Momo Posted May 21, 2017 Share #26 Posted May 21, 2017 I mean, it's pretty clear by the responses to the numerous threads already discussing this issue that opinions differ on the matter so I don't think anybody should be climbing atop a pedestal and stating with certainty that a particular approach is the 'correct' option. Not everybody is comfortable with Balmung in its current state. There's plenty of valid reasons as to why someone may wish to move elsewhere. Yes, other communities of role-players will be smaller but that suits some people just fine. Others may move due to suffering major response issues thanks to the server move; especially if they live somewhere in Europe. I intend to stay for as long as I have friends here. I have a handful of people I trust and care about. I also think it's deceptive to paint Balmung in a solely positive light because it does have its issues and some aspects of the community are pretty rotten. There's stalkers, there's people with no filter in regards to their ERP shenanigans and then there's the numerous flaky individuals who get people's hopes up in regards to promising them role-play only to never deliver and/or they end up just dropping them the moment they find someone newer and fresher to interact with. It happens fairly often when someone commits to a 'romance plot' and suddenly everything else ends up meaning very little by comparison. Does this happen elsewhere? Of course, but Balmung being so large means there's more good and more bad. Some people are lucky and find some shining gems amongst the muck but others drift about - through no fault of their own - and endure terrible experiences over and over. If it wasn't for the shining gems I found I'd have left this server long ago and I know from what I've heard from other individuals that this is hardly an isolated stance. That's what you come up with for negatives to Balmung? Stalkers, ERP, missed connections likely due to lack of time or interest?....Okay. Balmung has problems, but these issues aren't relevant or part of that as specific to this server, these are general problems or misperpetuated falsities which plague any group or none at all. First, stalkers, going to just say, they aren't a group, they are individuals. There are more RPers and players in general, so there will naturally be more of each individual type of person. Stalkers can first be avoided by setting clear and concise limits for yourself and your RP partners, and leave at the first sign that these limits aren't being respected or are being broken. If they continue to approach you, be sure to document each contact and go through official channels, this is not a problem only for Balmung, but for Internet folk and RPers in general any place they go. ERP "shenanigans" is a myth for the most part. You would on a very odd occasion, find acceidental /says or otherwise, and maybe...what "naked" characters which aren't really naked and doesn't bother anyone unless you're that much a prude. This is one of the more nonsense things I see perpetuated by nonrpers, basement dwellers, and other types so fully uncomfortable with their own sexuality and the existence of sexuality in general, that they have one or two instances in probably hundreds to thousands of hours of gameplay on a packed server, and suddenly there is an epidemic. Please if you find something you don't like, understand that first it isn't always going to be a problem to others, and secondly admit to yourself and others it is a rare occurrence and move on with life. There are hundreds if not more RPers, if someone says they'll RP with you in the future, whether scheduled or not, that doesn't mean in an internet setting, that you will get together every time. Sometimes people get busy, sometimes they don't find your RP as valuable as other RP, sometimes they just plain forget from living real life, BUT again this is not some sort of epidemic specific to Balmung, just RP groups in general. BALMUNG HAS ISSUES, but I would rather talk about real ones that affect the population as a whole and should be encouraged to change as a whole to open up further RP avenues than these trite issues that affect anyone anywhere on the internet. Link to comment
ArmachiA Posted May 21, 2017 Share #27 Posted May 21, 2017 I'm not going to tell people who want to play the game a certain way that they, in fact, can't play it that way until they get to a server that's locked - and could be locked for a long, long while. I'm never going to tell people how they should play the game. And saying "We all need to be on Balmung, don't make a second server" is in fact telling them that. They pay 15 a month, they deserve to be able to roleplay as well. Balmung's rp community won't die for a while yet, We can afford to help build a community on Mataeus or wherever we're throwing our support. We should be worried if it gets into 4 or 5 months (A legit concern) but Balmung will not go down in flames come Stormblood's launch without new folk. WE'RE FINE for a little while. We can take those few months of "fine" and help newer rpers get what they want out of the game. We have our connections and our houses and our friends and our community, and the new players can't join that. Telling them they have no other option and shrugging our shoulders at them going "Whelp too bad, wait for Balmung" is something I, personally, refuse to do. I know how frustrating it can be to not play where you want to play (I started on a PVP server with my friends in WoW, I hated every minute of it because I wanted to be on an RP server... I eventually moved anyway) and how you want to play. 4 Link to comment
