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Stop playing with our hearts square

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And so.. this thread, similar to my "art of distraction" thread is to serve as a place where people can post about how Square keeps playing with our hearts and giving us bits and pieces of this game to play.


And so.. How will you keep yourself busy for the next four days?


I myself have work.. and after I get home(which is usually around 4:00) I have two dogs to take care of before I get any down time. Soo.. hopefully that will distract me, assuming I don't go crazy from boredom.


Hmm. That reminds me! I can play Dark Souls!

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Nahue, that was exactly what I thought of when I saw the forum title. I was about to do the exact same thing. So thank you.


I am keeping busy with a Marathon game of Civ V, and the occasional game of League of Legends with my roommate... Thankfully Civ V eats my time like a Hippo, so it's going by rather quick.

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I'll be researching the game so that I can understand it better in time for the early access period. Other than that I'll likely just pass the time with the my usual day to day business and a handful of other games.

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Working, unfortunately. Gotta bring home the bills. In my spare time, I'll be reading. I've been reading a lot of Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan of the Apes books, but tomorrow is H.P. Lovecraft's birthday so I might have to have a Call of Cthulhu day. That should preoccupy me until the 24th. I might also go hiking if I can find the time.


No video games are really catching my eye besides FFXIV and Wildstar.

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...Probably a bit of plotting things for RP actually, expanding my wiki because it's too clumpy and I'm OCD like that... Mayhaps draft someone into drawing my character (Passed out, of course.) ...And probably devising a plan to get S'demyx to ICly cough up his life story.



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I can barely stand 4 hours, but let's see...


  • Finally completing The Last of Us?
  • Loading up Final Fantasy XYZ? (But which one between I and VI?)
  • Read a book.
  • Maybe complete 485968 other games I tend to forget about.
  • Feed my cat.
  • Learn how to play FFVIX (I still don't know how materia works or crafting).
  • Drool over FFXIV screenshots.
  • Play with SweetFX on the benchmarks.
  • Hibernate.

I think that just about sums it up.

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...Probably a bit of plotting things for RP actually, expanding my wiki because it's too clumpy and I'm OCD like that... Mayhaps draft someone into drawing my character (Passed out, of course.) ...And probably devising a plan to get S'demyx to ICly cough up his life story.





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Well, this is going to sound dreary, but...


This week is almost certainly going to be consumed by entire days of testing on the PTR for WoW.  The new raid tier comes out the 27th (coincidence?  No.) and they're rushing testing of all of the bosses into this week.


Sooo...it'll look something like this:




(In case anyone is wondering, I'm the Fail Angel in the middle of the screen -_-)

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MHM, SURE. You wait, I'll make your heart melt.


(In case anyone is wondering, I'm the Fail Angel in the middle of the screen -_-)


HOLY PRIEST IS BEST. Well, if I still played, but still... Holy Priest and Fury 2H Warrior was where it was at.... Granted I spent my time Heroic Leaping around Silvermoan, and running around in circles with shiny bubble.

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HOLY PRIEST IS BEST. Well, if I still played, but still... Holy Priest and Fury 2H Warrior was where it was at.... Granted I spent my time Heroic Leaping around Silvermoan, and running around in circles with shiny bubble.


HOLY PRIEST IS BEST PRIEST!  Too bad we only hit our ULTIMATE POWER when we are D.E.D. - DEAD! lol


Yeah, I play a Holy/Disc Priest.


Wait, Silvermoan?  lol were you on Moon Guard?

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HOLY PRIEST IS BEST PRIEST!  Too bad we only hit our ULTIMATE POWER when we are D.E.D. - DEAD! lol


Yeah, I play a Holy/Disc Priest.


Wait, Silvermoan?  lol were you on Moon Guard?


PFHTHFPFHT. I would not degrade myself to such levels. (I apologize to all Moonguardians.) I was on WrA, we just always called it Silvermoan because... Idk, Blood Elves.

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  • Loading up Final Fantasy XYZ? (But which one between I and VI?)

...SIX. SIIIIIX. :bouncy:


I'm sorry what? Speak up I can hardly hear you :lol:


Okay how about this, these are the Fantasies I own, and I haven't played any of them in ages... so help me decide, pls?





From right to left, I, II, IV, V, VI and VIII


I mean seriously, how do I choose between those awesome covers? I know they're not indicative of the game but guuuwhh :cactuar:

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