela is doing pro-Garlean things and she is not hiding her identity (Ignoring the fact nearly all Garleans hide their identity with their fancy armour...)


Maybe!  :)

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