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The Grand Tournament of the Fury 2017 - May 19th to June 9th, 7 EST

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[align=center]The Grand Tournament




Once more we call upon the champions of Eorzea! Take arms and raise your city-state’s banner high – it’s time for the Grand Tournament of the Fury!


To be held for two weeks during the Third Astral Moon, beginning at the 7th bell at Camp Dragonhead:

Tournament of the Mark (Ranged) – 19th Sun (Friday, May 19th, 7 pm EST)

Tournament of the Blade (Melee) – 21st Sun (Sunday, May 21st, 7 pm EST)

Tournament of the Wand (Magic) – 26th Sun (Friday, May 26th 7 pm EST)

Tournament of the Lance (Joust) – 28th Sun (Sunday, May 28th 7 pm EST)


A celebratory ball in honor of the four champions shall follow in the Pillars, beginning the 7th bell on the 9th sun of the Third Umbral Moon. (Friday, June 9th at 7pm EST).


Entry is open to all citizens of the Eorzean Alliance, Doma, and Ala Mhigo. Come compete for your city-state to see who is truly worthy of the Fury’s favor! Vendors, bookmakers, and live performers shall be in attendance. Proceeds from the tournament will go towards charitable efforts for all city states involved.


Please send all notes of registry, interest, and inquiry to Lady Eliane Dufresne or to Lady Gwenneth Gilrouis, in the service of House Durendaire.





It’s back, folks, and better than ever! Come help us say farewell to beautiful Ishgard right before Stormblood hits! The Dufresne Bellworks will be hosting a good old-fashioned medieval-style tournament once again. There will be four events and four champions, with herald announcers to keep you hyped!:


Ranged Tournament/Champion of the Mark

Melee Tournament/Champion of the Blade

Magic Tournament/Champion of the Wand

Chocobo Jousting/Champion of the Lance


This year, the Tournament will be split over 4 days across the span of two weeks, in order to ensure everyone can attend all four events. There will be no grand champion competition this year; instead, we want to celebrate the four individual champions during the ball! As always, winning a championship also means winning fabulous prizes! (Prize list TBA!)


This year, we’ll have a Professional Bookmaker with whom you can place (RPed, no actual gil, please) bets. Whoever wagers successfully on the outcome of the tournament can also win a fun prize!


Additionally, we’re looking to have a fairgrounds area where spectators can buy food and merchandise and listen to live performances between the bouts. If you are a part of a bard, merchant, or culinary FC and would like to set up a stall, let’s talk! Please send a PM on tumblr or the RPC, or an in-game /tell to Eliane Dufresne, Gwenneth Gilrouis, Hyrtwyda Eyhafrynwyn, or Martiallais Heuloix.


For full information on the tournament, as well as tournament rules, please click here. Event attendance and participation is open to everybody who isn’t an Imperial! (Though we encourage our Imperial friends to sneak in anyway. ;) )


***PLEASE NOTE!***: IF YOU ARE PLANNING ON COMPETING THIS YEAR, PLEASE REGISTER WITH US BY WEDNESDAY, MAY 17TH. Contact us via PM on Tumblr or the RPC, or send an in-game /tell to either Eliane Dufresne or Gwenneth Gilrouis, and let us know the following:


-Your character name

-What City-State your character will be representing

-What events your character will be competing in


If for whatever reason you are unable to make the tournament after all, please let us know ASAP so we can update the brackets accordingly.


Additionally, IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP DONATE TO THE PRIZE POOL, either for the tournament or the ball, please contact Eliane Dufresne or Gwenneth Gilrouis to transfer your items BY WEDNESDAY, MAY 17th. For the sake of keeping the event running smoothly, we will not accept any item or gil donations after this date. Donors will be credited.


If you have any questions or comments, please contact Eliane Dufresne, Gwenneth Gilrouis, Hyrtwyda Eyhafrynwyn, or Martiallais Heuloix for more details. We hope you’re all as excited as we are. See you there, Balmung!

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I was reading your rules for the Chocobo Jousting, and not sure if it's mentioned anywhere else, but I didn't see anything in the rules. What happens if both jousters break lances 3 times at the same time (a tie in other words)?


If this is covered someplace else, my apologies.


Edit: Also, is there a rule against competing in multiple tournaments?

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Thank you for the great questions!  I'll take a look for the specifics on that Jousting ruling, and one of us will get back to you as soon as possible!


As for your second question:  You can compete in all four events if you choose to, since this year they're all on different days!

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Hey there Keiji!


I'll field the jousting question if that's quite alright. :) With that said, we'll be applying the same 'gauge by whichever competitor has the higher roll' rule if both jousters fall within the same category, even with breaks. Hopefully that clears things up!