Mercer Posted May 21, 2017 Share #28 Posted May 21, 2017 Unlurking just to say I wish I could lovingly embroider Graeham's post and hang it over my fireplace, as it pretty much sums up my feelings perfectly. I understand getting defensive of a place you love when people are saying they don't find it quite as nice, but if someone has reached this point of frustration in their experience, a page of advice or anecdotes about how other people succeeded is too little, too late. The opportunity to help has come and passed, especially for those who have been trying for years. There are loads of great people on Balmung, but for all the positives that come with a large community, the sad fact is that a lot of people are unable to really connect with them and the desire to transfer to a community where they have a shot at not being invisible is very, very relatable. Please refer to section of OP regarding leaving server for personal reasons. Solidarity in the RP community (so that RP remains common, available, and diverse) is more important than misconceptions particular individuals may have about a community that is so large, diverse, and vibrant that it would be disingenuous to impute negative attributes to it as a whole. Perhaps I'm very lucky, but I've never had an issue with roving bands of stalkers, 'flaky individuals', or other negative stereotypes. RPers love to jest about the pervasive nature of such things, but in reality they remain largely mythical. But, as Gaeham said, these issues will exist on any server, and the problem with a smaller server is that you have no alternatives to escape them. Momo explained in a prior post the problems that happen if you encounter issues on a smaller server, and the OP explains those problems in great detail. Again, we don't need to be wedded to Balmung in particular: what is far more important is that the RP community consolidate on one server [at the present time Balmung]. With any luck, perhaps we'll get an official RP server one day, and then the community can move there. I take offense to this. To say that the player exclusion, stalkers and cliques are mythical is wholly uncalled for. There are many people that have experienced such behavior and to outright dismiss them is unacceptable. It could be in the minority of the experiences, but there are experiences that happen on a daily occurrence. The fact people have been on that end of the equation is why some of these small communities exist. 2 Link to comment
Flynn Bladebreaker Posted May 21, 2017 Share #29 Posted May 21, 2017 More than one RP server won't hurt. One overpopulated locked server and multiple servers with small (and I mean LS sized) playerbases that don't get enough attention*will* hurt. No one wants to pay extra, telling them to just so they can be with the rest of the cool kids is unfair, especially when it might not be what they're after. Link to comment
Val Posted May 21, 2017 Share #30 Posted May 21, 2017 Unlurking just to say I wish I could lovingly embroider Graeham's post and hang it over my fireplace, as it pretty much sums up my feelings perfectly. I understand getting defensive of a place you love when people are saying they don't find it quite as nice, but if someone has reached this point of frustration in their experience, a page of advice or anecdotes about how other people succeeded is too little, too late. The opportunity to help has come and passed, especially for those who have been trying for years. There are loads of great people on Balmung, but for all the positives that come with a large community, the sad fact is that a lot of people are unable to really connect with them and the desire to transfer to a community where they have a shot at not being invisible is very, very relatable. Please refer to section of OP regarding leaving server for personal reasons. Solidarity in the RP community (so that RP remains common, available, and diverse) is more important than misconceptions particular individuals may have about a community that is so large, diverse, and vibrant that it would be disingenuous to impute negative attributes to it as a whole. Perhaps I'm very lucky, but I've never had an issue with roving bands of stalkers, 'flaky individuals', or other negative stereotypes. RPers love to jest about the pervasive nature