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Lonely Merchant in need of contacts and that special someone

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Never really thought that I would get up the nerve to post in here, but after trying a few times to be social with my character and not really getting much out of it other than a new person on my friends list that doesn't contact me, and me not having the nerve to contact them, I thought that maybe it would be good to post in here for something.


A little bit about my character. Q'sehk Tia had a hard life growing up. He was disliked by his tribe because he was a pacifist, and he wasn't interested in trying for the title of Nuhn to start with, since he was absolutely not interested in taking those duties. Because of this there was a lot of stuff that happened to him before he was kicked out of his tribe a couple of years ago. All of this is stuff I would rather reveal IC, but suffice to say that there are some dark and heavy tones in his past that weigh on him to this day.


Recently since he was thrown out he had been wandering from town to town. The one benefit that he had gotten from his time with his tribe was that he learned how to sew, and how to pick out wines, due to that being the only jobs he was given to help. When he made his way to Ul'Dah he was quickly picked up by the weavers, and made a few connections there before eventually moving on again, to Gridania. That was where he started to meet the people that he would call friends. After moving a couple of more times he made friends with a woman with a dark past, and a daughter. Mysteriously the woman disappeared, and was later found to be dead. In her final will she gave over control of her shop, and asked for Sehk to be the one that takes care of her daughter. 


Lately he has been living at Azeyma's Oath with his now adopted Hyur daughter, and acting as the resident tailor and merchant. However even as he finds himself surrounded by people that seem to like him he feels lonely. he has tried going out to bars and talking with people, but so far all he has gotten out of it was a handful of pearls handed out with no responses, and a good friend that, due to their own story, Sehk had to step away from a potential of a relationship with him. 


So now he is feeling rather lonely, and rejected. Which is where hopefully this post will help! Sehk is always looking for new friends and to find Mr. Right, and I am always looking for new friends to RP with. Due to the nature of his work Sehk can go anywhere for any reason (so long as it is a low level zone, or safe area. I am still working on leveling him) which means that it doesn't matter where your character might be based, he could come to you.


Things to note, due to his past he might seem a little bit gunshy when it comes to certain types of people, and he can even have streaks of going completely deferential and silent, however most of the time he tries to be as happy as possible.


So if you are interested in meeting Sehk for business or pleasure, feel free to PM me here, or add me as a Discord Friend (Bahk/Selarian #5548) and we can chat.


Times that I am normally available would be M-F after 5 Pacific time (West coast best coast) or most of the weekends. Thanks for reading this far, I didn't mean to be as rambly as I turned out to be, but I figured backstory would be good. Finally, I figure I should post a picture of the man in question. See below.



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Well Sayuri definitely doesn't really fit the title of Mr. Right (last I checked anyway) but she's a gentle, polite soul that sounds like she might make a good friend for Sekt.


Better yet, I have a friend in Azeyma's Oath so it'd be easy to concoct a reason for them to bump into each other.


I certainly do try to rp with everyone on my list who seems willing to rp with me, and most nights if I've got nothing going on i find an event to go to... so why not go together!? Let me know if you'd like an add and we can cook something up.

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Wyznwyta is pretty gentle and understanding. Mostly one to try to keep a situation "right" and "resolved". Codependent to say the least. He is open to Mr right himself but isn't currently seeking anyone. We could always go explore some public events together if you'd like and see if our characters vibe.

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... but after trying a few times to be social with my character and not really getting much out of it other than a new person on my friends list that doesn't contact me ...


^ Story of my life.


But I know where you live ;) and my nosy Witch can be messing things up for you ... just say the word and pray to the timezone gods and let the malarkey begin.


She does peddle her goods, so there could be some commerce involved.


(warning actual RP may contain traces of Amok)

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Oh my, I didn't even expect a response, let alone this many.


Sayuri is more than welcome to randomly run into me at the Azeyma's Oath hall since she would already know where it is. We can set up a time if you want, or just randomly send me a tell. I should be on either Selarian or Sehk tonight when I get home.


Wyzn, I read your profile and already have some ideas of how the two of them could run into each other. I will be sending you a PM in a bit here.


Serenity, I would love to be your random things supplier. Sehk runs kind of a general adventuring store, with the highlight being his clothing, so he could easily supply random items. We can chat more in game later, I am sure.


Virella, I will make sure that I show up, at the very least it would be a good way to hobnob a bit with some other merchants.


Finally, Miss Nebbs, I was happy to see you back in the game and wish that we didn't have to play timezone tag. I know you know where I live, and I know where you live too! Maybe the stars will line up and we will have a chance to rub noses (knowing you that might end up literal) and see what malarkey we can truly get into.


Thank you all for your responses (and the one person so far that just added me in Discord!) it makes me feel a lot better about having written this. I was a bit nervous from the beginning (Still am!) but the response has warmed the very cockles of my heart. THE COCKLES I SAY! (Quick question, what are cockles? I might just have heartburn.)

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but the response has warmed the very cockles of my heart. THE COCKLES I SAY! (Quick question, what are cockles? I might just have heartburn.)


Well, shell seafood... as in the song Molly Malone


But relating to the heart it is referring to part of the heart and just saying making you feel good inside.

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