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RP FC LF Connections

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Hi everyone! I'm hoping to find some long term connections for my FC, «CeCe»! Whether it be for hired jobs or just to participate in other RP plots. Either an FC connection or someone who's interested in the idea would be great!


Here's some of the things our FC is able to complete (as used on our FC page as well):

  • Exploration
    Examples include: ruins, uncharted areas, retrieving lost/valuable items, and information gathering.
  • Protection
    Examples include: body guarding, event security, escorts, and missing persons retrieval.
  • Information/Intelligence
    Examples include: resource gathering, persons of interest, and shipment details.
  • Medic/Healing Services
    Examples include: sick/injured, battle aid, healing teachings.
  • Stealth Operations
    Examples include: reconnaissance, target elimination, and undercover work.
  • Crafting/Gathering
    Examples include: requesting of specific items and gathering of specific items.
  • Entertainment
    Examples include: dancers, singers, poets, feats of skill, and adult oriented performances.


If anyone is interested in RPing with us feel free to drop a reply here or send me a PM, or if you can point me in the right direction of anyone who might be interested as well would be very appreciated! Thank you in advance! :D

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  • 1 month later...

Ritsu Knoltros of the Wandering Tonberry lodge! o/


I am always down with some collaborating. Berry is a hunt themed lodge, but we have a little bit of everything in the terms of characters. We are very small, so working with others is something I have been wanting to look into to get more RP for my folks. Mostly active in the evenings roughly. 4-5pm-10-12pm weekdays (est time) and then weekends just varies with whatever is going on.


In game I bounce between Chidori Farcloud and Ritsu Knoltros. Ritsu is the owner of the lodge along with her husband Flynt Knoltros. One of them usually handles business matters. Chi is also their assistant and can handle minor business matters.  (Chi is also a healer so if one of those is needed. She also owns a small flower business - which I am happy to help out at events handing out flower pins along with her two sisters.)


Feel free to reach out to me here or discord - Ritsu_Knoltros#4146

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Ritsu Knoltros of the Wandering Tonberry lodge! o/


I am always down with some collaborating. Berry is a hunt themed lodge, but we have a little bit of everything in the terms of characters. We are very small, so working with others is something I have been wanting to look into to get more RP for my folks. Mostly active in the evenings roughly. 4-5pm-10-12pm weekdays (est time) and then weekends just varies with whatever is going on.


In game I bounce between Chidori Farcloud and Ritsu Knoltros. Ritsu is the owner of the lodge along with her husband Flynt Knoltros. One of them usually handles business matters. Chi is also their assistant and can handle minor business matters.  (Chi is also a healer so if one of those is needed. She also owns a small flower business - which I am happy to help out at events handing out flower pins along with her two sisters.)


Feel free to reach out to me here or discord - Ritsu_Knoltros#4146


Hi! :moogle: I'd love to collaborate something! Our FC is also pretty small but everyone is pretty close with each other. I'd love to RP with Ritsu or Flynt in regards to getting an agreement together! We have a joint leadership IC so our main business handler isn't Sileas (though she deals with basically everything else). I think everyone in our FC goes off EST time's except for me (lone PST). But I have plenty of time to work things out. Like I started out saying, our FC dabbles in just about everything as well! So I'm sure we can figure out something fun for everyone to do! :D

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Hey! My Raen Sayuri Kanno was at your last bar night, and helped out waitressing and sang a couple of songs on your stage.


She had a great time at your establishment and would be happy to help out again in the future! She can also bartend.

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Ritsu Knoltros of the Wandering Tonberry lodge! o/


I am always down with some collaborating. Berry is a hunt themed lodge, but we have a little bit of everything in the terms of characters. We are very small, so working with others is something I have been wanting to look into to get more RP for my folks. Mostly active in the evenings roughly. 4-5pm-10-12pm weekdays (est time) and then weekends just varies with whatever is going on.


In game I bounce between Chidori Farcloud and Ritsu Knoltros. Ritsu is the owner of the lodge along with her husband Flynt Knoltros. One of them usually handles business matters. Chi is also their assistant and can handle minor business matters.  (Chi is also a healer so if one of those is needed. She also owns a small flower business - which I am happy to help out at events handing out flower pins along with her two sisters.)


Feel free to reach out to me here or discord - Ritsu_Knoltros#4146


Hi! :moogle: I'd love to collaborate something! Our FC is also pretty small but everyone is pretty close with each other. I'd love to RP with Ritsu or Flynt in regards to getting an agreement together! We have a joint leadership IC so our main business handler isn't Sileas (though she deals with basically everything else). I think everyone in our FC goes off EST time's except for me (lone PST). But I have plenty of time to work things out. Like I started out saying, our FC dabbles in just about everything as well! So I'm sure we can figure out something fun for everyone to do! :D


Gonna shoot ya a message!

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Hey! My Raen Sayuri Kanno was at your last bar night, and helped out waitressing and sang a couple of songs on your stage.


She had a great time at your establishment and would be happy to help out again in the future! She can also bartend.


Oh, hi! Yes I remember! I'm glad you had a good time! :love: We could definitely use your help again this week if you're able.

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Hey there Sileas! 


The Coven could provide a venue for y'all for performances, if you'd like! We have a semi-open stage on Thursdays for the Wings/Beer deal -- http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=18868


Otherwise, I know Rhen was looking for some adult entertainers here in the last few weeks, if that tickles at all.

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Hey there Sileas! 


The Coven could provide a venue for y'all for performances, if you'd like! We have a semi-open stage on Thursdays for the Wings/Beer deal -- http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=18868


Otherwise, I know Rhen was looking for some adult entertainers here in the last few weeks, if that tickles at all.


Hi! Thank you, I will be sure to keep this in mind and see if anyone would like to do some kind of performance there! :D

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