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Patch 4.3 Trailer

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I am more giddy, cause I am almost 100% sure at the very end that is the Heirsbane, and I have pictures looking at that snippet and then back at Gaius Van Baelsar.

Design sketches of Gaius

Scene with the Gunblade


I know, I know, many people want to say he is dead, but I remain hopefully he'll come back, since no dead body has been found. XD

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On 5/12/2018 at 1:29 AM, Valence said:

Isn't it used as the generic garlean gunblade model everywhere?


Not entire, and it took me a bit of hunting but if you look at this picture

Then at..



You can see that its the same weapon, which is the Heirsbane. Much like Nael's Gunblade lance, these weapons are unique to Legatus/Tribune. They are gifted name weapons representing (we believe) a point in their history. So either that is Gaius Van Baelsar (and the audio is a throw off) or that is someone, much like our lovable goof in the Hildebrand quests, with the named weapon.

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I know they have unique weapons in lore. What I'm not sure about is that the model is different ingame... And judging by your 2 images, it's uh... hard to tell, they don't even show the same part on both...


But I'll trust you on that ^^

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