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New Miqo'te, New Game, New Beginnings All Around (Mateus)

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Hello folks!  I am coming over to Final Fantasy XIV from World of Warcraft because...  Well, let's not get too hung up on how terrible Blizzard are at designing systems for their game, communicating with their player base, and considering player feedback.  Simply put, I am just sick of their sh*t.


Some friends really sold this game to me, told me a little about the game's history, and how the developers seem to have a genuine love for their product and an appreciation for their fans.  Figured since I am leaving WoW anyway, I'd give this a shot!


I am a long-time role player from various mediums.  I don't know much about the world of Eorzea, but I have been doing some serious crunching.  In the process, I have decided that I will be playing a Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te.  I'll be going for a more tribal and traditional theme to her character.


So...  Yeah.  Just stopping in to say hello!

Edited by Lunar Miqo'te
Added tags! :D
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Welcome to Hydaelyn, I think you'll like it here. It's a pretty interesting world, and we have a very good RP community.


Since you're crunching lore... in case you haven't found it yet, there's a wealth of lore information at

Sounsyy's Lore Compilations Index


And who knows, maybe we'll cross paths somewhere in Eorzea.

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Won't get into a whole speel about Blizzard and the state of the game at this point, but I will say I feel you. 
This said, welcome to Mateus hope to see you around and about!

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This is a game full of rich lore, mesmerising moments and the story in this game has incredibly well put together, making it very personal to your character as you go through the story quests and definitely brings on some epic moments and emotions! The roleplay community I know is very good on a couple of servers here and the content is very diverse and capturing, there is a very large load of things to do here!


I do hope you enjoy your time here, and welcome to Eorzea my friend!

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