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So excited to have found this place!


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Hello, everyone!  My name is Halinu and I'm a long-time gamer and RPer! ^^ It's so nice to meet you all.  In terms of MMOs, I played a lot of WoW to the point of swearing off it forever.  I was in a full-time roleplaying guild on Scarlet Crusade and some of my most treasured moments were in that guild!  When I tried out FFXIV, I was pleasantly surprised.  Apparently I wasn't completely over MMORPGs - only completely over WoW!  Thus my Eorzean journey began.


Let me give you the lowdown:


My FFXIV situation: I joined Coeurl because a couple of my friends were playing.  I played a bit on and off, almost exclusively by myself since no one was around.  Coming from a heavy RP background, I was dismayed to find absolutely no RPing happening on Coeurl.  I knew that Balmung was the go-to RP server, but I had hoped to find some interaction on other servers.  When I stumbled upon this place... I knew I found exactly what I was looking for! <3


Since Stormblood has released, a lot of my friends have come back to the game and back to Coeurl.  As such, I'm loath to jump servers, so I have a couple of queries:


1. Any fellow RPers on Coeurl?

I see a couple of linkshells listed here, so I'm definitely going to check those out!  I was just curious if anyone else happened to be slumming it on Coeurl with me, hehe.


2. Where does the majority of RPC roleplaying take place?

Being kind of shy, I like to lurk before I jump into anything, so I've been poking around the RPC before making an introduction post.  Obviously, the majority of RPers seem to flock to Balmung and a couple of other servers appear to be hubs of activity as well.


Does most of the roleplaying happen on Balmung and then overflow into the RPC?  I've browsed the IC forums, so I do see that RPing happens here too.  Is it mostly people who have RPed in-game/on the same server that then RP on the forum, or is cross-server interaction common?


I ask because I desperately want to be part of this lovely community, but I am rooted in Coeurl for now.  Will I be missing out/unable to participate in forum roleplaying if I am not currently on one of the more RP-focused servers?


Thanks so much for any input and it's great to meet you!

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Hello, welcome!


To answer your questions:


1) I found two linkshells that you might be interested in:





I encourage you to check out the Linkshell Hall and Free Company Hall to see if anything works for you.


2) As far as I can tell, most of the RP mentioned on this forum takes place on Balmung. There's some spillover here. I may be wrong, however. This is just what I have observed.


I hope you find the RP that you're looking for! :)

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Hiya there! Welcome to the RPC.


While most RP tends to be on Balmung, there are growing communities on Mateus and Omega thanks to the transfer campaigns. (Both servers no longer offer free transfers, but new characters can still be made on those servers. Mateus is NA/Aether and Omega is EU/Chaos). There are also some smaller communities on Faerie, Jenova, and Siren that I know of. I'd suggest rolling an alt on open servers of interest to see if anything catches your eye.


In terms of RP, there has been some cross-server threads in the past, and I see no reason why there wouldn't be if things stayed on the forums. Technically, you can form cross-world parties as long as your datacenter matches the people you want to party with, so something like an IC dungeon run could still work. I know in my case, a lot of my first interactions with people happened on the forums first, then I made my way in through mutual contacts and events.

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Hello, everyone!  My name is Halinu and I'm a long-time gamer and RPer! ^^ It's so nice to meet you all.  In terms of MMOs, I played a lot of WoW to the point of swearing off it forever.  I was in a full-time roleplaying guild on Scarlet Crusade and some of my most treasured moments were in that guild!  When I tried out FFXIV, I was pleasantly surprised.  Apparently I wasn't completely over MMORPGs - only completely over WoW!  Thus my Eorzean journey began.


Hi there!


I played on Leviathan waaay back when, and I've yet to rejoin the game this time around, but welcome! I'm glad to meet you. Hopefully we'll be able to RP sometime. :)

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I'm not overly experienced myself in the ways of FF14 roleplaying, but I am on Coeurl as well and rooted in there, and as thus have been [albeit slowly] attempting to build my own little corner of sorts there. That said, there are roleplayers here on Coeurl, though I admit from what I've seen they're not terribly active as far as I've seen. Could be wrong, of course, since I'm still experiencing the "expansion high" since launch, but that's finally cooling off for myself.


Feel free to message me, though, I'm always open to working something out with more motivated people!

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I'm not overly experienced myself in the ways of FF14 roleplaying, but I am on Coeurl as well and rooted in there, and as thus have been [albeit slowly] attempting to build my own little corner of sorts there. That said, there are roleplayers here on Coeurl, though I admit from what I've seen they're not terribly active as far as I've seen. Could be wrong, of course, since I'm still experiencing the "expansion high" since launch, but that's finally cooling off for myself.


Feel free to message me, though, I'm always open to working something out with more motivated people!


It's so nice to meet you! ^^ I would love to touch base with you in Coeurl to get something rolling! <3 I am also feeling the "expansion high"; coupled with being a bit awkward at initiating RP, I've chickened out with the one or two people I did see with the RP tag.


I hope to see you around!



Thank you so much for your feedback, everyone! <3 I might take a peek at some of the more budding IG-RP communities - like Mateus - just to see what I could be missing!

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