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Iron Chef Eorzea - Event Sign-up Thread

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[align=center]Iron Chef Eorzea





There are few things more beautiful and timeless than a story. Some stories are about mystery and dirty dealings in dark alleys, while others chronicle the struggles of a small group seeking freedom and independence beset on all sides by pirates and privateers. There are tales of vast combats against monsters brought back from the dead, of escaped criminals earning the sympathy of the very people who sought to recapture them, and of difficult moral quandaries that are too easily forgotten. There are stories of men who chase godhood as normal people strive to stop them, stories of tormented souls rising in the wake of corrupted magic, and there are even stories about rugs and debt slavery.


Iron Chef Eorzea is about cooking.


[align=center]The story so far:[/align]

[align=center][in Character Thread coming soon][/align]


Chefs across Eorzea have been disappearing under unexplained circumstances. This mysterious plot has claimed some of the most renowned chefs and food preparers, leaving many restaurants scrambling for some type of replacement. At the same time, a reclusive gilionaire Bloegoht Ganzharr has chosen to host an Eorzea-wide cooking competition, promising riches and fame to the team that wins. With so few professional chefs able to answer the call, it’s up to amateurs and adventurers to step in to seek riches, or to try and unravel the secrets behind it all.


[align=center]Current Event Posting:[/align]


Iron Chef Eorzea begins in June. Events will be posted to this thread soon.


Iron Chef Eorzea will take place over the course of several phases. Each phase will have a number of rounds, and each round will have a variable number of events to suit player interest. Events will generally fit around 3-4 players with a preference towards 3 because it is easier to manage a smaller group of players. The length of each phase will depend on player interest, but I currently predict that the plot will last four months.


[align=center]Dramatis Personae:[/align]


The Competition Judges: 


Bloegoht Ganzharr A reclusive and mysterious gilionaire who has shown up in the Eorzean social scene only recently. His motives and past are a mystery. He is the one hosting and funding this cooking competition. Some say it’s just so he can try the best foods in Eorzea. 


The Reclusive Gilionaire with Perfect Hair 

Obsessed with his Looks 


Falafel Lafel A lalafell of indeterminate gender (standard for lalafell, honestly) who sits at Bloegoht’s right side. He/she boasts immense cooking expertise and provides many a raised eyebrow and/or snarky comment to the competition, doing his/her best to make the competitors feel like utter failures. 


Demands Only Perfection

Loves Spicy Food 


B’aihk Rehd A miqo’te who loves to eat. She seems content with anything even remotely edible and serves as the judge at Bloegoht’s left side. 


Young, Energetic, and Hyperactive 

All Food is Delicious


Full NPC list





New Members

This plot is for members of the Roll Eorzea linkshell. It is also for anyone else who is interested in events that use dice to help determine outcomes. If you are interested in joining the linkshell, or just joining this plot, please do not hesitate to contact me.


One character per player:

I do not want to restrict players from participating in multiple concurrent storylines. However, there have been issues where some players inundate the story with several alts and new players struggle to get involved. As such, each player may only have one character in my plot.


It is not required, but advised to use an alt that is not in any other storylines. There have been instances where a character was physically trapped in one plot that interfered with their ability to participate in other plots or RPs. If you choose to use a single character in multiple plots, you accept that there might be times where one plot interferes with the other.


I reserve the right to deny a player if I feel they are preventing new players from fully participating in the plots Roll Eorzea has to offer. This plot restriction ignores any non-public plots. Private playtests, non-Roll Eorzea storylines, etcetera, have no bearing on whether I will allow you to play in my game. My intent is to be inclusive while avoiding oversaturation that prevents new players from joining. If at any time this rule runs counter to that goal, it will change.


Character swapping:

If you wish to swap an alt in to replace the character you started this plot with, the initial character is permanently barred from re-entry. Like baseball.


New sheets and skill list:

Returning players and newcomers alike will start on equal footing in Iron Chef Eorzea. We will be using the basic Fate-14 2.0 ruleset with a new skill list. Interested players should create a new character sheet; they are not restricted to keep any aspects from currently existing sheets, and also do not benefit from any milestones earned in other storylines. The new skill list is linked below.


Iron Chef Eorzea Character Creation Guide

Fate-14 2.0 Base Rules





Iron Chef Eorzea will be using a modified version of the Turns system that was introduced in Merchant, Marine. An updated set of rules will be linked here as the plotline’s beginning approaches.


[align=center]Lore Policy:[/align]


Iron Chef Eorzea is going to bend lore. Iron Chef Eorzea is going to turn lore into a contortionist. It’s goofy and silly and meant to have fun more than anything else. It’s a story about a cooking competition open to adventurers. There will be ridiculous locations and silly plot twists and probably voidsent or dragons involved at some point.


The purpose is to tell a fun story, not to get everything exactly right. Though my hope is that when the plot is over, you’ll have stories you can tell other characters that won’t seem too out of place in the world we play in, but in the interest of fun there may be times that these stories seem a bit of a stretch. Just a fair warning.

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[align=center]Iron Chef Eorzea Phase One: The Single Chef Challenges[/align]

[align=center] [/align]

[align=center]Round One: The Very Basic Cooking Challenge[/align]


Contestants will be asked to create, and will be graded upon, three dishes. To allow contestants time to practice and prepare for the challenges, these dishes are announced beforehand.


[align=center]Challenge one: Boiled Water - A simple thirst quencher[/align]

[align=center]Challenge two: Grilled Cheese Sandwich - A quick midday snack[/align]

[align=center]Challenge three: Marmot Steak Dinner - A full plated meal[/align]

[align=center] [/align]

All participants have access to: /Well Stocked Larder/, /Abundant Pots and Pans/, /Functional Plumbing/, /Wood Burning Stoves with Plentiful Wood/


Tuesday, June 6th, 9:00 PM Central time

1. Zanzan Yanzan

2. Tilala Tila

3. Virara



Friday, June 16th, 9:00 PM Central time

1. S'imba Tia

2. Anstarra





- Astra, Sartorie


To promote inclusivity and participation. I will run as many events as needed to get all players who wish to enroll in the competition a chance to play. If you cannot make either of the pre-scheduled events, still sign up and we will find a time to add a third (or more). Each event slot can fit three to four players. To avoid burnout and have a chance to RP, I will be limiting myself to one or two events run per week.


Sign ups for Round One will be open for two weeks: anyone who posts in this thread in that time period will be able to participate in Round One. Events will be added until all players are able to participate or are withdrawn due to scheduling difficulties.


Available Timeslots


Unfortunately, I am limited to certain time slots that I can run events. Due to my personal schedule and obligations outside of game, these are the only time slots I can reasonably commit to running an event on any given week. 


Tuesdays @ 9:00 PM Central

Fridays @ 9:00 PM Central

Saturdays @ 2:00 PM Central




All players who sign up for a spot in Phase One also receive two “Turns” that they may take prior to their event. If you choose to use them, send a message in PM or on the Roll Eorzea Discord. If you need invited to the Roll Eorzea Discord, please let me know.

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