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Looking for a darker heavy rp guild who seeks revenge against Bahamut/Garleans

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What is meant by 'dark?' Like a villainous group with a moral compass that points directly south? Or a grittier style?


I think Yssen was working on something that sounded somewhat sinister so you may want to reach out to him for more info.


Misericorde might also be of interest to you, if you want to reach out to Isaac. I actually spoke with him at length yesterday and his I also think that Misericorde might be something you might be interested in as well, though I don't think they are regarded as being "evil-aligned" by any means.

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Misericorde might also be of interest to you, if you want to reach out to Isaac.  I actually spoke with him at length yesterday and his I also think that Misericorde might be something you might be interested in as well, though I don't think they are regarded as being "evil-aligned" by any means.


To help with some clarification: Misericorde is a gritty and dirty bunch, though they're definitely not "evil." It's more about realism than anything else, from what I've seen. I'm not the authority on the shell by any stretch of the imagination, but I've been talking to Shuck about it for quite some time. If you're interested, check out the Linkshell Hall ad and contact him. I don't know if it's what you're going for, but it's at least worth a read.

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I'm a fan of heavy, gritty RP as well.. but not so much the revenge part.


I agree with this. Revenge, to me, is a bit of a cliche. Gritty implies no alignment. Whenever I picture Uther in my head, his face has dirt on it and his clothes are faded and patched up. The way I see it is, if you're an adventurer, a real adventurer, you're not going to have perfect hair or skin or clothing. You're most likely going to, well, look like shit. That's the vibe I intend Uther to give off. If he stayed in one place for a few years and bought new clothes and got a desk job, he'd probably be quite attractive, but until then he looks like he was raised by animals. That's just me though. I enjoy realism in my fantasy, some people don't.


I could go into "gritty" as a theme, as opposed to physically "gritty", but in my opinion, one hand washes the other. If you put yourself in the mentality of one, the other is going to follow.

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To help with some clarification: Misericorde is a gritty and dirty bunch, though they're definitely not "evil." It's more about realism than anything else, from what I've seen. I'm not the authority on the shell by any stretch of the imagination, but I've been talking to Shuck about it for quite some time. If you're interested, check out the Linkshell Hall ad and contact him. I don't know if it's what you're going for, but it's at least worth a read.


I had fun reading Shuck's story which have me a feel for the guild's RP style, if you want to read it, click these words right here. They are a really fun bunch, although gritty as all hell. :)

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I had fun reading Shuck's story which have me a feel for the guild's RP style, if you want to read it, click these words right here. They are a really fun bunch, although gritty as all hell. :)


That's really funny. I was going to link that same thing, but I was too lazy to navigate to it to find the link. Good follow-up.


But yeah, what he said. That thread is a perfect example of what I've been fumbling to explain for the past three posts. :thumbsup:

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I'm a fan of heavy, gritty RP as well.. but not so much the revenge part.


 Revenge, to me, is a bit of a cliche.


Just because you're not into it, doesn't mean it's cliche. I love a good revenge story. My character suffers PTSD from the calamity and deals with it with violently. Sorry that my character choices aren't yours. You're so enlightened.

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I would also be interested in a LS / Free Company that practices a 'darker' style of taking care of business. This is sort of how I see it taking place:


In the forests of Gridania, the sun lays to rest under the watchful eye of Nophica. In its place rises the Umbral Moon surrounded by the cheerful dancing of the brightly lit stars. The citizens of the land begin to settle into their homes for an evening of meal and company while the guests of Gridania take to rest within the local tavern to tell their tales with any who will listen. The Wood Wailers take to their posts ever vigilant against the beastly night stalkers who would dare attempt to assault the serenity of their home and those that nestle peacefully within. But the Wood Wailers and beastly night stalkers are not the only ones roaming the lands at night; for under the cloak of darkness lies a stalker only known to the forest whose eye is ever watchful beyond the protective gates of the city-state and its militant brigade. Should you find yourself wandering the paths at night, pray be to your Gods your intentions are pure least you find yourself staring down the piercing gaze of the stalker within. You shall not escape alive.

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Oh, sorry, I forgot that Game of Thrones has no characters with a revenge motive.


Totally not what I meant. o_o Jeesh. I'm not criticising revenge motive at all, my character is just personally not interested in revenge on Bahamut. Calm yer hormones. Sorry, uncalled for.


Edit: Your character's not the only one with PTSD from the Calamity. :) Everyone reacts differently.

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I'm still working out the details, but if you're interested the idea behind my Linkshell (Black Sun Alliance) is that they are the vagabond and ragtag heroes new and old that feel that the way the Eorzean Alliance handled the situation was a bit too soft handed. They're primarily people who lost family, friends, and loved ones both when the Garlean Empire conquered Ala Mhigo, as well as during the Battle of Carteneau. Not everyone is seeking revenge, but they all believe in a more heavy handed form of justice.

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I'm a fan of heavy, gritty RP as well.. but not so much the revenge part.


 Revenge, to me, is a bit of a cliche.


