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Brand new FFXIV player


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Hello everyone! Downloaded the game just a few days ago and, I'm eager to dive in. I've RP'd for about 4 years in SWTOR and dabbled a bit in GW2 and WoW and played quite a bit of Pathfinder and D&D before that, but I'm excited to be here now. I've heard that the RP community here is great, and I'm looking to confirm that myself ^_^.


Anyways, I'm brand new to FFXIV lore and Final Fantasy lore in general, except for having played FFX (Blitzballer for life!! 8-)), so I imagine that my lore understanding and character ideas are probly a bit shaky. I've tried my hand at making a fancy wiki page as a base for my first character, and would love any feedback on it if anything looks wildly, or even a lil bit out of place. I'd like to make sure I get a good, solid start!


I'll probly be pouring over these forums the next few days creeping on Linkshells and Free Companies for potential connections to get involved. If anyone is interested in RP, just shoot me a line. I may not be amazing at fully grasping the expansive world of Hydaelyn 3 days in, but I'm a quick learner, so bear with me

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I love the artwork! I've been wanting to get some done for my character at some point, but... then I get distracted by other things (like RP!) and forget to try and make that happen. 


Have you gotten her onto Balmung yet? If you haven't, when you do your transfer remember that you can do up to a full server load of 8 characters for the same single transfer fee, so if you think you might ever want to play alts it's a good idea to prepare some in advance and save money by transferring them all at once.


Some friends and I - some of whom are in my FC, and some of whom aren't - often coordinate for RP via our FC's Discord server which is public-welcome (and text-only, we don't really use the voice capabilities of it). If that sounds like something that would be helpful to you, the link to our Discord is on our FC page here at the RPC (linked in my signature). We have some pretty decent lore-mongers on our server, and you'd be welcome to ask questions or bounce ideas off of us, of course. :D

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Hello and welcome to the RPC and Balmung! Glad to see another DnD/Pathfinder RPer! I think you will find those skills very useful in your RP career. It sounds like your character would be a good fit for our Linkshell (Hydaelyn Protectors) since she has a drive to help those in need. We can always use more good guys trying to make a difference.


If you have any questions or need any help getting acquainted with FF feel free to send me a tell in game or a message on here. My character is often hanging around in the shroud if you are looking to get your feet wet with some RP!


I would give the Balmung event calender a careful look and see if any events pique your curiosity. Those are usually a good starting place to see what FCs match your style.

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Welcome young padawan... err... yes anyhow, you should like FFXIV and fit right in. Some things you may find in relation to SWTOR:




  • Single character focus vs Multiple character support
  • Sitting down, lying down, standing and many poses vs WTF is it with chairs!
  • Head moves to tracks target vs Blank gazing
  • Retainers are for storage/selling/gathering vs Companions gather and craft
  • Your chocobo will come fight with you vs Your companions will come fight with you
  • No choice in abilities (except PvP) vs Ability choices
  • Linkshells = Channels
  • Free Company = Guild
  • Text based NPC no choice quest  interaction vs Voiced interaction with choices
  • nothing (except loyalty rewards) vs Account wide benefits
  • pay for bound cosmetics vs Huge pay for stuff and sell it for in game credits
  • flying in some areas vs no flying
  • limited places you can fall vs fall of everything and die
  • emoting = emoting
  • Limited amount of housing and all gone vs You get more housing than you know what to do with
  • RP events are similar, with a high portion of Bar based RP
  • No PvP outside the PvP instances = Open world PvP
  • One faction vs Two factions

Though somewhat similar.

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Hey there and welcome to the RPC and welcome aboard to FFXIV! :thumbsup:


When you've got your feet under you and you have an idea what kind of characters you'd like to form long-term connections with, or even a direction in mind for Avelyn, consider tossing up a Making Connections post!

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Have you gotten her onto Balmung yet? If you haven't, when you do your transfer remember that you can do up to a full server load of 8 characters for the same single transfer fee, so if you think you might ever want to play alts it's a good idea to prepare some in advance and save money by transferring them all at once.

 Thanks for the heads up! I went ahead and took your advice, but I just found out today that I don't get to make the jump until those 7 alts are 3 days old :frustrated:. Oh well, I'll just wait a few more days. More time to level up a bit.


And to everyone else, thanks so much for the welcome!!!

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 Thanks for the heads up! I went ahead and took your advice, but I just found out today that I don't get to make the jump until those 7 alts are 3 days old :frustrated:. Oh well, I'll just wait a few more days. More time to level up a bit.


And to everyone else, thanks so much for the welcome!!!


It will be worth the wait.

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