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Want a Younger Sibling? Currently Looking for an Older Sibling for a new Character!

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Hello again friends!


I've been inspired and encouraged to make a second character for my RPing adventures. Hopefully this'll give me opportunities for more shenanigans and fun with a plethora of varied personalities between the two to satiate my RP needs! Plus, once I find a proper contact, I'll be making a Wiki for them too! So let's get down to it!



I'm settling into creating a young,exuberant, wet-behind-the-ears Miqo'te who is just starting to get a taste of the “real world.” Their curiosity is only rivaled by their ignorance of just about anything beyond the realm of their woefully small living arrangements. It really is perhaps a stroke of luck that they'd fine anyone, let alone a family member, to grab them by the tail and at least keep them from stepping into the wrong alleyway or biting off more than they can chew!


Now, that is the basic foundation I've set for my concept and this is the part where you and your character steps in! I love the idea of playing a young sibling to someone else's character. With your permission, I'd take into account your own character's backstory and craft up a history that explains potentially how they were separated and then could be reunited again. Obviously I'd -adore- discussing ideas and options too, so your input would be obviously desired (although not required if you'd rather me take the reins!) I also have a fantasia and am willing to do a name change to make them fit in, if needed! I am most comfortable playing a female, so a younger sister would be the sibling- but if a brother would work best, I can see about doing that instead.


As for the specifics of your character, I'm not too picky! It'd be a bonus if they already had a Wiki for me to read up on the delicious details and background. They also do NOT have to be morally aligned a specific way, so long as they'd be willing to at least tolerate a sibling or have some rational for keeping them around. In fact, the idea of a mercenary or no-good adventurer having to suddenly deal with the situation and my character's personality seems rather amusing! Heroic do-good types are super welcomed too! Honestly, the specifics don't matter so much as the story and the character themselves. : )


Also, before I forget! They don't have to be blood related. Your character doesn't have to be a Miqo'te at all. Bonus if you have an idea or are willing to brainstorm ways for such a relation to be gained. (Although I imagine it wouldn't be difficult between adoptions and such.)


On an OOC note, I'm only looking for in-game RP. I am completely willing to share Discord information and chat there, but for the RP itself I'd like it to take place in the game. I'm also willing to go to events or what-nots too! While this is an important contact I seek to make that will definitely bind my character to someone else's, I'm not looking for purely one on one RP all the time or force that on anyone. Groups can be fun! Basically... I'm flexible.


I think that's all the basics for now, but if you have any further questions or inquiries, please feel free to PM me or simply post here! I'm really eager about this idea and the potential for the RP. Since this is sort of a “looking for that one person” ad, I might take a wee bit of time to respond. It's nothing personal and I honestly don't even know if I'll get any responses, but just in case please don't be offended if I decline! Of course, if you're not looking for a sibling but like the snippet of personality I offered or simply want to be apart of this character's world, that's always welcome!

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Wowie zowie. Crazy enough, I've been considering something exactly like this for my character Asher. He'd have plenty of siblings due to a certain reason in particular, and I always thought it'd be amusing if some scrawny kit came knocking at his door claiming to be related to him. He secretly needs more permanent company in his poor miserable life. Huuue.


Anyway! This is a fantastic idea and I want so bad to respond and be all like "meeeeee!", but unfortunately, I've been hesitant in creating Asher in-game due to character creation limitations, so I have to regretfully sit this one out. Needless to say, it's an awesome idea and I thought I'd share the irony that I've been thinking something similar for Asher.


I mean, if you're ever willing to RP something outside of the game, or just brainstorm out of silly curiousity, feel free to message me sometime yo! :thumbsup:


Good luck! :cactuar:

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I'm kinda new in the whole role play scene though it's something I've been wanting to try for ages. Curiously enough I actually had been writing up something I think might be able to fit here although I don't exactly know how to works when it comes to character stats (only reason I say this is cuz I'm only 35 on my main :cry:). My character's name is Erebus Malice. He's a Miqo'te who was previously a sellsword who had been outcast from his family when he was a child. He had despised his siblings (some older, some younger) and his father except for one but this is where I could see a perfect write in for the little sister you're looking to make. I would be more than happy to go much deeper into discussion if you're at all interested in working with what I've shared so far.

