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The young noble.

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                                                      Ophelia Fournier




Race: Elezen (Ishgardian)



Role: Head of House Fournier.



Sexual orientation: Oh, she 100% gay.



Strong likes: Elegant clothing, lavish gatherings, Ishgardian wine, beautiful women (although she wouldn’t openly speak about it in public)  and her beloved twin sister.




Strong dislikes: Those that pray on the less fortunate, Greed, Ul'dah, vacations, her brother, men in power, comments about her young age.



Extra details of her appearance: Always wears glasses even when in game doesn’t show them, dyes her hair often, making it easier to tell the twins apart, a uneasy calmness to her gaze, a brand on the bottom of her left foot in the shape of a dragons wing, walks with the confidence of a Queen.



A brief history of Ophelia of House Fournier:

   Born out of the Brume in Ishgard along with her identical twin sister Amelia and her older brother Guillaume. She was at a young age sent to learn at the Ishgardian Scholasticate from the loving efforts of both her mother working tirelessly and her younger sisters (by 1:21mins) knack for fixing and inventing small contraptions to sell. The family only just barely being able to keep Ophelia enrolled made it so she never spent a day sitting around lazy nor did she ever once not pay attention during her sessions. 

    At the age of 15 while in the library Ophelia’s need to find new books to feed her lust for knowledge uncovered a strange book unlike all the rest and decided it did not belong in the Scholasticates collects of holy and cultural collects. What surprised the young girl more was that it never was recorded to have been brought in either. It wasn’t for another 2 years she learned it was a Grimore belonging to a professor of the Scholasticate and thus she was set on learning the art of the Arcanists.

    By age 17 Opehlia and her sister joined the a band of Heretics in secret both for vastly different reasons. While Amelia saw it as a way to finally be able to see a dragon and test the strength of its scales for the sole intent to see if there was anything to be learned from that which others had missed over time, believing it to be one of natures best natural armors. While Ophelia was drawn to its leader, Ysayle. Whatever was asked of her she did it with hopes it would gain favors with the Lady Iceheart herself. Only to be giving horrible news after such a string of progression in Ishgard between Ysayle and the acting body of government. After learning of her hero’s death Ophelia vowed to live up to her ideals and morals.  

    A few weeks after the Dragonsong war ended her families name was on many nobles and commoners tongues alike for the sisters improvement of the fuel usage in many Ishgardian airships allowing them to both fly faster and for longer by a small but not an insignificant number, which in turn allowed the sisters to mount a risky mission for the safe rescue of over a dozen men and women, many were friends of theirs that had been ambushed by Nidhoggs brood. Both Ophelia’s skills with her grimoire and her sisters unmatched aim with her own custom firearm they fell the beasts with little problems. All this lead a Ishgardian historian to look into how a pair simple commoners could handle such beasts with ease and soon it was found that the Fourniers were a old family that had members often put in charge of mounting similarly risky rescue missions to save families before any form of attack, be it from dragons or bandits. Thus they were granted back their families minor position within the noble ranks that had been forgotten after more then two dozen of the family died during a ambush on a mission, leaving only broken men and women that soon fell into despair leaving their children as orphans, unable to claim their birthright as others in Ishgard plotting to obtain the families property claiming no Fourniers were left alive. Once this news came to light, with the help of the Skysteel Manufactory’s own Stephanivien backing them as a sponsor the House of nobles and commoners, as a favor granted towards the two sisters after their many contribution to the workshop. It wasn’t long after the Fourniers were granted back the very same home their long forgotten relatives had resided in.                                                     

( a small side note, a few details were left out for reasons that I find far more interesting to unfold during actual rp.)


Current types of rp I’m open for

-Pretty much all types, if and when it makes sense for Ophelia.



Current opens for rp:

⁃ Ophelia often spends time helping those living in the Brume.

⁃ Her families business has ties in all city states and currently expanding into Kugane. (Metal working for armor/weapons/airships. As well some her sisters personal projects)

⁃ Ophelia is often one to attend gatherings of nobles and commoners alike as she has strong ties to both.

⁃ Studied in the Ishgardian Scholasticate.

⁃ Currently taking a part time apprenticeship in hopes to become a professor.

(wip idea) A purely business and loveless partnership with a male Ishgardian noble. Both parties are aware of the fake "relationship" but agreed for reasons the benefit both sides. (this open will be heavy into any story plot so I'm purely looking for a long term rp partner in this case.)

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I wouldn't mind RPing with you with any of my two characters, but I know a few people who might interest you. 


- I have two Ishgardian noble friends, they're Iris Blanchimont and Gemini Argent in-game. 


- I know a Doman smith who works in Ul'dah. It wouldn't surprise me if he has done work for her at some point. He's Chachanji Gegenji in-game. 


- My FC leader Andromeda Dulaque is from the Brume as well. She's also the mistress of a brothel/thavnairian styled club with lots of beautiful women that Ophelia could hang out with on her spare time. My lalafell is the lead in-house doctor there and my miqo'te is an in-house performer. 


Let me know if you want to RP! If I'm not in-game, I'm usually on RPC or Discord.

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I wouldn't mind RPing with you with any of my two characters, but I know a few people who might interest you. 


- I have two Ishgardian noble friends, they're Iris Blanchimont and Gemini Argent in-game. 


- I know a Doman smith who works in Ul'dah. It wouldn't surprise me if he has done work for her at some point. He's Chachanji Gegenji in-game. 


- My FC leader Andromeda Dulaque is from the Brume as well. She's also the mistress of a brothel/thavnairian styled club with lots of beautiful women that Ophelia could hang out with on her spare time. My lalafell is the lead in-house doctor there and my miqo'te is an in-house performer. 


Let me know if you want to RP! If I'm not in-game, I'm usually on RPC or Discord.


I'm not too sure Ophelia would be comfortable in a brothel as she isn't even comfortable with that part of herself yet. That being said, I would still be totally open to give all of the above a chance ^^

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While I have no idea how Sav would actually run into Ophelia, she would be terribly interested in learning about Ishgard and their customs. She's only been to the outskirts of Coerthas once (a friend had to prove to her that snow was a real thing), so Ishgard is completely foreign. Nobility too, really. I've got her wiki down below for a more comprehensive idea of what she's like.


If that interests at all, feel free to poke me here on the RPC or in-game!

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  • 2 months later...

If you're still looking for people to RP with, I'd be more than happy to! I even just put up a link on the site for my main to look for people to Rp with! You're more than free to add me whenever you'd like (If you'd like).  Zofia Ansley!


 She can be almost anywhere as she has set to travel around for work recently, she has settled in Ul'dah again, But she has been debating traveling to the newer areas.

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