of such things, but in reality they remain largely mythical. But, as Gaeham said, these issues will exist on any server, and the problem with a smaller server is that you have no alternatives to escape them. Momo explained in a prior post the problems that happen if you encounter issues on a smaller server, and the OP explains those problems in great detail. Again, we don't need to be wedded to Balmung in particular: what is far more important is that the RP community consolidate on one server [at the present time Balmung]. With any luck, perhaps we'll get an official RP server one day, and then the community can move there. I take offense to this. To say that the player exclusion, stalkers and cliques are mythical is wholly uncalled for. There are many people that have experienced such behavior and to outright dismiss them is unacceptable. It could be in the minority of the experiences, but there are experiences that happen on a daily occurrence. The fact people have been on that end of the equation is why some of these small communities exist. This. It takes a special kind of person to immediately dismiss anyone's claims of negative experience on the server based on your own experiences. Just because things are going good for you does not mean that it's great for everyone. Just because things seem okay to you does not mean that they're great for everyone. When discussing matters of this nature, people need to take into account the big picture other than "well everything's been great for me so I don't see a problem in _________" 1 Link to comment
Momo Posted May 21, 2017 Share #31 Posted May 21, 2017 Unlurking just to say I wish I could lovingly embroider Graeham's post and hang it over my fireplace, as it pretty much sums up my feelings perfectly. I understand getting defensive of a place you love when people are saying they don't find it quite as nice, but if someone has reached this point of frustration in their experience, a page of advice or anecdotes about how other people succeeded is too little, too late. The opportunity to help has come and passed, especially for those who have been trying for years. There are loads of great people on Balmung, but for all the positives that come with a large community, the sad fact is that a lot of people are unable to really connect with them and the desire to transfer to a community where they have a shot at not being invisible is very, very relatable. I find it interesting that those who don't put the effort to try and connect, or don't make themselves known to the point that others can't help them, are here to kick Balmung now that is "down". Alienating Balmung RPers with these one-off instances of anger and personal grievances, isn't doing anyone a favor. To pretend that this is the norm for Balmung is wholly untrue, and to pretend that the time for Balmung RP has somehow passed because some experiences turned people off to it, but in no way make up the way things actually are in reality, is just taking personal attacks and using them to amplify your voices, and it won't go over well. Balmung is still a great RP server, and there is no reason that both RP servers can't exist peacefully together as a community, as they will always be connected, and when they aren't, it doesn't end well. Unlurking just to say I wish I could lovingly embroider Graeham's post and hang it over my fireplace, as it pretty much sums up my feelings perfectly. I understand getting defensive of a place you love when people are saying they don't find it quite as nice, but if someone has reached this point of frustration in their experience, a page of advice or anecdotes about how other people succeeded is too little, too late. The opportunity to help has come and passed, especially for those who have been trying for years. There are loads of great people on Balmung, but for all the positives that come with a large community, the sad fact is that a lot of people are unable to really connect with them and the desire to transfer to a community where they have a shot at not being invisible is very, very relatable. Please refer to section of OP regarding leaving server for personal reasons. Solidarity in the RP community (so that RP remains common, available, and diverse) is more important than misconceptions particular individuals may have about a community that is so large, diverse, and vibrant that it would be disingenuous to impute negative attributes to it as a whole. Perhaps I'm very lucky, but I've never had an issue with roving bands of stalkers, 'flaky individuals', or other negative stereotypes. RPers love to jest about the pervasive nature of such things, but in reality they remain largely mythical. But, as Gaeham said, these issues will exist on any server, and the problem with a smaller server is that you have no alternatives to escape them. Momo explained in a prior post the problems that happen if you encounter issues on a smaller server, and the OP explains those problems in great