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Looking for friends, family, long term RP!

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[align=center]Hello RPC and welcome to my thread of making contacts![/align]


A little about the character; Y'rhenasi Jadel 

Age: 23 years 

[align=left]Status: Single 


Personality:  Relaxed, easy going, loyal, curious, spontaneous and sometimes a little too blunt for her own good.   I don't want to give too much away because I'd rather RP it than hit you with a bunch of character details.



RP Contacts:

[align=left]Organic RP!


As a fan of random and/or organic RP, 9 times out of 10 you'll find me IC no matter what I'm doing in-game. So if you see me in game feel free to stop me and chat. Unless I absolutely have a somewhere to be - I will stop and RP with you!  Even if its for a two minute chat to say hi and exchange names!  Just gives us more reason to say hi again at a later date.

Play dates!


Actually, I'm a fan of any kind of RP.  If you want to set something up for our characters to meet, lets do it. Got a story arch you need a 5th wheel for or the guy in the red shirt that always dies first, I'm your girl!


Family & Background Possibilities:  

[align=left]Rhen is the product of a prolific Nuhn.  Her tribe was a splinter of the Jaguar tribe and early in her life, her siblings were either; killed, stolen or moved on.   She was born in the Sagolii and their little tribe was nomadic so it is possible at some point in her life and your character's that they met. Maybe at a trading post? 


[align=center]I am open to the possibilities of siblings.  No parents please. Maybe an aunt or uncle.[/align]

Wuv, sweet wuv...

Anyone brave enough to get Rhen to sit still for more than 10 minutes -have at it! She's one of those people who loves to work and compliments sometimes fly right over her head. She gets wrapped up in what she's doing and becomes oblivious to the world around her. That being said, she's still a woman and at this stage in her life, very susceptible to romance!  You might just have to hit her with it.



[align=left]Things Rhen would not be interested in; love triangles, married men, married women. Even though she is a seeker coming from a tribal background, it's not a path she wants to follow for herself at this stage in her life.




[align=left]Just to note - I do not do any sort of romantic RP with anyone under the age of 18. This includes even the most benign of romance topics!  I realize that someone could lie and say they're over 18 but I hope that would not be the case. 






[align=center]Feel free to message me in game or here! Usual game time is EST in the evenings.[/align]

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rhen made fun of my apartment and said it was a fire hazard. 0/10 would never rp with again


jk rhen is cool my dudes do it up with rhen for a great time


Awe, thanks Kerrath.  :love:   You're the best.

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rhen made fun of my apartment and said it was a fire hazard. 0/10 would never rp with again


jk rhen is cool my dudes do it up with rhen for a great time


Kerrath deserves to be made fun of! If Rhen does this then I'm in full support of the woman.

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rhen made fun of my apartment and said it was a fire hazard. 0/10 would never rp with again


jk rhen is cool my dudes do it up with rhen for a great time


Kerrath deserves to be made fun of! If Rhen does this then I'm in full support of the woman.

wow!!!! rude!!!! at least kerrath doesnt arrange pebbles for a living!!!!


anyways hi rhen tell me the next time you go off on a restaurant adventure

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