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~ LF IC teenager connections!

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Before I continue, a strict warning: don't respond to me or even continue reading if you're looking for underage nasty stuff. Full offence, but hell to the no. Go. Shoo. I'd have harsher words for you if this wasn't a public forum. NO NSFW is permitted with my character. At all.




I RP a somewhat mentally stunted seventeen year old female Au ra on Balmung, and I'm perhaps looking for others who have teenage characters? My girl spends a lot of time around adults, when all she wants to do is teenage stuff... AKA, get into trouble, form a gang, try to smoke behind her fathers backs, swoon over boys and get into more trouble. Naturally she often gets into trouble regardless, but because she is around her fathers so much they always bail her out or snatch her up to resolve problems; and she doesn't want that! Kharaa wants friends of her own around her age that she can get up to no good with. 


As for her herself, she is a runt and the fifth born of her (real) parents. The girl came from the Steppes by accident and found herself marooned here, and after a series of tragedies she finds herself now calling Eorzea home. She has been adopted by two males here who will absolutely grill you IC if you become her friend / even interact with her once. Don't worry. They are friendly. They are just protective... which they need to be when their child is literally running around doing the most 24/7. 


Feel free to check out her page here: https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Kharaa_Geneq


And if you have any questions, ask! :)

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My character is not quite a teenager, she's more of a young adult - 22 years old but she's still rather youthful. I also know someone who plays a 15 year old girl who I think would match the description of what you're looking for. I also know an 18 year old, but he's very much a goodie two shoes.

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If our play times ever cross paths, I have 17 year old Seeker boy. He's stubborn as can be and more or less a typical rebellious teenager. K'zhiroh Tia is a part time performer/part time whatever-he-can-do-for-gil who is trying to figure out where he fits in this world. He has two older brothers (rp'd by friends) that dote upon him more than he cares for. He's the youngest of five brothers (three maternal and one paternal), but grew up on his own - with the recent reuniting with his brothers he's just not quite sure what to think. He enjoys causing mischief and seeing how quickly he can push someone's buttons. Zhiroh often puts on a disinterested face and tries to act tough, but once one gets to know him better they might see there is more to him than that.


He is an alt character (thus an unfilled wiki page), but I've been spending about 50% of my time on him over the past couple of months. If you're ever around on EST evenings/nights, try a search for me!

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That sounds like a pretty decent story match for my seventeen-year-old, Nadia Ashtender. I play (as an alt, but with dedication) a teenaged Highlander of wealthy upbringing who has recently taken up adventuring as part of a rebellious streak, having run away from home. She’s unlikely to be a corrupting influence and more likely to be corrupted by “street life,” sheltered as she has been for years; she does have a propensity to get into situations over her head. Like you, she’s mostly in the company of older soldiers and as such, hasn’t really formed connections with others her age. If I see you around, or if you see me (on Nadia Ashtender or Q’nagali Yehn), let’s hang out!


(If she doesn’t speak Eorzean, how have you been communicating? Sign language? Broken phrases?)

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I have a 13/14 year old Miqo'te I would love to join in this, but alas I'm in Mateus. T_T I do hope you find your character connections though! If you like to rp on this site or in discord I'd be down.


My Miqo'te is a Uld'ah refugee orphan. She was raised on the streets, a lil bit feral (but not in the normal way you think) She tends to get in a lot of mischief. This is her wiki here

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Though no longer a teen (she was when I started playing FFXIV!), I have a character in her early 20's who's still very much young at heart and in mind, and in need of some more friends. I'd love to RP sometime! :D

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My character may (or may not) be of interest, since she stayed very much into her teenage angst and fuck the world mentality, albeit in a bit more adult and serious way now that she's hit 20. I suppose she gets along well with young rebellious punks since she's one herself. Just a slightly more mature than your usual teenager that is. Has what? 3 more years of life experience? So technically not a teenager though.

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My alt is a 16, going on 17 year old Ishgardian, who I would love to have mingle with others her age. She is of a noble vassal house under Fortemps. She's very open to who she associates with so i think as long as they found common ground, it'd be great! Currently, she's visiting her family's winter Manor in La Noscea, so if you'd like to meet up sometime just hit me up. I may have a friend around the same age tag along if they are up for it.

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