detail. Again, we don't need to be wedded to Balmung in particular: what is far more important is that the RP community consolidate on one server [at the present time Balmung]. With any luck, perhaps we'll get an official RP server one day, and then the community can move there. I take offense to this. To say that the player exclusion, stalkers and cliques are mythical is wholly uncalled for. There are many people that have experienced such behavior and to outright dismiss them is unacceptable. It could be in the minority of the experiences, but there are experiences that happen on a daily occurrence. The fact people have been on that end of the equation is why some of these small communities exist. Balmung has problems, but if you are going to defend someone bashing the server, I would suggest choosing someone with opinions which are valid to the common experience, and not experiences like these which are loud in nature, but rare also and not significant of the normal interaction on Balmung. Link to comment
Sig Posted May 21, 2017 Author Share #32 Posted May 21, 2017 I take offense to this. To say that the player exclusion, stalkers and cliques are mythical is wholly uncalled for. There are many people that have experienced such behavior and to outright dismiss them is unacceptable. It could be in the minority of the experiences, but there are experiences that happen on a daily occurrence. My apologies if anything caused offense. The vague allegations about player exclusion, stalkers, and rampant cliques do exist (so they are not purely mythical), but are greatly exaggerated, will exist on /any/ community, and make up a tiny, minute fraction of the server. I suppose it's possible if you have a tiny 20-40 RP FC on a small server that homogenizes all content that you could greatly reduce these elements, but they will still likely exist. Again, it's unfortunate if someone feels so bad that they feel that leaving the community is the only answer, especially considering that the community is enormous, the blacklist function exists, and the fact that this is the internet - where no one is going to punch you from across the screen. You could attribute these type of complaints to any RP server (or place in general) by pointing to a handful of isolated examples of misconduct. For a real world example, imagine if someone decided to move away from a rural town in Idaho - citing that it had terrible gang violence, a strip club, and too many bars [assume all of these things exist in tiny proportions]. Reasonable people wouldn't suddenly deem that small town America's new vice den; they'd just presume that the person moved for personal reasons. 1 Link to comment
EliBallard Posted May 21, 2017 Share #33 Posted May 21, 2017 I genuinely don't understand why the OP has such a bizarre stake in this, while still managing to be so completely misguided in everything they say. I don't want to do a whole big thing because I could systematically take apart everything they've said and I just don't want to waste my time, so here are some key points. 1. Other MMOs have multiple RP servers and they thrive. As long as the communities make an effort to let people know they are RP servers when the MMO itself doesn't label them, they thrive and grow together. 2. Telling new players who want to join and RP now that they should wait for an arbitrary time (will get into this in the next point) so they can join what you consider the one true RP server, essentially meaning they shouldn't play at all in the meantime, is beyond ignorant and ridiculous to sya while you sit comfortably on the server in question already. RPers and MMO players in general are fickle and unlikely to wait around before they give up and go back to their old game or something else. I had a group of people I know eager to get on Balmung and they almost cancelled playing the game entirely until I convinced them to go to Mateus. It's worked out great despite people like you trying to sabotage the efforts. 3. They closed Balmung temporarily with Heavensward and reopened it, yes. Difference being this time they explicitly said the server was going to be closed until the populations evened out. Balmung has over 2x as many people as any other server, it is going to take a long time for the populations to even out. Unless you have explicit proof of when the restriction will be lifted you have zero right to tell people they're damaging the RP community by not waiting around in limbo. 4. Expecting everyone on Mateus to shell out 20 dollars to move to another server because you think that's what's best for the community is ridiculous and doesn't even need discussed. Unless you're going to pay for everyone to transfer, just stop. I don't know you beyond the negative posts you've been dropping in basically every thread regarding this debacle, but so far it just seems like you're worried you won't have access to ALL THE RP on Balmung if some people decide they want to be elsewhere. You come off as selfish. Please think about others, particularly the new players. Mateus has almost doubled in size over the last few days with cities being noticeably more crowded and our RP linkshell filling to the point of needing a new one. We have a good community here now and I hope to see it continue to grow despite you making this crusade against it. 5 Link to comment