Just because you're not into it, doesn't mean it's cliche. I love a good revenge story. My character suffers PTSD from the calamity and deals with it with violently. Sorry that my character choices aren't yours. You're so enlightened.


Whoa, okay, getting a little defensive there. 


A good revenge story has its place. From Hamlet to Moby Dick to Batman, revenge can make for a good narrative. I (as in "this is my opinion and I'm not forcing you to do anything.") just think, that in my personal RP experience, the most annoying characters are the ones that sit around telling sad and overly-dramatic stories about how Bahamut or Garlemald or Edwin VanCleef or Sauron or Dr. Destroyer or Lex Luthor or Santa Claus killed their family or some bullshit and now they only live to kill that person/thing. Great. Glad there's a lot of dimension to that character, now on to whoever else is around. 


I'm not saying that revenge is stupid or ridiculous, but it has to be done right, and it can't be done by everyone. It, like every other theme, has its place. And I find that it's a very common theme and often a poorly done one. 


Also, about that last little jab. I don't want your character to make my character's choices. I don't want anyone's character to be anything like my character. I'm happy in my own little bubble that is Uther Skystrider. I don't want a thousand other Uther Skystriders. And I can openly admit that even my character has his cliche themes. He's a dragoon through-and-through which isn't original at all, and he's got a white-knight complex like every hero ever. I just try to spin it to make it a little unique, which is all I'm saying most revenge characters need to do.


It's not enlightened to have a different perspective on something.


I really don't see why that response had to be so aggressive.

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Coming in to a thread where OP has given little information and making a broad statement like "revenge is cliche" strikes me as something to get defensive about. It's basically poo-pooing OP's premise before you even have information from him. A more helpful response would be "Could you please elaborate on what you mean when you say revenge, because I'm afraid it could be done badly." This kind of response signifies that you actually want to help OP and the community.


Saying "revenge is cliche" right out the gate just reminds everyone that opinions are like assholes, and some people get off on shoving them in other people's faces.

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A good revenge story has its place. From Hamlet to Moby Dick to Batman, revenge can make for a good narrative. I (as in "this is my opinion and I'm not forcing you to do anything.") just think, that in my personal RP experience, the most annoying characters are the ones that sit around telling sad and overly-dramatic stories about how Bahamut or Garlemald or Edwin VanCleef or Sauron or Dr. Destroyer or Lex Luthor or Santa Claus killed their family or some bullshit and now they only live to kill that person/thing. Great. Glad there's a lot of dimension to that character, now on to whoever else is around. 


I'm not saying that revenge is stupid or ridiculous, but it has to be done right, and it can't be done by everyone. It, like every other theme, has its place. And I find that it's a very common theme and often a poorly done one. 


I don't know if you ever played Star Wars Galaxies, but the whole "The Empire killed my/subjugated my/blew up my seemed to be the character theme of the millennium because the story line did nothing but lend itself to propagating that kind of thing. The Empire was just downright cold blooded. The idea of vigilante justice is great and everyone has their reason for doing it. But the creative outlet can only be stretched so far outside something major such as families dying due to a Calamity on this large of a scale before you run out of options for why you're character seeks revenge. If you kill my family using a meteor spitting dragon, you better believe I'm going to come after you.

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Coming in to a thread where OP has given little information and making a broad statement like "revenge is cliche" strikes me as something to get defensive about. It's basically poo-pooing OP's premise before you even have information from him. A more helpful response would be "Could you please elaborate on what you mean when you say revenge, because I'm afraid it could be done badly." This kind of response signifies that you actually want to help OP and the community.


Saying "revenge is cliche" right out the gate just reminds everyone that opinions are like assholes, and some people get off on shoving them in other people's faces.


"Revenge, to me, is a bit of a cliche." is different from "Revenge is cliche." Granted, I could've used a better choice of words initially, but the second one sounds a lot more dismissive than what I actually said. 


Also, you're acting like I kicked down the thread door and told the OP he's an idiot and made a "Yo Momma" joke. I said my piece about revenge, but I also pointed him in the direction to check out a linkshell which might have the gritty and dark theme he's going for. I didn't mean to spit in his soup, but I'm also entitled to my own opinion. It also wasn't "right out the gate" either, since I had made a helpful post before that. 


I also just elaborated on what I meant and explained that I don't hate the idea, I just hate how poorly it can be executed sometimes. And you're still trying to start a flame war with me over an improper choice of words, that, once again, I just had to explain. 


Also, the asshole analogy was totally uncalled for, but thank you for insulting my personal character over poor word choice. It seems completely necessary.

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Enough, both of you.




I'll also second the Misericorde recommendation. While they are not really into the whole "revenge against Bahamut/Garleans" theme, they do take a stance against any current and future forces that threaten the realm.


EDIT: And they are taking a more "realistic" approach to the Final Fantasy XIV universe. Less emphasis on magic and more on technology, etc.

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EDIT: And they are taking a more "realistic" approach to the Final Fantasy XIV universe. Less emphasis on magic and more on technology, etc.


OT: I like less emphasis on magic, but also less emphasis on technology! :) *wanders around with a stick and a rock*

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