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Seeking Others Interested in World RP

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I'm going to keep this pretty simple. 


I decided I'd throw together a linkshell here and push to try and foster more world RP churn out and about! I'm totally unsure of how much interest there'd be in this sort of thing, but I know I've generally been able to grab people for world RP in the past for a rather wide variety of scenes. So, why not make a framework for it in order to coordinate better? This linkshell and Discord will be a means by which people can notify others about there being active RP in-game out in the world- don't expect a lot of spam and channels here, it's going to be very lean (as in there's not even a general chat channel at the moment). Start your own, or hitch your wagon to someone else's- whatever works! I'll certainly be trying to set up shenanigans with it all either way.



Here's the Discord link: https://discord.gg/tN2aZuY (It'll be growing over the next few days)


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RPed with this guy tonight and have talked to him a few times OOC now. He is pleasant AF, a good RPer, and seems to have a clear direction / vision for this project which I've often seen lacking in these sorts of things (across various games and servers). People should definitely consider joining this if they're interested in getting out of the taverns and forging connections (both friendly and not), especially if you're new/returning to the server and trying to elbow your way into the RP scene. This is a really quality group.

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