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Aether and Magic theory

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I'm just wondering but is there an in game source for a more in-depth look at the uses and application of aether and magick? Some people I know wish to just be lore-adherent and not stray too far from your basic 'fire' or 'thunder' spells. I myself and I'm sure others like to be a bit more free with it and create something that breaks from that. Say for example I wanted to teach a class of students about magic theory or aether theory, would there be anything lore-wise I could tell them or would it be up to me to make something sensible out of it. I ask this because it feels like in rp that anything unexplainable or hand-wavy is usually just attributed to the generic term of 'aether'. How did he do that? Aether. How did he just lift that guy up? Aether. I hope I'm being clear in what I'm asking about >.

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I believe there's some principles involving the Elemental Wheel and the cycle of Aether that can be found in the books and stuff at the Ossuary (Thaumaturge's Guild)? I'm not entirely sure if that fits what you're looking for, but it describes the elements that aether is used in, at least from a Thaumaturgic viewpoint.


And the whole Monk chakra thing I think is explained in those questlines. Basically you have parts of the body where you can channel your own aether through to bolster your physical abilities - increased stamina or power or what-have-you. And I think some have theorized (though it isn't outright stated) that channeling their aether into their legs is how Dragoons do their super jumpy thing.


I also think there's stuff somewhere regarding how Aether is basically the lifeblood of all living things and ties into a cycle with the Lifestream. And such energy that is lost suddenly and dramatically (such as the deaths caused by Bahamut) cause crystals to form.


... I'm sure Sounsyy will have more specific examples and quotes on the matter, though.

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Hmm yeah that's something like what I was looking for, thanks. So Aether is basically the energy source for anything and everything. So I understand monks and drg seem to use their own aether. Is everyone born with their aether and that's what they use to do skills and/or cast magic? Can they pull aether from the air or other sources?

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Hmm yeah that's something like what I was looking for, thanks. So Aether is basically the energy source for anything and everything.


Correct. Every living thing has aether in it. In fact, the CNJ questline in particular shows what happens if you try using your - for lack of better term - lifeblood aether to cast spells. It will kill you.


Instead, as the THM questline intones, everyone has a different size... aetheric well that they can draw from to cast their own spells. The only other way to power spells is by using the ambient aether around you - but there's varying degrees of that (from CNJ's "borrowing and returning" policy to BLM's "I'mma take it" one). And, of course, that just taking and using the world's aether nearly killed the planet in the War of the Magi and caused the Elementals to flood everything.

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Hmm yeah that's something like what I was looking for, thanks. So Aether is basically the energy source for anything and everything.


Correct. Every living thing has aether in it. In fact, the CNJ questline in particular shows what happens if you try using your - for lack of better term - lifeblood aether to cast spells. It will kill you.


Instead, as the THM questline intones, everyone has a different size... aetheric well that they can draw from to cast their own spells. The only other way to power spells is by using the ambient aether around you - but there's varying degrees of that (from CNJ's "borrowing and returning" policy to BLM's "I'mma take it" one). And, of course, that just taking and using the world's aether nearly killed the planet in the War of the Magi and caused the Elementals to flood everything.

Ah, as I thought then. I had always assumed that was the case. I have a character of my own who has a very tiny aether pool due to some stuff in their past. And I know many characters who have something wrong with their aether or lack the ability to use it all together. I always like the 'science' and theory behind this kind of stuff so this info is all very interesting to me!

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I'm just wondering but is there an in game source for a more in-depth look at the uses and application of aether and magick? Some people I know wish to just be lore-adherent and not stray too far from your basic 'fire' or 'thunder' spells. I myself and I'm sure others like to be a bit more free with it and create something that breaks from that. Say for example I wanted to teach a class of students about magic theory or aether theory, would there be anything lore-wise I could tell them or would it be up to me to make something sensible out of it. I ask this because it feels like in rp that anything unexplainable or hand-wavy is usually just attributed to the generic term of 'aether'. How did he do that? Aether. How did he just lift that guy up? Aether. I hope I'm being clear in what I'm asking about >.<


/cracks knuckles.




