Leggerless Posted September 15, 2017 Share #1 Posted September 15, 2017 Kind of a serious question. I've heard anything and everything about Mateus as a second RP server. From Quicksand 2.0 and ERP central... to decent place for newcomers... to even having a Discord which is double if not three times the size of any Balmung RP Discord currently formed in a very short time. Soo yea. Mateus people, how is it over there. The Balmung's wall been going on for 4+ months so far, afterall, and there's no indication about it lifting yet (that I've seen). Link to comment
Arashin Kujqai Posted September 15, 2017 Share #2 Posted September 15, 2017 Kind of a serious question. I've heard anything and everything about Mateus as a second RP server. From Quicksand 2.0 and ERP central... to decent place for newcomers... to even having a Discord which is double if not three times the size of any Balmung RP Discord currently formed in a very short time. Soo yea. Mateus people, how is it over there. The Balmung's wall been going on for 4+ months so far, afterall, and there's no indication about it lifting yet (that I've seen). Take it as a very small grain of salt from me but I've so far seen more RP than I expected to see when I got to Mateus for my alt. However, the quality feels varying so far, but I repeat that first statement again considering I've hardly ventured into RP'ing with the community at all. Mostly just observed, but it's definitely active pretty often in more areas than just the quicksand. Personally I still can't wait for that wall to be lifted to bring this char and possibly others to Balmung but it's been an enjoyable experience so far. It's more alive than Siren ever was in terms of active RP, coupled with housing actually being available. Overall I still say Balmung is #1 out of pure bias and activity but I also say Mateus is definitely proving to be an interesting server to get some RP at. I'm seeing RP in areas I don't sometimes see in Balmung as well, like in main areas of Limsa and Gridania. I just hope there gets to be more of that so it's expanded and feels more immersive to see throughout the server than just going to the "go to hub" of the quicksand. Again, take what I say with a grain of salt, I really need to get involved in RP more asap on Mateus. 1 Link to comment
Yian Kutku Posted September 15, 2017 Share #3 Posted September 15, 2017 I'm noticing it's a lot easier to catch sight of long-running RP plotlines, but noticeably more difficult for pick-up casual RP. As in you'll be making connections, whether you want to or not. It's surprisingly difficult to just hang out without getting pulled into something bigger. This is just personal experience, though. I also see more RP in the Drowning Wench, as well as the usual spot in the Quicksand. Fewer people in both places than in Balmung's Quicksand, but there's usually something happening whenever I drop by. (Weirdly I've not seen much RP at the Carline Canopy; from what I hear, this is something that just turned out like that, rather than any conscious decisions.) Having said all that, if you are currently on Balmung, I would most definitely not recommend moving. Link to comment
Galathena Posted September 15, 2017 Share #4 Posted September 15, 2017 I've just begun seriously playing the game, and I'm a big MMO RPer. I joined Mateus and was instantly given the Mateus Discord. It's made things a lot easier, people there seem nice and helpful, and there's a very useful channel about server events, so I know I'll be attending an event tonight and Sunday just throw that! As for activity, I've only been around Limsa Lominsa for now and I think I've only ran into RP twice, both times at the Drowning Wench(is that the name?). I'm super excited about playing on Mateus personally and I think the RP community is pretty active/nice. This is in the opinion of someone who's just joined! Link to comment
Balken Posted September 15, 2017 Share #5 Posted September 15, 2017 Mateus is in a kind of interesting period. Amidst the long standing community of the server it's basically exploded with roleplayers since Storm Bloods launch. So you have a ton of guilds and players getting storylines, characters and contact lists up off the ground. To me the server feels like it's easy go and find RP when you want it right now, either at the Quicksand ( hit and miss, as that kind of open world location always seems to be ) and then at player run establishments open almost all nights of the week. One of the things that's made me personally feel like it's easy to get connections off the ground is definitely the Discord server, right now having just shy of 500 people on, and at times with many, many, more than that towards peak hours. The moderators basically just try to make sure channels like the Looking for connection channel are on topic and the events page has been very nice. It has the problems and good points you can expect of an RP server. The Community, especially the people driving some of the public events, have a lot of passion to see Mateus succeed so I feel we're still in a period where the server and population are maturing. I suppose the biggest difference from what I experienced on Balmung is there is a more ingrained focus on story arcs and events, and on their interaction together. For some people an exciting, some people will prefer a more social and with the flow style though, so I feel there are merits and deterrents. 1 Link to comment
