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Fostering RP on non-role-play servers

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One thing I have noticed over the course of playing several MMO's is that North Americans do not like to role-play or rather have no idea that role-play is even a possibility in these games.


For those few of us that do know that RP can be done and done well in an MMO setting, it's disheartening when you try to get something going only to realize that all of the servers and free companies etc. are all inaccessible to you.


Despite this, I notice that when I'm on my RP specific character and do a mild form of half in character half out of character RP in small settings like duty finder, people seem to really enjoy it (and for some inexplicable reason I get commendations where is I don't on my main). So the enjoyment and want for RP is there but people just have no clue how to go about it.


What tips tricks and suggestions do you have for people like me who are on non-RP servers that want to either start Something up or just create a small link shell to get the RP spirit going?

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For those few of us that do know that RP can be done and done well in an MMO setting, it's disheartening when you try to get something going only to realize that all of the servers and free companies etc. are all inaccessible to you.


Well that's why there are servers like Balmung, which is the unofficial RP server. You cannot move for bumping into a roleplayer here and it's very difficult not to find a home for you and your character. Although, that is not to say there aren't people who like roleplay on other servers. You just have to work hard and reach out to find them!


Despite this, I notice that when I'm on my RP specific character and do a mild form of half in character half out of character RP in small settings like duty finder, people seem to really enjoy it (and for some inexplicable reason I get commendations where is I don't on my main).  So the enjoyment and want for RP is there but people just have no clue how to go about it. 


I started out in a similar way, just casually messing about with the idea of having this character and busting out some funny dialogue in dungeons with a buddy of mine on my old PvE server. When I made an alt on Balmung and began doing it more seriously, that's when my friends on the PvE server started lightly teasing me about being a 'dirty ERPer' or simply being a nerd that likes to play fantasy and have imaginary boyfriends. >_>;; They simply saw it as something funny, whilst they could appreciate the ideas and the stories I came up with, they just weren't interested in writing with me. They wanted to raid and PvP, which is primarily what the game is designed for at the end of the day. 


Roleplayers on PvE servers are hard to find, but usually they are there because: a) their friends play on that server, b) bad experiences on Balmung, c) they prefer roleplaying on forums or google docs etc. than in game or d) a first-time RPer. So this might make it difficult to coax them out or get them to commit to anything too serious. 


What tips tricks and suggestions do you have for people like me who are on non-RP servers that want to either start Something up or just create a small link shell to get the RP spirit going?


If there are roleplayers on your server, they're probably like you - struggling to find that group of similarly minded people that they can roleplay with a little more seriously. If you're serious about meeting other RPers on a non-RP server, I recommend starting your own linkshell or searching for an already existing one. Maybe even create your own FC! It's hard work but with effort, you can possibly create a little RP community on your server. Many have tried, some have been more successful than others but it's down to determination and luck. 


Being active by setting up regular roleplay events like tavern nights, tournaments etc. might be a good idea. You will probably end up being the main instigator for most scenes as RPers are usually timid little things. The RPC is a good resource for inspiration of what kind of things you can create in terms of plots or FC/LS ideas, perhaps an adventurer guild or network, or a bakery/tavern - things that are easily accessible to the casual or first-time roleplayer. Hope this helps!

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Make a macro in /shout to advertise your linkshell. Make a linkshell for RPers and then take the time to bounce from area to area and spam the macro once in each place. It's a start but that way people can see on a broader scale without you having to do as much hunting. If they see the ad? Chances are they can come to you.


Also check search infos religiously. Some RPers, even when on non-RP servers, still let it be known in their search info they are a roleplayer.

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I think one of the biggest issues is being spread out. Really, I would love to see a second big RP server, but there tends to be pockets here and there. Trying to consolidate that, would be a huge task.


If you want to go grand scale, reaching out in social media may be an option. It seems the RP community is somewhat divided on medias (between RPC and tumbler ect) There are folks that don't want to pay the transfer or just don't /want/ to come to Balmung.


Small scale, others have listed what I would personally do. Advertise your LS/FC via shouts, party finder, maybe even your server FB/other media. Holding some light RP events/give aways also might be a way to get folks interest. Keep it light enough for PvE people to enjoy, but throw a taste of RP in there as well.


Best of luck!

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I'm in an rp ls on Excalibur, and we have been able to get a group together with the people we have recruited. first impressions are important, so make sure to have a scenario you can use for initiates thats gets them involved and is a good intro to your group's dynamics(this doesn't have to be the bar social)


getting people involved is a task(same as any fc), but I'm enjoying hanging out and trying new things with the people I've met. we're split on different medias but discord has been a focus point for everyone. Finding a common medium and a way to record your character's development is important.

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I know that I am part of a slowly growing RP movement on Mateus, but yes, there is the problem that for some reason, here in NA, people are lazy and don't want to actually roleplay (or put the work in to being creative).


Or perhaps calling them lazy is inaccurate, but I never understood the reasons of why myself. RPing always adds so much immersion to the world.

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These are all fantastic suggestions :).


One other thing I'm going to set up once I'm able is a "holodeck" in our FC house as a kind of experimental space for completely IC character interactions. If that goes well I'm going to try and get an apartment of some kind to serve as a designated location for RP if I establish a linkshell outside of my FC. Then again, RIP to my social life as my in game character is still new and has to grind GC to unlock things like housing, ugh.

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