Crash Course in Eorzean Aetherology

- Aetherology 101 - What is Aether, the Lifestream, and the Aetherytes?

- Aetherology 102 - Corrupted Aether and Aethersickness

- Aetherology 201 - Schools of Magick, Aether Sources, Foci, and Channeling Aids

- Aetherology 202 - Essences & Permutations: A Treatise of the Six Elements

- Aetherology 205 - Elemental Aspects and Polarities in Spellcasting

- Thaumaturgy 301 - Manipulating the Polarities Two, Astral versus Umbral

- Thaumaturgy 302 - The Religion of Thaumaturgy, The Order of Nald'thal

- Black Magic 701 - Origins of the Forbidden Black

- Black Magic 702 - The Gem of Shatotto

- Conjury 402 - Hearers and the Elemental Religion of Nophica

- Arcanima 501 - Arcanum, Carbuncles, and their Many Uses in the Modern World

- Monk 603 - The Brotherhood of the Fists of Rhalgr, and the Magic of Chakras



Those are about all of the magic compilations I've written so far. I have a more in-depth look at Conjury on my to-do list. In addition to the "curriculum" above, here's another couple links that might be helpful about some of the schools in Eorzea that might teach a more broad view of magic.


- Sharlayan's Studium

- Ishgard's Saint Endalim Scholasticate

- Other Formal Education Across Eorzea



As far as going beyond the basic spells we see in game and manipulating aether into new and creative ways - you'd not be the only one to have ever delved into the realm of experimentation!


Ser Hermenost de la Treaumaille

Ser Hermenost was also a formidable mage capable of unleashing devastating attacks by imbuing his battleaxe with lightning, a feat which earned him the title of "the Levinlight."

On the eastern edge of Abalathia's Spine lies the mountainous region of Gyr Abania.


It is in these elevated lands that people took shelter, when a burning star guided them away from the Sixth Umbral Calamity's treacherous floodwaters. The survivors gathered from near and far, and amongst them were refugees of the sorcerous cities of Mhach and Amdapor.


These sworn enemies buried their history for the sake of the future, and cast aside their vestments of black and white. Upon the remnants of their arts a new discipline was built, and the first red mages stepped forward with rapiers in hand to fight back against the rising tides of destruction.




Hope this helps! ^^

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I'm just wondering but is there an in game source for a more in-depth look at the uses and application of aether and magick? Some people I know wish to just be lore-adherent and not stray too far from your basic 'fire' or 'thunder' spells. I myself and I'm sure others like to be a bit more free with it and create something that breaks from that. Say for example I wanted to teach a class of students about magic theory or aether theory, would there be anything lore-wise I could tell them or would it be up to me to make something sensible out of it. I ask this because it feels like in rp that anything unexplainable or hand-wavy is usually just attributed to the generic term of 'aether'. How did he do that? Aether. How did he just lift that guy up? Aether. I hope I'm being clear in what I'm asking about >.<


/cracks knuckles.




Crash Course in Eorzean Aetherology

- Aetherology 101 - What is Aether, the Lifestream, and the Aetherytes?

- Aetherology 102 - Corrupted Aether and Aethersickness

- Aetherology 201 - Schools of Magick, Aether Sources, Foci, and Channeling Aids

- Aetherology 202 - Essences & Permutations: A Treatise of the Six Elements

- Thaumaturgy 301 - Manipulating the Polarities Two, Astral versus Umbral

- Thaumaturgy 302 - The Religion of Thaumaturgy, The Order of Nald'thal

- Black Magic 701 - Origins of the Forbidden Black

- Conjury 402 - Hearers and the Elemental Religion of Nophica

- Arcanima 501 - Arcanum, Carbuncles, and their Many Uses in the Modern World

- Monk 603 - The Brotherhood of the Fists of Rhalgr, and the Magic of Chakras



Those are about all of the magic compilations I've written so far. I have a more in-depth look at Conjury on my to-do list. In addition to the "curriculum" above, here's another couple links that might be helpful about some of the schools in Eorzea that might teach a more broad view of magic.