PhantasticPanda Posted September 15, 2017 Share #6 Posted September 15, 2017 I think thats just simply the progression of RP communities. With Balmung locked just before expansion, we see a huge influx of new players and old time returning players, and roleplayers, looking for a place and with Balmung locked, Mateus would be the option. So in Balmung, we already have many circles and groups established due to its age, and from that, a lot of organized and schedules events and invested stories. Then on Mateus, we see people in the phase of making connections and whatnot which influences a lot more social stuff. Starting off RPing in the newer launches of GW2, ESO, and Wildstar, and even the launch of FFXIV 2.0, and seeing how the community evolved then comparing to the times I visited the RP communities of older games like SWTOR and WoW, I think its just the natural progression of RP communities. Mateus is definitely on the bright and new period of its life. Hopefully it can maintain a good population even after Balmung opens up again. 1 Link to comment
S'imba Posted September 15, 2017 Share #7 Posted September 15, 2017 I'd compare Mateus to how Balmung was around four years ago. I've been hanging out there some and I've found quite a few people. It's not some greener field or anything imo, but some people like it better. Lot of people new to rp or the game in general. For me it's a nice change of pace, less crowded and people seem more willing to establish a bit more long term contacts. There are a lot of Xaela, probably because now with Stormblood and the lore it's provided people want alts to play the tribes. Link to comment
Erah'sae Posted September 18, 2017 Share #8 Posted September 18, 2017 Having said all that, if you are currently on Balmung, I would most definitely not recommend moving. Ye gods, your spoiler text is why Nefzen and I decided to pay to move to Balmung in the first place. That drove her off Cactaur, except it was also tell spam. That said, I'm hearing pretty decent things, Mateus for several of my friends there still feels like a 'small town' instead of a 'big city'. It's easier to see repeating folks in open world RP rather than having a population overload where you can't remember who is who. Link to comment
Valde Posted October 14, 2017 Share #9 Posted October 14, 2017 So the last reply to this was about a month ago, and I have some friends who are interested in returning to FF14. Due to the Balmung lockout and their feeling that Omega is sorta dead, they're interested in how things are on Mateus. Does anyone have a Discord link they can hand out, and is the server still growing and active? Link to comment
PSDuckie Posted October 14, 2017 Share #10 Posted October 14, 2017 I've seen that Mateus is still growing and active. I'm looking forward to seeing you there! Link to comment
Zen Posted October 15, 2017 Share #11 Posted October 15, 2017 So the last reply to this was about a month ago, and I have some friends who are interested in returning to FF14. Due to the Balmung lockout and their feeling that Omega is sorta dead, they're interested in how things are on Mateus. Does anyone have a Discord link they can hand out, and is the server still growing and active? Hi there! I followed some friends to Mateus from another MMO. They landed there about a month or two before I did, and they both now co-run FCs and have both personal housing and FC housing. One friend's FC got a mansion last night! They were so excited, and I was excited for them after hearing how hard it is to get housing in FFXIV. Anyway! I'm a little more gunshy and being brand new to the FF IP, I've been learning the lore while crafting a character, and I've already had several strangers ask to RP after reading my status message when running around areas the RPers congregate. I've been around the MMO block a few times (20 years worth) and I have to say this is one of the easier RP communities to step into. Others make you feel like you're pulling your teeth out trying to put yourself out there for RP. So it's definitely novel. Here's the Mateus RP discord link: Mateus RP HUB: https://discord.gg/HPbYNFU And it's very active. I daresay a community on discord seems to work better than going through forums and enjin accounts like past ones. Good luck jumping in! Link to comment
