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Pinned to the Free Company Recruitment boards in Limsa Lominsa is the above image, and the following letter.


"A rallying cry. Isn't that how these announcements go? Messages of hope, and adventure, or coy prodding at illicit deeds done to nobody, for nobody, in the middle of nowhere?


What is it you'd like me to say, as you scribble? That I need their best, and brightest? Their most dedicated, honest, and trustworthy? Should I appeal to the dregs and cutthroats and lowlives?


How would you like me to lie this time? Would your pen glide so comfortably if I were to say that our goal is not to achieve victory, but to inflict defeat in your attempt to liberate a nation of imperialist murderers that believed all lands should be Ala Mhigo? Should I tell them I care deeply for Othard?


Really, what lie would you have me tell? Will you write and publish my every word? Will you write that retrieving me from my quiet and cold up north is a sign of desperation? Will you write that I've come to save no one?


It's a heavy notion for a pen to bear, no doubt. Take to the fields, wave no banners, do nothing and mean nothing but harm.


Burn farms. Burn homesteads. Camps, barracks, supply lines, support staff.


Would it be considered a saleable message if I were to say that there is no cost too high, as defeat means an absolute reduction to zero? Should I ask them how many times Isaac Jacobi must be proven correct before measures are taken to ensure not just a continued way of life, but a continuation of life at all?


Make something up, if you find my message lacking. Tell them something beautiful and stirring."


Dictated, but not read.

Clementine Whittaker

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Can't wait to RP with you guys again!  It was a blast in TSW and I've even higher hopes for FFXIV.  I'll get my character info put together soon and shoot it ya'll's way!


Aaaaaawwwwwwwwww shit. We are ready to receive.

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Can't wait to RP with you guys again! It was a blast in TSW and I've even higher hopes for FFXIV. I'll get my character info put together soon and shoot it ya'll's way!


Shiiiit, dude. I was waiting for you to show up! I can't wait to have you back on the TERRIBRU Train.


Oh! Oh! Oh! Definitely interested, but I don't know how soon I could get onto Balmung since I'm not a Legacy person. My character feels a bit complicated in my head, but things can change as RP happens.


Awesome! Either Shuck or myself will be in contact with you via PMs shortly! Also, I wouldn't worry about getting on to Balmung. It just isn't an option during beta, but otherwise you'll have no troubles.

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  • 3 weeks later...

And here I've been busy. People have been running all about, postin' up in this thread like it ain't no thang. You guys must be lost.


I think this sounds like something I can get on board with.


I'll fire you a PM.


Out of curiosity, where did you get the name Isaac Jacobi?


It's a name a guy would have. That's...really about it. Why, what's it to you?



Very interesting! Will send you a message.




Seriously, though. You guys. This is the Misericorde thread. The other threads are over there. Everywhere else.

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Oh wow, this looks really interesting! To be honest, I haven't done much roleplaying with my character before (mostly cause I haven't really had a chance, yet), but this looks really interesting, so I's like to give it a try! :D


Cool beans. Either Shuck or myself will have a PM sent out to you shortly.

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There people here who Want to join Misericorde...I think I'm freaking out a little bit here. Regular people don't join Misericorde, regular people ask us where the rest of our members are and we flip them off and say "This is it, welcome to the party". I'm not sure how to handle this.

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There people here who Want to join Misericorde...I think I'm freaking out a little bit here. Regular people don't join Misericorde, regular people ask us where the rest of our members are and we flip them off and say "This is it, welcome to the party". I'm not sure how to handle this.



I like how he assumes we're "Regular" people who are interested. ^.~


I can't say I've ever been called that, before...

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I like how he assumes we're "Regular" people who are interested. ^.~


I can't say I've ever been called that, before...


True facts. Just about everyone involved in Misericorde has some kind of dain bramage in the brainular and sub-brainular areas. It's all very scientific.

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There people here who Want to join Misericorde...I think I'm freaking out a little bit here. Regular people don't join Misericorde, regular people ask us where the rest of our members are and we flip them off and say "This is it, welcome to the party". I'm not sure how to handle this.


I wanna join to hang out with Castus. Clearly I'm the worst off : P

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