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Hello all.  I'm Darth Bathrobe (a Dresden Files reference for  anyone who is curious.) I'm a roleplayer with 30 years of table-top experience, and nearly 20 years online experience, both in multi - user text-based games (MUSHes, MUCKs, and MOOs, all RP intensive) and MMOs, including Star Wars Galaxies,  where I was a founding member of the first Stormtrooper roleplay player association, Stormtrooper Detachment Epsilon <>, as well as the EU - Chimera server roleplay community, and Lord of the Rings Online on Landroval, the unofficial RP server. Additional MMO experience includes World of Warcraft on RP servers, as well as dabbling in Everquest and EVE online, among others.


I am an intenive Roleplayer, and currently play on Faerie with my main, Na'tali Misah, a Lvl 60 WHM.  I am the Leader of the FC Ventus Gladius Ordinis <>, the official RPG.net Forums Free Company, as well  as the founder of the Roleplayers Realm Linkshell, which I created with the hopes of establishing a RP Community on Faerie.


Also, PurpuraLady is my RL significant other.

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I played on the Eclipse Server on SWG, Name was Eruadan Myrunji was the Leader of the LJO. What server was ST on? Also Welcome to HRC! There is tons of older members here with similar experience so you'll quickly find your not alone! I hung around players like Riba and Pandorra (AHC, IHC). Also Odiwan from ECHO.

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I played on the Eclipse Server on SWG, Name was Eruadan Myrunji was the Leader of the LJO. What server was ST on? Also Welcome to HRC! There is tons of older members here with similar experience so you'll quickly find your not alone! I hung around players like Riba and Pandorra (AHC, IHC). Also Odiwan from ECHO.

ST-Epsilon started on Bria, then transferred en masse to Chimera to join the RP community there.  Good to see other old school RPers around.  Anyone else here veterans of MUSHes, MUCKs, MOOs, or MUXes?

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