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[Balmung] Um...


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I'll be honest, I'm really bad at figuring out titles when I'm doing something as simple as saying hello. I'm a terribly shy person.


So... um, hello! My name is Y'myrha. I've been playing Final Fantasy XIV for a while now, mostly on my main character who shall currently remain anonymous, but I decided that I wanted to hop on and try out a character concept I've been working on lately. I was a member of the RPC quite some time ago, then never ended up sticking around, so... maybe I can change that this time, and try to have more of a public face!


Other than that, I... don't really know what to say about myself! There's honestly not much to be said. If anyone has any questions about Myr, myself, or otherwise, feel free to ask and I'll answer to the best of my abilities! In the mean time, have a music.



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