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Seeking mentors, friends, rivals, adventure!

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[align=left]Greetings and salutations! Y’uraq Tia here once again looking to meet active contacts and RP partners to meet and interact with. I’ve been in a bit of an RP hiatus lately due to scheduling issues with my RP partners, often pulled away by their FCs, other RP partners and other OOC reasons to be able to join me for Regular RP, story and development between Y’uraq and their characters.


I’ve started a long-term new story and goal in mind for Stormblood that I would like to have bridged and developed through story arcs where ever his adventures will take him and his new contacts over the forseeable future. [/align]


What I thought was going to be a small story arc ended up turning into a wild, and sometimes terrifying adventure for Y’uraq in his quest to become a dark knight. It ended up taking all of Heavensward to complete but it was very compelling story telling to see him presented with the challenges and the effects of his actions would affect the people around him that got Y’uraq in all kinds of situations in response to his actions. 


I love the opportunity to meet and interact with other like-minded RPers interested in being part of his stormblood adventures. The main goal is to find some new friends, that enjoy small and larger scale RP and attending open events (ie: the grindstone, spellguard, social / formal events, etc.) Here’s a breakdown:




[align=center]Who is Y'uraq Tia?[/align]



[align=left]Name: Y'uraq Tia

Age: ??

Nameday: 3rd Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon

Gender: Male

Orientation: Pansexual

Marital Status: Single

Deity: Menphina, the Lover

Occupation: Bodyguard, Duelist, Voidsent Hunter, Goldsmith, Performer

Personality: Friendly, and flamboyant, Y'uraq lives his life aiming to avoid unnecessary conflict and fighting as possible. Curious and inquisitive, Y'uraq loves meeting new people, making new friends and like-minded contacts. Y’uraq is a ‘glass is half full’ kind of person. As such he is open minded, and enjoys the opportunity to learn from the people he meets and friends that he makes.

Everything else about him can be found on his RPC wiki which I try keep up to date as regularly as story and character progressions are made:



OOC Note:

This is my main and only avatar. I’ve been RP’ing as Y’uraq since I joined FFXIV 3 years ago. As such, it’s given me plenty of time to not only flesh out his backstory, but even more opportunity for character development while interacting with the rest of the Balmung community.




[align=center]What am I looking for? (OOC)[/align]



I’m looking for dedicated RP partners that share a common interest in character immersion, and story continuity. I am a medium-heavy dynamic M/RPer. That means I enjoy unscripted character interaction and developments. Including the potential for mature content including but not limited to violence, drug use, dark themes, drama, erotica, etc. so long as they are relevant the story and not something that’s gonna happen every day. I do welcome light-hearted /comedic / slice-of-life RP, as well DM’ing campaigns / duties. All in the name of adventure! 


I also enjoy writing paragraphs and descriptive emotes and sceneries. If i got the first post, don’t be surprised / intimidated if my first are 2 or more posts long, it’s just something I like to do for the sake of immersion and scene establishment. If you’re new to RP / FFXIV, that’s fine as well, I’m happy to assist with lore questions where I can.


I much perfer in-game RP. but im not against RP over discord if there are times and circumstances restricting in-game RP, or if we find ourselves in places unreachable in-game. I enjoy going to small and large-scale social events, though I have a linkshell set up when RP’ing with a large group at a social event or when I’m DM’ing duties and campaigns.


[align=left]Keep in mind I rather keep OOC chatter to a bare minimum during scenes / campaigns as to not break immersion or delay RP. I’m happy to discuss a scene after it’s finished. I like to think as RP as being both the performers and audience members in a play-in-progress.


I like prioritizing RP in my online hours, so if you find me present at a social events, feel welcome to walk-up and initiate a conversation with me. I am almost always IC, so feel free /tell me for RP if you find Y’uraq out and about somewhere. There’s the possibility i may be RP’ed out for the day / preoccupied with another RP scene / unable to be there IC’ly due to a present story arc which may implement continuity restrictions.


For more on my guidelines you may refer to my RPC Directory:



I Also enjoy PvE and I would love more friends to do content and mess around with OOC’ly (duty roulettes / alliance raids / potd /treasure hunts / etc.) I main a  ilvl320 DRK/PLD/WAR (I enjoy tanking) but i also have a well geared RDM. Will level my other classes at a later time.

But it’s boring to do alone…





[align=center]What Am I looking for?[/align]


I’m looking for other RPers to meet and interact with, I would love to meet people and hear stories about their past experiences and adventures, or getting into a new adventure on their story. The possibilities are endless!

