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What instrument(s) do y'all play?

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As a kid I wanted to play music so terribly bad. But I was rather impoverished and so I didn't finally get to start really playing until my Jr. High years when I could borrow school instruments.


Saxophone is my one true passion. But since then I've picked up a collection of new and fun instruments. From piano to drums to guitar and bass. I always love picking up something new and fiddling with it.


I got into the music recording side when I was in high school and in college, but haven't really pursued a musical career. I love all kinds of music so I doubt I could settle on playing a specific style only. So I dabble and record songs that I'm motivated to make, from instrumental rock, to smooth jazz fusion.


It's all good to me. Music is my biggest passion in life.



(Edit: For those curious, I do have a few pieces of my work on the intertubes. Here's my soundcloud profile.

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I recently bought a pan flute and have been messing around with it some. I do some circle drumming as well.

Rad! I'm no drummer but I've been meaning to get myself some bongos if I ever see 'em out. Simple percussion to go with my harmonica playing.

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I play guitar a little, mostly acoustic. I've always liked music and I wish I was good enough to play professionally, but I'm really not, so it's just a hobby. Instead I went off and became an A/V tech and a DJ.

Just keep playing. I don't play with aspirations of making money. As long as you enjoy it, that's the real reward in my opinion! ^^

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I've been playing drumset since I was 7.  I had to take a break for a few years because of college and apartment living not being conducive to owning a kit, but that never stopped my passion for music and my desire to learn new techniques and master new styles.


I've played with 4 jazz bands, a swing band, was the regular go-to kid for a local old-man blues group, a smattering of rock and metal bands throughout high school and college.  Since I moved to New York I've stepped back from performing and I've been focusing on mastering some new styles of music I haven't previously touched.


I also pretend to play guitar but seriously I suck.


Music is my life, man.  Got the beat in my veins.

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I played the clarinet, relatively poorly, back in high school. I've actually got a keyboard I've been meaning to start learning one of these days.


Despite my questionable musical ability, I'm actually very intrigued by formal music theory and often like to RP bards and other "musical casters" so I can construct systems of metaphysics from music theory.


Yeah, I'm a total nerd. :)

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I played the clarinet, relatively poorly, back in high school. I've actually got a keyboard I've been meaning to start learning one of these days.


Despite my questionable musical ability, I'm actually very intrigued by formal music theory and often like to RP bards and other "musical casters" so I can construct systems of metaphysics from music theory.


Yeah, I'm a total nerd. :)

START LEARNING TODAY! As we speak, I am working my way through the Selbina theme. I consider myself completely self-taught (other than Youtube vids).

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I'm a pianist! And funny thing is.. I am NOT fluent in musical notes. ^^ I play by ear and make up my own stuff!


Edit: DOH! Forgot to say I also play the Didgeridoo!

Wicked. I knew a girl who could hear a song then play it it on the piano. Raw talent is raw talent. 


Music notes ain't hard to pick up, it's the application that's kicking my butt personally. :D

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I play the sexy tenor saxophone, with dreams of becoming the sexy sax man...er, woman. I've also dabbled in guitar, harmonica, and piano. I'd really love to pick up a mandolin at some point. And a cello. And a sitar. And tongue drums.


I have a lot of musical aspirations. :dazed:

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I play the sexy tenor saxophone, with dreams of becoming the sexy sax man...er, woman. I've also dabbled in guitar, harmonica, and piano. I'd really love to pick up a mandolin at some point. And a cello. And a sitar. And tongue drums.


I have a lot of musical aspirations. :dazed:


Saxes are saxy!


I feel your pain in wanting to PLAY ALL THE INSTRUMENTS!


I'm going to expand to tinwhistle here eventually... I bought one, but there's soooo much I wanna learn on the harmonica first.

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I occasionally play the flute.

I live with an avid musician who dabbles in music engineering.  so my house is full of instruments and recording equipment.


Totally jelly right now. All the options......


I played the violin for 4 years. Unfortunately, I come from a broken home and it was pawned  for other things. :x


To be blunt, that's shitty! I got nothing to add to that other than a generic "you can get back up on that horse one day". :( :( :(

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I sing. I can't play an instrument, even though I have a guitar and a uke.





Poor Adelaide! Man I haven't seen that show in forever.


I also sing, but my voice is so high that I can only sing soprano, I can't belt, and my alto sounds like a little boy :\ I GUESS I'D MAKE A GOOD PETER PAN THOUGH. Also no vids because I am not that awesome.


Theoretically I can play piano too, and I can read sheet music to an extent. I have a guitar that my dad gave me (which I can't play because of arthritis) and I taught myself the basic chords on his Ukelele, but I'm not really good at it.


My dad is the real musical guy in my family, he's played guitar most of his life and used to have a band with his friends (they are actually thinking of getting back together now that a lot of them are retired or retiring...which would be fun), and he loves the uke I gave him a few years back.

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