zaviire Posted May 21, 2017 Share #34 Posted May 21, 2017 I think that it's: 1.) Unfair to expect new players who want to RP to automatically also be willing to pay the $18 to transfer to Balmung or whatever official RP server ends up being designated. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that a designated RP server would quickly be subject to similar character creation restrictions that Balmung is given the sheer size of Balmung (26k or so players iirc?). I don't think it speaks poorly of RPers' "dedication" to their hobby, either, since... You know. RP is a hobby, and people who want to RP shouldn't be derided for an unwillingness to transfer to a huge server that is honestly probably really intimidating. Bigger is not always better, and I'd argue that Balmung's size is just as much a deterrent as it is an incentive to transfer. (In the hypothetical world in which the server lock never happens, or in the future-hypothetical world wherein the transfer lock is indeed lifted a month or two after Stormblood launches) And... 2.) Unfair to dismiss legitimate concerns regarding the toxicity of certain sects of Balmung's greater "community" as being unimportant in the grander scheme or simply not existing at all. Things such as stalkers, flaky RP partners, being invisible in a sea of people, rampant ERP and romance plots masquerading as non-ERP and romance plots that get dropped as soon as it becomes clear that ERP isn't what you're after... It's really easy to argue that these things aren't huge problems, or that these problems don't exist when these things aren't happening to you. I'll return momentarily to Balmung's size. The community is absolutely massive -- so massive that it's really difficult to be able to get a bearing for all of its demographics, issues, and benefits at a glance. Especially because RPers are very prone to carving out little comfort zones and corners to call their own, which they probably rarely break out of because, well... It's called a comfort zone for a reason. Just like it's easy to argue that these things don't happen because they haven't happened to you or any of the 30 people in your immediate circle (out of how many players on the server?), someone who gets lost in the crowd at every massive event they attend is probably going to get the impression that the community is a closed circle regardless of whatever individual success stories they hear. Someone who gets into the community only to be stalked by someone probably isn't going to be very comforted by assurances that it's not a problem of the greater community of that it doesn't happen often. Someone who constantly has all their connections and plots fall through probably isn't going to come away with a very positive impression of the greater RP culture on the server. Given that Balmung's RP community is hardly an organized, monolithic entity even on good days (I've probably seen as many different stances on ERP, romance, RP etiquette, lore interpretations and compliance, FC organization, approaches to plot-planning or lack thereof, dice systems, etc. as I have people on the server), I don't think that even the people already on the server can reasonably be expect to stand in "solidarity" in favor of Balmung's continued health (which imo is in no way in any immediate danger) or in favor of designating an official RP server, let alone the people who would rather stick to a smaller scene for whatever reason, and God forbid the people who actually left Balmung due to personal reasons already in the past. 4 Link to comment
Kage Posted May 21, 2017 Share #35 Posted May 21, 2017 No matter how common or uncommon such alienating actions (from RPer, ERPer or non-RPer alike) are, first impressions make a drastic impression on people. Bad impressions are hard to shake off. A friend made an alt on Balmung and of all things she had had to see first thing was "Make sure he doesn't grope you." I now have to work in showing her that there are other positive interactions, RP or otherwise. It is so common to see on twitter someone logging into Balmung and looking at any number of chats tweet "Balmung what is wrong with you?" 1 Link to comment