And as Gwenneth already noted, we separated the event days this year just so that people could participate in as many events as they wish. That was definitely one of the pieces of feedback we received with last year's Grand Tourney that we wanted to try and change this year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Xaela are very much welcome to compete!  While we've listed some major locations under which to compete, that bit is entirely optional, and we certainly shan't discourage your character from competing in the name of a home of which they're very fond!

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Hey everyone! The Tournament is just around the corner, so I'd like to take this time to remind everyone that if you want to compete in any or all of the events, that you need to register by Wednesday, May 17th! Just send a PM to any of us here, on tumblr, or in game and we'll add you to the brackets. All we need to know is your character's name, what city state they're representing (or if they'd prefer to be independent), and what events you'd like to compete in.


You can compete in multiple events if you'd like. Everyone is welcome! <3

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Now that we're drawing nearer to the tournament, it's time to continue with our info reveals!


First and foremost: this year's prizes!!

"Good people of Eorzea -- our champions all: It is little more than a sennight until the Grand Tournament of the Fury opens on the 19th Sun of this very Moon.  Surely at this point you are anxious to know what rewards await those who achieve victory!"

- First Place Rewards -

Victor’s Portrait

The champions of each of our four separate events will receive a portrait commissioned by the talented Lord Evariste de Baudhuin, who has graciously donated his services in celebration of the occasion.

The wonderful @aethericseafarer is offering a sketch portrait like the example below to the first-place winner of each event of the tournament. This is to be considered in-character; drawn by the hand of Lord Evariste himself!



Prize Bundles**

Tournament of the Mark - 5/19

  • Hunting Hawk
  • Eternal Wind Orchestrion Roll

Tournament of the Sword - 5/21

  • Weapon of the Round*
  • Heroes Orchestrion Roll

Tournament of the Wand - 5/26

  • Orchestrion
  • Revenge of the Horde Orchestrion Roll
  • Great Gubal Floor Lamp

Tournament of the Lance - 5/28

  • Highland Barding
  • Orthodox Barding
  • Topiary Chocobo
  • Oriental Striking Dummy
  • Painted Foothills Orchestrion Roll

**All bundles have been reviewed to be of similar value.

*Weapon of the Round will be the Winner’s Choice.  We will have all materials on-hand to craft upon victory.


- Second Place Reward -

Gil Prize Payout

The second-place competitor of each event will receive a sum of 100,000 gil for their efforts.


Remember, good people, that there is still time to pre-register for this year’s Grand Tournament of the Fury! Pre-Registration closes on WEDNESDAY, MAY 17th.

Pre-registration is an incredible help to our being able to start on time, and therefore ensuring a better experience for all of you, our competitors and guests!

Additionally, IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP DONATE TO THE PRIZE POOL for the ball or otherwise, please contact Eliane Dufresne, Martiallais Heuloix, or Gwenneth Gilrouis to transfer your items BY WEDNESDAY, MAY 17th.


Further information on the Tournament and its closing Ball and raffles is forthcoming, so -- as they say -- “please look forward to it!”

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Hey everyone! There's only one more day to sign up! If you'd like to compete in any or all of the events, simply PM me here with your character name, which city state (if any) you'd like to represent, and which events you'd like to compete in.


If you're not on the list, we may not be able to get you in to compete on the day of the tournament!


This year's turnout may very well wind up being bigger than last year's! Thank you so much for the interest and enthusiasm. We're just a few days out from the first event. We hope you're all as excited as we are!


See you there!

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Continuing on with our announcements leading to the start of the Grand Tournament...here's another addition to this year's events!






For this year’s Grand Tournament, Kail Gerrad and the crew of the Ashen Rook shall act as bookies for any wishing to take a chance and lay with Lady Luck! Show your support for your favorite champion by backing their rise to fame and fortune with even more fortune! Play the odds for the long haul, or bet it all and pray that the odds are in your favor! The corsairs shall accept bets from any and all with the coin to spare for it!  They demurely request that any not satisfied with their outcome spare the tournament assembly any violence outside the ring, and instead save their complaints for the back alleys of Limsa Lominsa.  




