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Balmug/Giligamesh for new rp player

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Hello all, I am an active rper. Coming from a WoW(Emerald Dream) and ESO rp background. I have heard the legends of rp in FFXIV. I hear that Balmung is the go to place, but unfortunately due to that fact, its very hard to get into. I also hear about Gilgamesh as the second popular in rp.


I got into Gilgamesh right before my previous time expired. I was in Exodus due to real life friends. I am getting back into FFXIV and would prefer to play with active rpers. So is Gilgamesh a good place for rp, or should I fight/pay to get into Balmung? Thank you for your time.

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The short answer:

  • Come to Balmung
  • You get there by transferring from another server

(note: create 8 characters before you transfer as Balmung character creation is locked out 99% of the time)

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Some people make it in Gilgamesh - I'd suggest just kind of looking around to test the waters over there before making the jump since you've actually managed to get on Gilgamesh (now just as hard to get on as Balmung)


Edited because autocorrect on my phone is awful :(

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To add, while Gilg was the "back up" unofficial rp server way back when we had distinctions between Legacy and non Legacy servers, it has become the unofficial raiding server and Balmung reigns supreme when it comes to rp focus. As the others have mentioned, yes, you'll probably have to pay to get into Balmung.


There are some other servers, such as Jenova I believe, that are trying to build up a stronger rp presence if you want to give them a shot. These servers are open to new characters.

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I was actually on Gilga about 2.5 years ago. RP was pretty open, but then it just took a dive. There was a scandal that didn't help as well and RP'ers were trolled pretty hard if doing open world RP. Around then I transferred to Balmung. I asked someone recently what it was like and they said there were pockets.


I have heard some good things about Jenova as well tho.

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