Sig Posted May 21, 2017 Author Share #36 Posted May 21, 2017 I genuinely don't understand why the OP has such a bizarre stake in this, while still managing to be so completely misguided in everything they say. I don't want to do a whole big thing because I could systematically take apart everything they've said and I just don't want to waste my time, so here are some key points. 1. Other MMOs have multiple RP servers and they thrive. As long as the communities make an effort to let people know they are RP servers when the MMO itself doesn't label them, they thrive and grow together. 2. Telling new players who want to join and RP now that they should wait for an arbitrary time (will get into this in the next point) so they can join what you consider the one true RP server, essentially meaning they shouldn't play at all in the meantime, is beyond ignorant and ridiculous to sya while you sit comfortably on the server in question already. RPers and MMO players in general are fickle and unlikely to wait around before they give up and go back to their old game or something else. I had a group of people I know eager to get on Balmung and they almost cancelled playing the game entirely until I convinced them to go to Mateus. It's worked out great despite people like you trying to sabotage the efforts. 3. They closed Balmung temporarily with Heavensward and reopened it, yes. Difference being this time they explicitly said the server was going to be closed until the populations evened out. Balmung has over 2x as many people as any other server, it is going to take a long time for the populations to even out. Unless you have explicit proof of when the restriction will be lifted you have zero right to tell people they're damaging the RP community by not waiting around in limbo. 4. Expecting everyone on Mateus to shell out 20 dollars to move to another server because you think that's what's best for the community is ridiculous and doesn't even need discussed. Unless you're going to pay for everyone to transfer, just stop. I don't know you beyond the negative posts you've been dropping in basically every thread regarding this debacle, but so far it just seems like you're worried you won't have access to ALL THE RP on Balmung if some people decide they want to be elsewhere. You come off as selfish. Please think about others, particularly the new players. Mateus has almost doubled in size over the last few days with cities being noticeably more crowded and our RP linkshell filling to the point of needing a new one. We have a good community here now and I hope to see it continue to grow despite you making this crusade against it. I'll ignore the personal attacks/inflammatory language and respond to the substance of your post. The crux of this issue is that fragmenting the RP population across multiple servers is detrimental to the long-term health of the RP community. It is something that should be avoided. Mateus RPers and Balmung RPers should have access to a single large, diverse, vibrant, and stable RP community. Server selection should not artificially divide RPers. Trust me - I am thinking about others (specifically what actions will create the best RP community for the most amount of people), and know full well that taking strong stances on these issues is like serving as a reputation punching bag. To address your points in turn: 1. See original post re: effects of dividing the community and detrimental impact to both primary and alternative communities. 2. New players can select among several other servers and engage in RP until Balmung opens back up (or an official server is designated). I would simply hope they understand the importance of consolidating RP on one server and transfer when the time comes. 3. This is a great point. No one knows for certain what SE will do. Hence, instead of trying to do something that has failed dozens of times before (i.e. - creating a second unofficial RP server), we should be putting as much pressure on SE to either lift the transfer restriction or designate an official RP server. 4. It's unfortunate that individuals who would stay on an alleged second alternative RP server cannot see the value of being members of the greater RP community. The RP community as well does not benefit by the segregation of that population. We should stick together. Until the restriction is lifted or an official server is designated, I'm glad RPers are taking steps to help newcomers fill welcome on Maetus and other servers. But crowning any new server as the new "unofficial RP server" is a step in the wrong direction. Link to comment
ArmachiA Posted May 21, 2017 Share #37 Posted May 21, 2017 Pointing out flaws of Balmung is not "bashing the server" wow. Acknowledging the faults of the server is making sure you stay realistic with the server. I myself have a lot of stories of cliques, stalkers, erp hounds. I'm not a lurker, I've been here since 1.0. Are you going to tell me my experiences are invalid? 4 Link to comment
Val Posted May 21, 2017 Share #38 Posted May 21, 2017 Pointing out flaws of Balmung is not "bashing the server" wow. Acknowledging the faults of the server is making sure you stay realistic with the server. I myself have a lot of stories of cliques, stalkers, erp hounds. I'm not a lurker, I've been here since 1.0. Are you going to tell me my experiences are invalid? ^^^^^ The fact of the matter is, on top of other issues, Balmung/the game itself is not designed to have as many people on the server as it does. Community split aside, it's causing issues outside of RP that need to be taken into consideration as well. Link to comment
