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Foxberry's Art: Updated 7.30.17

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Halloween Bash Event


Foxberry Character busts 5-20$ and Pokemon Trainers. OCTOBER 26/27th

More details to come.


Let me know what date may be better OR if a Sunday is better than a Saturday.


Pokemon Trainers: 5-20$+ Poke Trainers (dependent on amount of pokemon and poses)

Lineart: 5-7$

Flat Colors: 10-20+

Full: 20+$




5-7$ for Lineart:  http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/238/9/5/alexis_price__ffxiv_arr__lines_by_foxberrystudios-d6juyeu.png

8-12$ for Flat color: http://foxberrystudios.deviantart.com/art/Sien-Zoth-378502720

15-20$ for full color with shading and stuff: http://foxberrystudios.deviantart.com/art/Sien-Zoth-Bust-SWTOR-282746418

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Here's the deal folks! 

Please read my tumblr for information concerning the Halloween LiveStream Event!




Happy Halloween from Foxberry Studios!


Fox’s Halloween Bash LiveStream Event on Justin . tv!



Busts: 5-20$ Lineart-Full

Pokemon-Trainers: 5-30$ Lineart-Full


TIME: 11AM PDT- Until

DATE: Oct. 26th-27th



*Event will be on a sliding price-scale from 5$+ 

*Lineart generally will be 5-7$ USD

*Flats typically start around 10$

*Full, Color, Shadow Highlights 20-25$

***Full-body image, color, shading and highlights +6 Pokemon generally 25-30$





*Do not send money or request until October 25th (FRIDAY), you MUST be present at livestream event or money will be refunded and no commission will be taken. (Exceptions may be made on case-by-case please contact.)

*2 Images per client. Either 2 Busts or 1 Pokemon trainer + pokemon and 1 bust. 

*Note: You may have your pokemon trainer as a bust, torso or full image.

*Artist chooses pose, you may ask for minor things changed, but keep in mind anything may be declined by artist. If you want something super custom please see my commission-prices opposed to LivestreamPrices.


*Please fill out the following form: 


Name: (Character Name)

Commission Type: (Pokemon or Non)

Style of Commission: (Lineart, Flats, Full)

Body Style: (Bust, Torso, Full)

*For Trainer: (Trainer or Team Rocket)

*For Trainer- # of Pokemon:

*For Trainer Type of Pokemon: (Pikachu, Bulbasaur, etc)

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Here's the deal folks! (I've had to change this because midterms are falling very shortly for me)

Please view my tumblr: http://foxberrystudios.tumblr.com/post/64629335386/rules-1-please-show-up-for-the-livestream-if



Happy Halloween from Foxberry Studios!


Fox’s Halloween Bash LiveStream Event on Justin . tv!



5$ Sketches


TIME: 11AM PDT- Until

DATE: Oct. 26th-27th



1. Please show up for the LiveStream if you can, if you are unable to please make arrangements with me. :) 

2. 2 Sketches per person. 

3. Follow the following format of how to commission me (see second pic)

4. Artist chooses pose, you may ask for minor things changed, but keep in mind anything may be declined by artist. If you want something super custom please see my commission-prices opposed to LivestreamPrices.

5. Please don’t send any money until Oct. 25th.

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  • 7 months later...

Wanted to inform people about this, I know that I haven't been around much so it hasn't been posted before, but anyway there's a raffle and everything. Please check it out if you're interested :D


Last day for reblogging this for the raffle. I'll be naming the individual at midnight. 

Don't forget the event is on Saturday the 28th, 12pm! :D 


Find more information here: http://foxberrystudios.tumblr.com/post/89708138294/foxberrystudios-foxberrystudios




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Semper-fidelis-tyrannosaurus, received their number for the raffle event for this weekend! The raffle was put through a random number generator and Semper’s number was drawn! Congrats! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

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