- Sharlayan's Studium

- Ishgard's Saint Endalim Scholasticate

- Other Formal Education Across Eorzea



As far as going beyond the basic spells we see in game and manipulating aether into new and creative ways - you'd not be the only one to have ever delved into the realm of experimentation!


Ser Hermenost de la Treaumaille

Ser Hermenost was also a formidable mage capable of unleashing devastating attacks by imbuing his battleaxe with lightning, a feat which earned him the title of "the Levinlight."

On the eastern edge of Abalathia's Spine lies the mountainous region of Gyr Abania.


It is in these elevated lands that people took shelter, when a burning star guided them away from the Sixth Umbral Calamity's treacherous floodwaters. The survivors gathered from near and far, and amongst them were refugees of the sorcerous cities of Mhach and Amdapor.


These sworn enemies buried their history for the sake of the future, and cast aside their vestments of black and white. Upon the remnants of their arts a new discipline was built, and the first red mages stepped forward with rapiers in hand to fight back against the rising tides of destruction.




Hope this helps! ^^

Holy crap! Yeah this is what I'm looking for! Looks like I have a lot of reading to do :D

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I didn't see it stated, but another example being that ninjas use their skill to borrow aether from other living things! While it's not personal aether manipulation, I think something can be said about being able to manipulate the aether of others/objects.

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I'm just wondering but is there an in game source for a more in-depth look at the uses and application of aether and magick? Some people I know wish to just be lore-adherent and not stray too far from your basic 'fire' or 'thunder' spells. I myself and I'm sure others like to be a bit more free with it and create something that breaks from that. Say for example I wanted to teach a class of students about magic theory or aether theory, would there be anything lore-wise I could tell them or would it be up to me to make something sensible out of it. I ask this because it feels like in rp that anything unexplainable or hand-wavy is usually just attributed to the generic term of 'aether'. How did he do that? Aether. How did he just lift that guy up? Aether. I hope I'm being clear in what I'm asking about >.<


/cracks knuckles.




Crash Course in Eorzean Aetherology

- Aetherology 101 - What is Aether, the Lifestream, and the Aetherytes?

- Aetherology 102 - Corrupted Aether and Aethersickness

- Aetherology 201 - Schools of Magick, Aether Sources, Foci, and Channeling Aids

- Aetherology 202 - Essences & Permutations: A Treatise of the Six Elements

- Thaumaturgy 301 - Manipulating the Polarities Two, Astral versus Umbral

- Thaumaturgy 302 - The Religion of Thaumaturgy, The Order of Nald'thal

- Black Magic 701 - Origins of the Forbidden Black

- Conjury 402 - Hearers and the Elemental Religion of Nophica

- Arcanima 501 - Arcanum, Carbuncles, and their Many Uses in the Modern World

- Monk 603 - The Brotherhood of the Fists of Rhalgr, and the Magic of Chakras



Those are about all of the magic compilations I've written so far. I have a more in-depth look at Conjury on my to-do list. In addition to the "curriculum" above, here's another couple links that might be helpful about some of the schools in Eorzea that might teach a more broad view of magic.


- Sharlayan's Studium

- Ishgard's Saint Endalim Scholasticate

- Other Formal Education Across Eorzea



As far as going beyond the basic spells we see in game and manipulating aether into new and creative ways - you'd not be the only one to have ever delved into the realm of experimentation!


Ser Hermenost de la Treaumaille

Ser Hermenost was also a formidable mage capable of unleashing devastating attacks by imbuing his battleaxe with lightning, a feat which earned him the title of "the Levinlight."

On the eastern edge of Abalathia's Spine lies the mountainous region of Gyr Abania.


It is in these elevated lands that people took shelter, when a burning star guided them away from the Sixth Umbral Calamity's treacherous floodwaters. The survivors gathered from near and far, and amongst them were refugees of the sorcerous cities of Mhach and Amdapor.


These sworn enemies buried their history for the sake of the future, and cast aside their vestments of black and white. Upon the remnants of their arts a new discipline was built, and the first red mages stepped forward with rapiers in hand to fight back against the rising tides of destruction.




Hope this helps! ^^

  Sounsyy you are amazing.

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