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Another returning player!


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I'm back after stopping around the time Heavensward came out...


Is there anywhere I can find a European FC to join? I was always in American ones in the past and the 2am events were killing me... probably literally! Preferably after a story driven one, but at the very least just having people online around the same times I am to RP with would be good :) I have a few different characters so I'm sure I'll have something to fit :)

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*gasp* Just in time for Stormblood! I hope you're not gonna stop once thats out again

Haha, I still haven't actually finished the 100 quests they added before Heavensward comes out... RP is life and the PVE is my tool to unlock more clothes!:sleepy:

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I know what you mean with the NA crowed.. time is not our friend. And for all the "EU friendly" aspects  imo you will miss out on core FC/RP things.


There are a bunch of EU folk about but not great choice on FCs.


Check out the main ones, they tend to run events which is a great way to get a feel. Though often these are closed for recruiting at times.


I have noticed a few active smaller EU FCs, those might suit you.


And then there are LS, with the "what you get is what you get" warning. Try some out and see if any suit you.

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Hey there, and welcome back aboard the RPC and FFXIV! :thumbsup:


Being an NA player myself, I can't really recommend any EU FC's off the top of my head- but I am under the impression Azeyma's Oath has a pretty good amount of EU timezone people at least. I might be wrong on that though.

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I know what you mean with the NA crowed.. time is not our friend. And for all the "EU friendly" aspects  imo you will miss out on core FC/RP things.


There are a bunch of EU folk about but not great choice on FCs.


Check out the main ones, they tend to run events which is a great way to get a feel. Though often these are closed for recruiting at times.

Do you know the names of the FCs? I look on the list but it's just a bunch of names so it doesn't really tell me much xD

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Hey, another EU player, welcome back!


I sadly can't offer any FC's myself, though I'd be happy to hang out with you or your character regardless.


I'm keeping my eye on Maril's list linked above as well for when I hit 50 and have somewhat of a clue on what I'm doing in this game. :lol:


Welcome back once more!

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Hey, another EU player, welcome back!


I sadly can't offer any FC's myself, though I'd be happy to hang out with you or your character regardless.


Sure I'd be up for doing a scene or two :) I have like 5 characters and will probably re-work half of them so I'm sure we can come up with something that would fit with yours! I'll try and find you in game tonight!

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Hey, another EU player, welcome back!


I sadly can't offer any FC's myself, though I'd be happy to hang out with you or your character regardless.


Sure I'd be up for doing a scene or two :) I have like 5 characters and will probably re-work half of them so I'm sure we can come up with something that would fit with yours! I'll try and find you in game tonight!


Oh, please do!


I read your reply in my thread as well and would be very interested in talking about it. Sadly adding your char name to the friends list didn't work out for some reason, so please poke me when you see me online, or add me on A'riali Soro!

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