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@Athil  Aw, thanks so much! Hopefully I can run into Athil sometime on Mana or this new character! : D



@Chip  That's too bad, but I completely understand the creation limit bit. Great minds think alike! Haha. Currently I'm not looking for Discord-only RP purely for the reason that I'm simply busy in the game and I even if my partner is okay with me multitasking, I'm the -worst- at it outside of just chatting! That being said, if you're looking for more FFXIV friends and friendly chats, I'd be happy to PM you my Discord info. Always looking for more friendly faces. :D



@Helltorcher  Erebus sounds interesting and also welcome to RP in FFXIV! A question that comes to mind is your profile says you are on Goblin and Balmung is currently closed with character creation/transfers. Just wondering if you're on Goblin or if your profile simply isn't updated!



I'm simply humbled that anyone replied at all to this, so thank you very much! I'll probably keep this open a bit longer, just to see if any one else has interest. I don't plan to keep looking for very long though, simply because when Stormblood hits everyone (I know myself included) will be pretty busy for awhile! That and I am impatient when I'm sitting on a fun idea. 


\ o /

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I mentioned this to SapphireSkylines, who had taken up a twin-sister character a little while back but that stuttered out... but unfortunately due to her background (which interweaves with a couple others), she really couldn't do a younger sibling. I was going to suggest maybe another member of the now-defunct tribe or something similar, but you specifically mentioned a sibling... :blush:


In either case, we both wish you the best of luck in finding someone to do this sort of RP with!

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Sounds interesting! If you haven't decided yet, I wouldn't mind throwing Dresden into the ring. He has a younger sister technically, but she was retconned out awhile back. I would have no problem meeting you halfway and altering her any way you seem fit!


Dresden is going through his House of Cards arc and the dizzying political problems that come from being a potential lord of two houses. If you're interested in a bit of Ishgardian noble intrigue for her, let me know!

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Serenity actually already has a basic reason for not knowing any of her siblings built right into her already existing backstory. 


Please feel free to read up on her wiki and reach out if it interests you. I'd love to have that kind of a connection as it would really test her in ways that she hasn't been able to be as of yet.

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I... actually had the basis of a plot not too dissimilar to Last of Us or Logan, if you're familiar with either. The gist putting a somewhat morally bankrupt character having to deal with the perceived burden on a younger associate. In this case, a sibling. For Cassandra's part, she lives by her whims and the gil mercenary life affords because a broken upbringing sees her distrusting everyone. Having someone abruptly fall into her life that has no ulterior motive besides meeting her would be... strange for her. She honestly couldn't imagine!


Anywho, I do not have a wiki written yet, though Cassandra here is a re-imaging of a character I've been playing for seven years now. So I only needs to adapt her story to XIV sometime. I'd be happy to share them over discord if you're curious. :D

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Oh my goodness, you are all so kind and have such dazzling characters. @_@  I really appreciate the fact you took the time to read my ad and respond! It means a lot, especially since I'm a bit new to RPC and was nervous that the idea wouldn't be received well at all. 


I've responded to all PMs and have decided on a character! @Cassandra & @BasedRNG, thanks kindly for responding to the topic too! I'll admit by the time I looked again, I'd already agreed with another person to work with them on the sibling character. However hopefully in the future I can bump into you on Mana or my new character and have some delightful RP!  This community is so wonderful so I'm supremely optimistic, ahah! 


Thanks again for the interest!


Also, as always, I'm open for contacts on Mana Mizu & if someone wants to strike up a connection with a young, sprightly Miqo'te who hasn't got a clue (and I'm working on a name) feel free to give me a poke!

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Ah haha, oh no -- I'm too late!


I think it is fantastic that you've gone out and offered to do this for others; I know many people whose stories would be greatly augmented by the appearance of a family member like this, myself included. I wish for the best in your collaborative family tale, Mana! If you ever have space in your journeys for our characters to meet, particularly because C'io was once that sprightly young desert bumpkin of a miqo'te, I'd love to work together and make that happen, :). All the best!

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