Although I will note that I am not particularly looking to join any more Free Companies or Linkshells groups of people (I'm already a member of two.) I'm looking to focus more on meeting and interacting with individuals around the balmung community to keep a wider contact network.[/align]


For example Y'uraq could meet a treasure hunter / or adventuring type that would be the likeliest candidate for him on call on in event of an excursion /duty that would likely be DM'ed. Or an arcanist that could teach him to read ley charts and be able to cast a proper physick to heal his friends or himself in an emergency and summon a carbuncle to assist in combat.I could just write a story and make more NPC characters, but it's a lot more fun to interact with others, it makes for a better experience than just writing a story about it.


Not to say I still do that from time to time, but it is something would like to keep minimal, at least for myself. RP partners may include whatever NPCs they wish.


Here are some ideas for hooks for potential stories and character developments that I’m looking for:



After developing a profound story and relationship between Y’uraq and his DRK mentor whom I had the pleasure of finding through the RPC as well. I would welcome another opportunity for more mentors to help and guide Y’uraq through his training to learn and understand more about himself and his abilities as a paladin, bard, or arcanist.


I’m looking long-term RP partners that are versed in their class lore / skills / philosophies / etc. As well as interested in the possibility taking Y’uraq under their guidance. Everything else goes for whatever you, the mentor wish to add to Y’uraq’s training/ lessons/ tests.


Y’uraq has an affinity for evoking aether and spellcasting. As such, he’s proven himself an adept thaumaturge on his way to mastery, and a dark knight rejoined. Y’uraq seeks for the opportunity to learn other martial and schools of magic in his future.

Y’uraq is a talented swordsman, he could hold his own in combat whether or not he had a rounded shield to defend himself. It was his swift, focused, and decisive strikes at earned him a place to train as a free paladin under the sultanguard almost three years ago.


In the following moons, Y’uraq’s earned his way through combat in the martial aspects while embarking on pursuing the fame and glory of an arena gladiator. His selfish dreams and pursuits left him deaf to the paladin’s creeds and philosophies. He chose to conclude his training once he earned his soulstone, convinced there was nothing more they could teach him.


Y’uraq became a successful paladin in the eorzean arenas that same summer, but his lust for battle and vicious tendencies took their toll not on swordsmanship and his abilities in combat. His soulstone of the paladin was no longer responding to him.


After two years of learning to control and master his inner darkness, Y’uraq’s soulstone had begun to show a faint response to him again. He tested this revelation and discovered he was capable of wielding a single handed sword almost the way he once did. Though he is happy that he is capable of exercising his known abilities as a paladin. He would welcome fate meeting a person whom could mentor and teach him the proper way to fight with the sword, and what it truly means to be a paladin. (IC’ly, Y'uraq the equivalent of a lv 50 paladin.) EDIT: Y'uraq has an PLD mentor now.




Y’uraq has a basic bow and arrow skill, but has never practised much since passing the basic training he received in early adolescence. His most recent success with a bow and arrow was roughly two years ago after slaying a dragon in Coerthas. Y’uraq has proven to be at capable by aiming and firing a bow at larger targets, but hasn’t been caught in combat with a bow since.


Y’uraq heard about the godsbow and the people that could evoke aether through melodies and song. After Recently discovering his talent for singing and performing, Y’uraq has entertained the possibility of learning to evoke aether with his singing and learn the melodies and minuets among the bards arsenal. (IC’ly, Y'uraq the equivalent of a lv 30 archer.)




Friends / Rivals / Contacts:


[align=left]This one is self-explanatory, Y’uraq is very social and is happy to meet and talk to new people he finds in his everyday life. If you’re looking for add a spellcasting catte to your circle of friends or assist you in your quest, Y’uraq would be happy to help a friend in need.


In the context of rivals, I would welcome this prospect very much, it would be grand for Y’uraq to engage in competition with other people, wether it’s a friendly spar, or a fellow craftsman looking for competition


In context of contacts, Y’uraq is always on the lookout for potential mercenaries and fellow adventurers alike in the event fate needs him out excursion. I enjoy DM’ing and using it to explore and interact in more dangerous settings.


This isn’t my main focus. But I am not against the possibility of Y’uraq finding love and romance in his adventures. However, this is something I would like to see develop naturally through character interaction over a period of time.

This is on the count Y’uraq’s experiences with romantic relationships so far haven’t been positive, so it’s understandable that he is more cautious about whom he’d allow to get intimately close to him. Heartbreaking RP is heartbreaking.