Valde Posted October 15, 2017 Share #12 Posted October 15, 2017 So the last reply to this was about a month ago, and I have some friends who are interested in returning to FF14. Due to the Balmung lockout and their feeling that Omega is sorta dead, they're interested in how things are on Mateus. Does anyone have a Discord link they can hand out, and is the server still growing and active? Hi there! I followed some friends to Mateus from another MMO. They landed there about a month or two before I did, and they both now co-run FCs and have both personal housing and FC housing. One friend's FC got a mansion last night! They were so excited, and I was excited for them after hearing how hard it is to get housing in FFXIV. Anyway! I'm a little more gunshy and being brand new to the FF IP, I've been learning the lore while crafting a character, and I've already had several strangers ask to RP after reading my status message when running around areas the RPers congregate. I've been around the MMO block a few times (20 years worth) and I have to say this is one of the easier RP communities to step into. Others make you feel like you're pulling your teeth out trying to put yourself out there for RP. So it's definitely novel. Here's the Mateus RP discord link: Mateus RP HUB: https://discord.gg/HPbYNFU And it's very active. I daresay a community on discord seems to work better than going through forums and enjin accounts like past ones. Good luck jumping in! I super appreciate this message. I'm subbed to the game currently and likely will make an alt to play around over there (I'll be more active doing so after I've chewed through the 4.1 content) but your reply is heartening and I've forwarded that Discord Link to them as well. I appreciate your time and feedback! Link to comment
Xion Posted October 15, 2017 Share #13 Posted October 15, 2017 So the last reply to this was about a month ago, and I have some friends who are interested in returning to FF14. Due to the Balmung lockout and their feeling that Omega is sorta dead, they're interested in how things are on Mateus. Does anyone have a Discord link they can hand out, and is the server still growing and active? Hi there! I followed some friends to Mateus from another MMO. They landed there about a month or two before I did, and they both now co-run FCs and have both personal housing and FC housing. One friend's FC got a mansion last night! They were so excited, and I was excited for them after hearing how hard it is to get housing in FFXIV. Anyway! I'm a little more gunshy and being brand new to the FF IP, I've been learning the lore while crafting a character, and I've already had several strangers ask to RP after reading my status message when running around areas the RPers congregate. I've been around the MMO block a few times (20 years worth) and I have to say this is one of the easier RP communities to step into. Others make you feel like you're pulling your teeth out trying to put yourself out there for RP. So it's definitely novel. Here's the Mateus RP discord link: Mateus RP HUB: https://discord.gg/HPbYNFU And it's very active. I daresay a community on discord seems to work better than going through forums and enjin accounts like past ones. Good luck jumping in! Sweet, I wanted to jump into that Discord~ As for OP: I've found it fun. RP'rs everywhere on a really good day! Link to comment
Pinky Rose Posted October 17, 2017 Share #14 Posted October 17, 2017 As someone who moved from Balmung to Mateus? I don't miss Balmung. Not in the least. Not the people, not the market, and definitely not the Quicksand. I'm glad I left. I was able to establish my own Free Company, get off the ground with a mansion under our belt and a good group of people when Stormblood hit. Now I can craft plotlines and campaigns, and throw events for people without having to struggle and fight twenty other groups for attention. The "quality" of the RP is subjective. If you're looking around for generic bar RP, you will find it here. If you're looking for more adventure-based plots, you'll also find it here. You just have to make an effort to do so. There's a lot more people starting out here than there will be on Balmung. That's just a given. But--much like every other aspect of this game, if you put time and effort into things you'll get something well worth all the exertion. It's all a matter of whether or not you want to dig around, or help people learn. If you do, you'll find yourself at home here in Mateus. If not, you might want to go somewhere more 'established.' I also feel there's a lot less drama around here. You have your one percent of assholes who tell you to "go back to your own server" but those people can take a walk off a short pier. Mateus is my server now. You couldn't pay me to go back to Balmung. Not after everything I've seen there. 1 Link to comment
Rance Posted October 21, 2017 Share #15 Posted October 21, 2017 From what I've gathered in my time walking around Mateus is that there's a slightly less amount of RP going on than Balmung. There's however a higher degree of players willing to roleplay whatever you pitch at them and they certainly feel even more friendly. That, of course, is subjective to my own experience and I might be wrong. Link to comment
Larson Posted November 13, 2017 Share #16 Posted November 13, 2017 I'm in a period of trying to get someone to send me a Callback request on my main, so I made an alt to log in with a trial pass and...unexpectedly stumbled upon Mateus RP. I saw around 30 people in the Quicksand and more outside and elsewhere. Link to comment
Maloy82 Posted January 17, 2018 Share #17 Posted January 17, 2018 although I have not got into any rp as of yet, I plan on it here eventually im new to the game trying to get my Barings but from what ive seen in the drowning wench I think its called, there is a lot of activity always people conversing and emoting etc, which makes it very immersive. Link to comment
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