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Fresh meat


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Hello, i'm fresh and new to FF14 and wanted to check about the RP community. only playing a few days im about lvl 17 as a Gladiator on Adamantoise. While new to the game, i have a few years experience with RP, administrating my own forum. 

Anyways, i guess the only thing i can think of right now is are there RP guilds or whatever or how does this work? What are the RP hot spots?

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Hello there, welcome to the RPC! :D Sadly, I don't know of any RP on Adamantoise. Most of us here are from Balmung, as it's been designated the unofficial RP server. However, if you browse around the forums here, you can find people and groups from other servers. :)

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Yeah, a lot of the RPers are on Balmung.  My suggestion, if you want to RP a lot, is to pay the $18 and transfer to Balmung.  But don't do it like I did and only transfer one character; the $18 transfer fee is the same whether you're transferring one character or eight.  I only transferred Tyll'a, and now that I'm toying with the idea of making an alt, I'd have to pay another $18 if I were to do that.

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So balmung sounds like the best bet? Good thing i decided to look around before leveling more so i can just make a fresh character. Would you fellows know of any that might be looking for members?


You can't make a fresh character on Balmung; you have to transfer an existing character from another server.  I know it's weird, but it's the way it is.

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So balmung sounds like the best bet? Good thing i decided to look around before leveling more so i can just make a fresh character. Would you fellows know of any that might be looking for members?


You can't make a fresh character on Balmung; you have to transfer an existing character from another server.  I know it's weird, but it's the way it is.


huh. interesting.


Yeah...Balmung's a "full" server.  I say "full" in quotes because transfers ignore the "full" designation, but new character creations do not.  Thus, a new character creation would fail, whereas a transfer would succeed.  That's even the case for people like me who already have a character on Balmung; if I ever decide to make an alt, I'll have to make her on another server and transfer her over.

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Sounds like a worthy expense to me. You all seem quite nice so far, so setting a good tone for server and rp community :D


It's definitely worth it.  I've been having a lot of fun RPing on Balmung!


But like I said earlier, don't make the same mistake I did and transfer only one character over!  Depending on how an upcoming FC RP arc goes, I might end up making an alt, and that would be another $18 to transfer over.  If that's the case, though, I'll make six placeholder characters and transfer all seven over at once.

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Welcome aboard to the RPC and to Balmung (in the imminent future)! :thumbsup:


Yeah, that $18 barrier-to-entry is a pain, but you save yourself a lot of time, money and frustration just getting right onto the server so you can get off and going with the RP. If you want to hit the ground running, be sure to toss up a Making Connections post too- it'll help a ton if you have a general idea what type of characters you'd like to meet up with!

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Welcome to the Coalition!

As you can already tell, Balmung is the big dog when it comes to the RP community, long years as well, since it stated out back in 1.0 as Besaid (I should know, I was there).


That being said, if you don't feel like paying the 18 dollars right away, there are other options as well. Siren is trying to get their RP community restarted and I believe there is even a group on Jenova.


I'm part of an RP group on Mateus that is fairly active and we have a Discord community as well for our members. I would suggest checking the Linkshell "Other" tab to see what OOC RP communities there are, and trying to get in contact with the members to maybe see if you like any of those options.


Either way, Welcome and hope you find yourself a happy home!

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aaaagh now you gave me more options D: now i am unsure where to go


I'm in new to FF14 also and was luck enough to get into Balmung without a transfer, wherever you end up let me give you a little advice. If your new don't, pretend to know more than you actually do or the community RP'ers will eat you alive. Ask questions. Most are more than welcome to answer or guide you to the information. Next on the list is don't expect people to seek you out. Sometimes you will get luck and someone will approach you as a noob but you need to get out there and seek them out! Best of luck wherever you go bro!

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