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Rite of Passage

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Well this answers a question about the Rite of Passage:


Right of Passage Document


This document is mailed out to players and contains the name, surname, race, clan, birthday and gender of the character they create. There are three different types, each modeled after the three starting city-states.

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I'm looking forward to the early access, and the map in the journal hopefully will be cool. The rest is just bonus as far as I'm concerned.


It's too bad, because they could have thrown in some neat things.


Back in the day some games came with fancy cloth maps and other useless things just for the 'cool' factor. I still have the medallion I got from a Lunar game made by Working Designs.

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LOL I would not mind swapping out the onion helm for the goggles. But meh the book and media should be good.


I know! That onion helm looks ridiculous especially compared to the untamed glory that is dem goggles!


I *was* going to just shell out another 50 bucks to get the code for the goggles and try and get my friend into the game... but I read that your character only gets special items if they are created AFTER the key has been used.


So unless I can master time travel between now and 9/22 there is no way I can take advantage of early access and have those nifty goggles.


I guess I should keep my eye open for blue police boxes >.>

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Well this answers a question about the Rite of Passage:


Right of Passage Document


This document is mailed out to players and contains the name, surname, race, clan, birthday and gender of the character they create. There are three different types, each modeled after the three starting city-states.


Interesting... Now should I put Nedral's birthplace as Gridania or Ishgard...? (Aixa born in Gridania, Nedral born in Ishgard.)

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