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Stormblood may change the entire paradigm of RP


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Do we actually know that Hingashi is under Garlean control? I know we see soldiers in Kugane in the trailer that appear to be Garlean, but that's a city that is apparently open for trade with other nations, including, perhaps, Garlemald.


Know beyond any shred of doubt? No, but everything that we've been told of the Empire's conquest is that the Far East is completely under their control. What I think we're going to see with the Hingashi city of Kugane is what a nation who willingly submitted to Garlean rule looks like versus those who did not (Ala Mhigo, Doma).


Hmm. I suppose that does make sense. If it's true, it sounds like Hingashi enjoys a large measure of autonomy, since they are referred to as "a nation with a strict isolationist policy." Still, that could be consistent with Garlean rule if Garlemald was willing to keep a very light hand on the reins. And given what we know about Hingashi - that it's a mountainous island nation with a long history of conflict within its borders - to the point that both shinobi and samurai combat techniques seem to have originated there - I can imagine Garleans moving in and taking the islands by force, only to fight a guerrilla war with stubborn warlords hiding out in the mountains for decades thereafter. It would definitely be easier to strike a generous deal. And if you consider also that Kugane appears to be the major trading hub in the Far East, Garlemald might have economic reasons for not wanting to cause upheaval or unrest within Hingashi.


I don't know why I'm so fascinated with this little archipelago that we know almost nothing about, but the scraps of information we do know have really captured my imagination.

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From experience, the only thing that stops Garlemald to completely subjugate (through conquest or utter annihilation) its enemies, is when they would benefit more from said enemies to stand more or less independent rather than subjugated (cf Radz-at-Han).


Garlemald ending bogged down in a guerilla? I would be surprised for them not to blow the shit out of the whole island in such a case.

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I think along the more erotic side an entire residential district in Shirogane can be bought out and used for a literal Yoshiwara. I'm a maxed out crafter and can help with this. 



That's not going to happen. At least not on that scale. Best case scenario you'll get two or three houses next to each other. A full district on the other hand would be near downright impossible.

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I think along the more erotic side an entire residential district in Shirogane can be bought out and used for a literal Yoshiwara. I'm a maxed out crafter and can help with this. 



That's not going to happen. At least not on that scale. Best case scenario you'll get two or three houses next to each other. A full district on the other hand would be near downright impossible.


You're right.  It's a lot of coordination but maybe a division or two could work.  That would be about 3 to 8 houses for anybody interested.

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Garlemald ending bogged down in a guerilla? I would be surprised for them not to blow the shit out of the whole island in such a case.


Well, unless Garlemald is willing to literally topple those tall mountains in Hingashi, I think guerrilla warfare could prove at least annoying, if not effective in driving the Garleans out. But say that the Garleans are really prepare to turn those mountains into rubble and make the whole archipelago uninhabitable. Why bother taking Hingashi at all, in that case? If the Garleans' real motivation for conquest is that they must own absolutely every scrap of land, no matter how destroyed it is by the time they get it, then I'm a bit disappointed by that world building. Garlemald's imperial ambitions seem more nuanced than that.


Also, if there's anything I've learned from studying US military history, it's that relatively small groups of combatants hiding out in difficult terrain can give the largest military power in the world a major headache.

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I think along the more erotic side an entire residential district in Shirogane can be bought out and used for a literal Yoshiwara. I'm a maxed out crafter and can help with this. 



That's not going to happen. At least not on that scale. Best case scenario you'll get two or three houses next to each other. A full district on the other hand would be near downright impossible.


You're right.  It's a lot of coordination but maybe a division or two could work.  That would be about 3 to 8 houses for anybody interested.


I was so confused about this post until I saw that you don't play on Balmung. Coordinating housing on our server, even 3-8 houses in a group together, would be basically impossible. Getting a house at all is basically impossible for most of us.

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I think along the more erotic side an entire residential district in Shirogane can be bought out and used for a literal Yoshiwara. I'm a maxed out crafter and can help with this. 



That's not going to happen. At least not on that scale. Best case scenario you'll get two or three houses next to each other. A full district on the other hand would be near downright impossible.


You're right.  It's a lot of coordination but maybe a division or two could work.  That would be about 3 to 8 houses for anybody interested.


I was so confused about this post until I saw that you don't play on Balmung. Coordinating housing on our server, even 3-8 houses in a group together, would be basically impossible. Getting a house at all is basically impossible for most of us.


I see the issue :(... oh well. It would still be a cool idea.

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Should be interesting. I used HW areas some in my rp, mostly with references of my char going into the vast libraries of Ishgard or my alt's learning of the Dark Knight skills and his time training in the regions. Other than that, I haven't use the HW expansion much for rping. It should be intresting with Doma. Ala won't be too bad cause its just down the street. I just not sure what type of rping I'll do with the new zones, as I'm having to find a new focus for my char since my one major story played out and at the same time my old FC broke up and I haven't done much rping since.

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The embarrassing fact is that I never got to even see HW when I was still around in-game and I likely won't be able to see our latest expansion either. It'll probably be a while before I even consider trying something related to it, but the RP paradigm shouldn't change completely.


I mean, I'll still be doing it the old way right? :P

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