ArmachiA Posted May 21, 2017 Share #39 Posted May 21, 2017 Remember when Balmung crashed the Aether datacenter? Peppridge Farm remembers. 2 Link to comment
Strigiforme Posted May 21, 2017 Share #40 Posted May 21, 2017 I find it interesting that those who don't put the effort to try and connect, or don't make themselves known to the point that others can't help them, are here to kick Balmung now that is "down". Alienating Balmung RPers with these one-off instances of anger and personal grievances, isn't doing anyone a favor. To pretend that this is the norm for Balmung is wholly untrue, and to pretend that the time for Balmung RP has somehow passed because some experiences turned people off to it, but in no way make up the way things actually are in reality, is just taking personal attacks and using them to amplify your voices, and it won't go over well. Balmung is still a great RP server, and there is no reason that both RP servers can't exist peacefully together as a community, as they will always be connected, and when they aren't, it doesn't end well. I've been around Balmung for several years now across many characters, in many capacities, across many guilds - including ones I've run, myself. Please don't do this. 1 Link to comment
Kuzhuk Posted May 21, 2017 Share #41 Posted May 21, 2017 I find it disturbing that someone saying "Hey Balmung hasn't worked well for me, I don't think I fit in here" is immediately met with stern accusations of "and that is all your fault because you didn't try hard enough." 1 Link to comment
Max Posted May 21, 2017 Share #42 Posted May 21, 2017 god forbid we grow a new rp community so that new and old players alike can make characters without shelling out $18 or being completely locked out of the server really all this Balmung centralism has only made the problem worse. the only reason why you think the smaller servers don't have sustainable RP communities is because everyone and their mom consolidates on Balmung it's this BALMUNG OR GO HOME attitude that prevents the growth of alternate RP communities. You're only going to discourage new players from even TRYING at building a new community with that type of talk. Like Eli mentioned above me, other games have multiple RP servers that thrive just fine. We should be excited that Mateus' RP scene is growing. 3 Link to comment
ArmachiA Posted May 21, 2017 Share #43 Posted May 21, 2017 I think it's pretty cool, I made an alt on Gilgamesh when they started out, I may make one on Mateus as well. 1 Link to comment
Sig Posted May 21, 2017 Author Share #44 Posted May 21, 2017 Pointing out flaws of Balmung is not "bashing the server" wow. Acknowledging the faults of the server is making sure you stay realistic with the server. I myself have a lot of stories of cliques, stalkers, erp hounds. I'm not a lurker, I've been here since 1.0. Are you going to tell me my experiences are invalid? Pointing out flaws of Balmung is not "bashing the server" wow. Acknowledging the faults of the server is making sure you stay realistic with the server. I myself have a lot of stories of cliques, stalkers, erp hounds. I'm not a lurker, I've been here since 1.0. Are you going to tell me my experiences are invalid? ^^^^^ The fact of the matter is, on top of other issues, Balmung/the game itself is not designed to have as many people on the server as it does. Community split aside, it's causing issues outside of RP that need to be taken into consideration as well. Those are your personal experiences, and no one can dispute them. However, cliques, stalkers, and other Balmung boogeymen are not systemic problems that pervade every element of this server or impact significant numbers of people. Again, for a real world example, imagine if someone decided to move away from a rural town in Idaho - citing that it had terrible gang violence, a strip club, and too many bars [assume all of these things exist in tiny proportions]. Reasonable people wouldn't suddenly deem that small town America's new vice den; they'd just presume that the person moved for personal reasons. Link to comment
Virella Posted May 21, 2017 Share #45 Posted May 21, 2017 I'm all for another roleplay community, however I'm still going to stress on the fact people need to be given a choice which one they prefer. At this current point and time, they do not. That needs to be addressed, provided this lock last for months on end. It might not though! Hopefully. 1 Link to comment
ArmachiA Posted May 21, 2017 Share #46 Posted May 21, 2017 Except I can probably guarantee most people here have had an experience like that. I'd put money on it because I actually communicate with these people - here, on the game, and on Tumblr. Go to the Void and you'll see people constantly talking about all of these things and their experiences. Does this mean Balmung is a bad server? Of course not. But don't invalidate these things just because it's an uncomfortable reality. When you have that many people on one server, you bring the bad with the good. Link to comment