With that said, Y’uraq is more keen on the concept of a monogamous relationship. OOC’ly i’m very wary of who I would consider in terms of romance with Y’uraq. He is open to the idea of dating outside of the miqo’te race (He’s been with midlanders, miqo’te, elezens, and lalafells. He has also found himself fancying highlanders, roegadyns, and auri for their own exotic features and cultures as well.) [/align]


In regards to his sexual orientation, his attraction toward an individual is far more reliant on emotion rather than the usual physical beauty or biological sex. He needs someone reliable, understanding, patient (especially as their relationship will take a while to develop) and for the character to be either someone’s main, or a very active alt. There’s no point in being in a relationship with someone who’s hardly around.







Where can you find me?

- Y’uraq has been spotted travelling between the free Eorzean city-states and markets, often donning his crafting toolbelt and attire. Y’uraq has also been seen scouring the countrysides with a mining pick or a hatchet in-hand, while accompanied by his close friends, and retainers in-service.


- Y'uraq has recently reached Kugane and visits on occasion for business purposes, but has hardly had the opportunity to tour and explore The city or the island of Hingashi aside the piers and the market district where he meets with his retainers to deliver shipments. That or he's going on another shopping spree for clothes and fashion, Y'uraq has a love for fashion he hardly gets to discuss with others. He has not yet set foot in Othard, but planning to in the near future.


- Y'uraq has left out notes and posters offering his services as a bodyguard around the Adventurers guild billboards


- Y'uraq is in frequent contact with the Immortal Flames and Twin Adders


- I don’t have many ideas at the moment since Y’uraq has been preoccupied with solitary pursuits since my hiatus. but if you’re interested with a suggestion of your own, I’d be happy to set up a scene with you and see where things go.


- I try to attend as many community events as possible, If you see Y’uraq wandering around with the “RP” icon on, feel free to approach him.


- Or Contact me through the RPC forums OR my discord @ Y'uraq#7007 if you perfer.



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I'm not sure whether you'd be interested in the Rendezvous of Stars linkshell, since I don't know when/if we'll be interacting with Stormblood in our plot RP (character-driven side-stories aside.) However, your description of your character, his abilities, his goals, and what you're looking for OoC was all very thorough and fun to read through. So, I'll give you a bump and I hope you find exactly what you're looking for! :moogle:

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If you'd like a relatively like-minded individual when it comes to combat, Chachan is a pretty avid pacifist - also seeking to try and avoid fighting whenever possible. He's also the sort who tries to see the good in everyone and likes making friends, so they'd probably get along with that too.


And, of course, if your character is primarily a Dark Knight-based dude... Chachan is an armorsmith by trade, so he could always be handy to bump into for a repair or wholesale armor replacement. He could probably help touch up the weapon too, but his pacifistic nature leaves him pretty uneasy about crafting new weapons except for those he has complete trust with.


Just throwing all that out there in case you want to meet up with the little popoto. :thumbsup:

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I'm not sure whether you'd be interested in the Rendezvous of Stars linkshell, since I don't know when/if we'll be interacting with Stormblood in our plot RP (character-driven side-stories aside.) However, your description of your character, his abilities, his goals, and what you're looking for OoC was all very thorough and fun to read through. So, I'll give you a bump and I hope you find exactly what you're looking for! :moogle:


Ah, I'm not looking for Linkshells at this time, but thank you for the invitation, and for the kind bump wishes! :3


My original post been updated now under "What am I looking for?".

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If you'd like a relatively like-minded individual when it comes to combat, Chachan is a pretty avid pacifist - also seeking to try and avoid fighting whenever possible. He's also the sort who tries to see the good in everyone and likes making friends, so they'd probably get along with that too.


And, of course, if your character is primarily a Dark Knight-based dude... Chachan is an armorsmith by trade, so he could always be handy to bump into for a repair or wholesale armor replacement. He could probably help touch up the weapon too, but his pacifistic nature leaves him pretty uneasy about crafting new weapons except for those he has complete trust with.


Just throwing all that out there in case you want to meet up with the little popoto. :thumbsup:


Oh man I saw your thread for Gegenji, and he sounds awesome! Y'uraq would definitely want to be in touch with a smitty. He's planning to participate in the grindstone again, so it'd be great to have someone repair his damaged armor sometime during the week. Not to mention his taste for ornate and elegant armor would demand a skilled crafter to fashion him some plates and chain mail something on a regular basis.


Would be interesting to see if Y'uraq could gain Gegenji's confidence to craft weapons for him as well.


As a goldsmith himself, Y'uraq would appreciate the opportunity to befriend another craftsman.

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I'm currently dealing with hardware issues. My graphics card fan has stopped working, so i can't really be in-game without risking overheating and more hardware damage.


RP will need to be limited to discord for the next couple of days until my replacement order arrives (hopefully before 4.1 launches). I'm sorry for the inconvenience this might cause some folks (I perfer in-game RP too!)

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