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Young Adventurer Looking for Teacher

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A wandering girl walks into a busy bar off a corner on the streets of Uldah and immediately trips over the long tail of a giant Au Ra who was sitting at a table inside, causing him to spill his drink all over his body. The girl was unable to get any words out in apology since she was so frightened that she ended up running into a nearby alleyway and hiding behind a few barrels so she wasn't beaten up by the man or any of his compatriots. Sighing the shy girl just sat there wondering how long she had to wait until she could crawl out and go back to buy the loaf of bread she could only afford from the few gil she had left.



Skye is a timid, young healer who is not sure of her place in the world. She has traveled a bit and still is unable to figure out what her goal is in life. The girl has lacked guidance from any mentors in her life and is trying to figure it all out. It is very hard for her to initiate conversations on her own but she wants to work on growing as a person and being a productive member of society. 



Hello! I'm new to FFXIV RP and would like to make connections with different people who would like to take on an apprentice in any role. I am really open to anything and would like to be friends with people. If you have any ideas or questions please feel free to reply or note me! Thank you <3

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She sounds like she's a cute person from her description, I like it. 

I dunno if she'd be interested but Yitani could probably teach her how to deal with people. Like, making friends, being open and talking to others and the like. That's what's she's best in. Dunno if she would be enough to overcome her shyness, though, but an attempt can never hurt.

Oh, there's also Zaza but she specializes in destructive magic and occult stuff, which can be pretty... weird in other people's eyes.

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If you want to hang around with a pun-loving miqo'te that thinks wearing pink is intimidating, then give me a ring! Naomi Kett is my characters name and she can honestly have a conversation with a brick wall. Naomi likes to take people out and teach them things, she would be all about helping Skye getting over her shyness! If you're interested, hit me up on Discord #Amanda7359


Though TrueGota is a great person to rp with too!

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It's funny, because Marten is also named Arkwright and is also a young adventurer looking for his place in the world. The difference is, he's a lot less shy and a little more cynical in his outlook, what with the whole dead parents and exiled mother thing.


He'd be a terrible mentor though. He hasn't worked out anything other than how to swing a sword himself. Still, If you'd like to meet him, he's usually hanging around Ul'dah somewhere, 5pm EST to whenever. I can't play until the weekend, though.

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Hey, hey! Nicholas is a traveling doctor, mage, and mender. He likes studying the methods of using aether. He's got a few students right now, but I am definitely up to chat and see where things go.


Here is his wiki page: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Nicholas_Graveshire


I'm best reached over discord, so, just PM me and I can give you that info!

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Hiya Skye!


I wouldn't mind getting on contact.


This one's a nomadic with a love for all things heroic and romanticised. I can't promise much in terms of direct training but as a teacher. She's had experience as a leader and has gone through enough bumps in her philosophical road to try and teach other people to follow the road of goodness and philanthropy.


Just an option available for a less 'grim' character!

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Hello there!


My character Rosalie is certainly the mentor type, though probably a bit more motherly in the long run. She's an Ishgardian woman in her thrities, a former Knight, and currently a bard. She's certainly been through a lot and wouldn't mind sharing her expereinces with the youth of Eorzea.


She can be a bit on the cynical side, but it comes from a place of pragmatism rather than outright pessimism.

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If you're looking for an adventurer mentor, I believe I could volunteer.  I've got someone who could definitely help out with the guiding factor, if not pure adventuring buddy.  


Rauffe Bell's the character I typically go by, a rather rough-and-tumblr Ul'Dahn who's setting out to try to right at least some of the wrongs in the world around her.  Doesn't take shit from those trying to start anything, but more than willing to help those that look like they're unsure of where to go or what to do.


:D There's quite a bit mmore to her than that, of course, but in the interest of keeping it short I'll probably end it here.  I can prolly say for sure, at least, that Rauffe would definitely be interested in helping out.

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