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I actually never make intro threads because I am terrible at them. I never know what to say, and so I just sort of lurk and read. But! This time, I'm trying, haha. So bear with me as I use song lyrics as a topic title.


I have been lurking a while here, but I finally got my act together and put some work into a character wiki and even a signature. =3 But from my lurking I can say one thing: This community is awesome. I can't go on enough about how interesting a lot of these threads are and how connected the community seems to each other. I love it.


As for myself, I've played a few mmos, namely Perfect World, Aion, GW 1&2, SWOTR, TSW, and now Final Fantasy XIV. However, I have been playing console rpgs since before I could call myself a teenager. In fact, my first RPG was Final Fantasy VIII which to this day is still my favorite game. Outside of RPGs and mmos, I'm pretty beastly at Puzzle Fighter Turbo- so if you want to go there...


As far as my role playing experiences go, I was primarily a forum rper until I started playing MMOs with a few chuckle-heads I'm here with =P. But, I've found that I truly enjoy it. In fact it's all I really did after I got my toons to 80 in Gw2. That being said, I am down to RP or PvE pretty much whenever. I'm not sure if PvP plays a large part in FFXIV... but that is a whole different kind of monster in me that Aion bred.


Anyway, that was way more long winded than I wanted it to be. It's nice to officially join the forum and get myself situated. I'm looking forward to properly meeting a lot of you, and I hope we can establish some good long lasting friendships. =)

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Hi! *waves* welcome officially to the RPC. 


FFVIII was also one of my first RPGs as well :D. Though I have to admit I never actually finished the game. I got mauled in the final battle by Griever, it was painful. Couple hours of retrying I finally quit and watched the ending cut scene when my brother finished the game. 


If you have any question about anything (except math, I hate math. Should learn to solve its own problems) or just wanna chat feel free to pm me. :D

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@ Nova- Griever was tough, but I knew once her face went missing things got real o_o. How about we do this, you can handle the questions about the meaning of life and I'll handle math questions.


@ Xenedra - Thank you again, by the way. I had a lot of fun in there =) But officially, nice to meet you too.


@ Melle- Thank you. Making signatures is actually not my forte, so I think I got lucky and found a design that worked. The idea just came to me, so maybe the signature gods decided it was fate. =3


@ Kari and Barios- Hopefully I'll get a chance to see you around the board and in game, thank you for being so welcoming.

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Hello and welcome~! I really enjoyed reading your RP in the Soliloquy chat! If you've got any questions about anything or would like some character feedback, feel free to ask we're all wonderfully helpful C: I hope to see you in game! Or back in the tavern chat because I will jump in next time honest.

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@ Nova- Griever was tough, but I knew once her face went missing things got real o_o. How about we do this, you can handle the questions about the meaning of life and I'll handle math questions.



Awesome, meaning of life I can do.

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