Kuzhuk Posted May 21, 2017 Share #47 Posted May 21, 2017 It doesn't matter how significant the issues with Balmung are, in part because their extent is unknowable and unquantifiable. I think the situation here is very simple: every server has a culture and the culture will not necessarily fit well with every individual RPer. The benefit of having multiple server communities is that there are more cultures for players to explore in order to find one that fits them. Link to comment
Momo Posted May 21, 2017 Share #48 Posted May 21, 2017 Pointing out flaws of Balmung is not "bashing the server" wow. Acknowledging the faults of the server is making sure you stay realistic with the server. I myself have a lot of stories of cliques, stalkers, erp hounds. I'm not a lurker, I've been here since 1.0. Are you going to tell me my experiences are invalid? Pointing out flaws of Balmung is not "bashing the server" wow. Acknowledging the faults of the server is making sure you stay realistic with the server. I myself have a lot of stories of cliques, stalkers, erp hounds. I'm not a lurker, I've been here since 1.0. Are you going to tell me my experiences are invalid? ^^^^^ The fact of the matter is, on top of other issues, Balmung/the game itself is not designed to have as many people on the server as it does. Community split aside, it's causing issues outside of RP that need to be taken into consideration as well. It isn't this, it is rather that most of us acknowledged that any RP group, large or small, will attract a certain type of negativity, and it is best to work on the actual problems and drawbacks of the server. Have I experienced these things? To a degree yes, but like the two of you, I have been on the server since it began and have seen a huge increase in population to the point that if this happened to 5/100 people, then yes it happens, but there are hundreds of people, so this is hardly a norm that wouldn't be shared per capita on another RP group of this size. Unlike the two of you, I also avoid groups that have overly much drama, so my exposure to these types of interactions is also lessened. Some of Balmung's actual problems as a unique RP community and not the tired and very vague/ general problems mentioned above? ~For all the "variety" you can really boil the overall ideas down to a few, so there is still room for growth, but larger groups don't support change as well as smaller ones would ~Another large group problem, is the fact that those who lead those groups, and others who wish to start them, often take up more and more players to the point that the above changes or new ideas, are no longer a norm as all players must begin to work inside of the restrictions of a plot or type of RP that each of the major groups supports ~Event makers and planners ask for bigger and bigger crowds to the point that RPing for people unused to, or who don't wish to interact in bigger crowds, becomes increasingly difficult, lessening chances of unique and growing RP experiences and the list goes on...these are the issues which should be brought up and considered when thinking between Balmung and another server, because as time goes on, those other issues will happen anywhere as established as Balmung is, and you will find the experience not as unique as you once hoped in your moments of rage, disappointment, and whiteknighting. Link to comment
Mercer Posted May 21, 2017 Share #49 Posted May 21, 2017 I'm all for another roleplay community, however I'm still going to stress on the fact people need to be given a choice which one they prefer. At this current point and time, they do not. That needs to be addressed, provided this lock last for months on end. It might not though! Hopefully. Might I suggest this? There was a discussion earlier in the week on how people feel on the different servers. There is a second thread and a tumblr post as well where people are talking and voting on the alternate servers they prefer. If you have more information on the benefit of the servers or want to ask for more information please do! Link to comment
ArmachiA Posted May 21, 2017 Share #50 Posted May 21, 2017 There are people who find Balmung disappointing as well. We can't pretend it's some RP Utopia and expect people to not be disappointed when they get on the server. Better to be realistic so people set their expectations a little lower. I can list a lot of merits about Balmung - I obviously like the server I've been here since it was called Besaid - but I think it's misleading to tell new rpers that yes Balmung is the place to go and will have everything you are looking for in RP. It's simply not true. 2 Link to comment
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