How It Works

  • Interested parties are to locate Kail Gerrad before the start of each Tournament event (Ranged, Melee, Magic, Joust) on its designated day.  Don’t fret -- he’s very loud.
  • Gamblers will be "given" a purse of 50,000 gil each (IC coinage only) for the course of the entire Tournament.  This encompasses all the money that Kail (the “house”) is willing to cover. Players can bet up to 50k each round, but losing does cumulative damage to their purse over the course of the tournament, and after 50k they can no longer bet for the duration of the tourney.
  • Each event of the Tournament (Ranged, Melee, Magic, Joust) will be a “round” of gambling, each with their own prize for whoever takes the pot for that round. At the end of the tourney, there will be a final prize for the fattest purse. To qualify for this prize, players need to have bet on at LEAST two of the events.
  • Just because you don't pick the winning pony, doesn't mean you go away with nothing. Picking a character that places in their event still has returns on your purse:
    • Picking 1st place has a return of 100% (that's double your money folks!)
    • Picking 2nd place has a return of 75%
    • Picking 3rd has a return of 50%.

    [*]Kail reserves the right to laugh at bets under 1000 gil.       


What You Win

Single Round/Event Prize


  • 50,000 gil

Fattest Purse Plunder*

  • Dead Man's Chest
  • Plundered Treasure

Bragging Rights For the Next Twelvemoon


*Calculations to determine this prize-winner will be determined at the conclusion of the fourth event, so please keep in touch so we can deliver your prizes if this winner is you!

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Here we are folks! The first day of the Second Annual Grand Tournament of the Fury has arrived! And with it comes one final reveal…



The Official Return of Heralds!


While we didn’t have much of a format for them last year, I’m pleased to announce that we’re ready for them this time around! :D


Heralds will be utilized in the FINAL ROUND of each event, so be sure to have your silver tongued bard of choice on hand to get the crowd on your side for the showdown of the eve!


However, if you don’t have a Herald of your own, this year’s wonderful announcers – Brave Horizon and Xanadu Mol – will be more than glad to give you an impromptu introduction themselves! All we ask is that you have 3 interesting facts about your character on hand to provide our dynamic duo and they’ll take care of the rest.


We do ask, however, that all heraldry be presented in 3 minutes or less. It’s an entrance theme, not a concert after all! So with that said…






Pre-Registration has been incredibly helpful in our efforts organizing the Grand Tourney this year and we want to thank everyone who has done so! We’ve nearly 100 total competitors across the 4 events this year, so thank you all for the enthusiasm!


SO to that end, we are going to allow a VERY BRIEF period of sign ups on the day of the event. We’re pushing the official start time to 7:15pm (EST) each day to allow FIFTEEN MINUTES for sign-ups at the door.


It’s still advisable that all competitors arrive at Camp Dragonhead by 7:00pm (EST) but look for Martiallais Heuloix or any Dufresne Bellworks member wearing the green Looking for Party status symbol. They’ll be able to get you registered as long as you are present before 7:15pm when the action starts!



And people say all Ishgardians are jerks - We’ll see you at the tourney!

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The Grand Tournament of the Fury kicked off with a literal bang with the Tournament of the Range! Tonight, the realm’s best marksmen and markswomen gathered to square off in a sharpshooting contest, and after a close competition, the winners emerged: Champion of the Range, Ser Vilette Laurent of Ishgard, and runner up, Leanne Delphium of Gridania! Vilette takes home a portrait by Lord Evariste, a hunting hawk, an Eternal Wind orchestrion scroll, and 250k gil! Leanne takes home 100k gil! Congratulations and well done, ladies!


Ishgard has now claimed victory in one event. Can the other city-states refuse her further titles, or will the republic reign supreme? Find out this Sunday, the 21st, as we kick off a gigantic melee with the Tournament of the Blade!


See you there!

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Day Two of the Second Annual Grand Tournament of the Fury kicks off tonight at Camp Dragonhead!


Tonight's event will be the hotly contested battle to determine this year's Tournament of the Blade champion! I hope everyone's sharpened their blades, polished their shields, and is ready to throw down!


We'll see you at Camp Dragonhead tonight at 7pm (EST)!

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The second day of the Grand Tournament of the Fury has finally wrapped up, and what a day it was! This was easily our biggest turnout yet!


The best warriors from around the realm gathered in a fierce competition for fortune and the Fury’s favor. Many of the bouts were brutal and nail-bitingly close! But after a long and hard-fought day, the victors emerged: Champion of the Blade Kiera Hawkeye of Ala Mhigo, and runner up Claire Nyhmidu of Ishgard! Claire takes home 100,000 gil, while Kiera takes home a portrait drawn by Lord Evariste, a Sword and Shield of the Round, a Heroes Orchestrion Roll, and 250,000 gil! Well done, ladies!


We’d also like to thank The Ashen Clinic once again for their outstanding healing services, and Hana O’hana for their lovely flower and hot chocolate vending! Thank you guys for joining us!


The Tournament continues next weekend with the Tournament of the Wand this Friday, May 26th! We hope to see you there!

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