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Questions about how to RP


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Hi all.

Witnessed my very first RP last night between to Miqo'te. Was thoroughly impressed. But it gave rise to a bunch of ne questions. I'll just get right into it.


1) If I see two players RPing, and I want to be involved, is it acceptable to simply type "/em's eyes flick towards the two Miqo'te conversing beside him curiously,  before turning his attention to the wares on display." Therfore displaying that I am RPing, but allowing them the decision to include me or not, or is it just better to wait until their conversation is over?

As it happens, I waited until they left and then sent one /tell asking if it was ok to ask some questions OOC. I didn't want to get in the way of their gametime, so onlu asked a couple and am asking more here.


2) What is whisper and how do I do it?


Thats all I can think of for now, but I'll probably post more questions on this thread later.

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Oh yes, eyeing them up is always a great ice breaker in Roleplay. Not always the case in real life, but here, most certainly!


All jokes aside, there are two ways you can go about it which are received differently between roleplayers. I myself usually make my presence known by doing something alone as my character or just, as you say, examine the situation which displays that you are up for joining in with their consent.


For example…


Gene Hunt strolls through the pub, paying very little attention to those around him before hearing Sam Tyler’s comment. He smirks as he sits down at the bar, slamming his fist upon the counter to gain the bartender’s attention as he listens further…


There is also the second option, which some people aren’t too fond of. It all depends on the roleplayer, I for one have no problem at all being approached this way, it sometimes makes for more fun and cuts straight to the chase.


Instant interaction, be it interest in their clothes, over hearing the conversation and chiming in, a pat on the back whilst agreeing with what a character just said or just asking a question. You don't have to be overly polite in considering yourself a possible annoyance for approaching people in character, no roleplayer should banish you for want of joining in. You always encounter that one bloke, who’s either drunk or just confident within himself in a bar that claps you on the shoulder and talks to you as though you've been best mates for years. My character is much like this, though again some people see it as an intrusion and shrug you off. You’ll never know until you’ve tested the waters and never be disheartened if that’s the case, take it as your character would take it, adapt to your roleplay surroundings!


As for whispering, I think it is /tell

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Breaking into the rp in progress if you don't know the players can be difficult. What you did is exactly how I handle it: emote to indicate that I am rping and give them a chance to respond or not. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't for various reasons including missing the emote with all the chats flying around.


Another tactic is to use the setting to your advantage and as a way to break the ice directly. Say if you're in the market, ask if they've seen a particular trader and such. It makes it more direct and gives them the chance to invite you in. So what you did I think is a good way of going about it overall, but there are some more direct ways. I met a fun rper in WoW who came up to me in Stormwind asking if I had seen her rat familiar who had wandered off. I liked that because it left me to option to just say 'no' if I wasn't in the mood or busy, or to dive in with questions about the rat if I was.


Basically, the best bet is to give them a way to indicate a way to beg off.


As to whispering, hrm, not sure. I'm still struggling with the chat functions as they're a bit different from what I'm used to.


Hope that helps. :)

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Thanks all. I'll be sure to look out for you in-game. Honestly, the only getting in the way of RPing with everyone is the fact that I live in Australia, so I'm 15 hours ahead of EST. But I dont mind pulling all nighters if it means I can roleplay more. For example, its 2:30 on the 6th September here. But I wont let the time difference hold me back.

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Thanks all. I'll be sure to look out for you in-game. Honestly, the only getting in the way of RPing with everyone is the fact that I live in Australia, so I'm 15 hours ahead of EST. But I dont mind pulling all nighters if it means I can roleplay more. For example, its 2:30 on the 6th September here. But I wont let the time difference hold me back.

There's a good number of us who are on UK time or otherwise play weird hours in the linkshell too, so whenever you log on there's usually at least a few of us about. You can usually at least find Athir, myself, and Wyahee during what in US time would be very late night/early morning (and thus would be afternoon/evening for you) in case you want to do normal times :P

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There's a good number of us who are on UK time or otherwise play weird hours in the linkshell too, so whenever you log on there's usually at least a few of us about. You can usually at least find Athir, myself, and Wyahee during what in US time would be very late night/early morning (and thus would be afternoon/evening for you) in case you want to do normal times :P

That would be great, but I'll still try to be online as much as I possibly can, and if an IC meeting happens to occur, I'll make sure to be their no matter what time it's scheduled for. Even if it means waking up in the middle of the night. But then again, I work only four days a week, so when I don't have to work in the morning, I'm usually up until 6 am anyway.

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I can see breaking an RP in progress can be annoying, but I like to think of it as being like in the real world, a person may interrupt in real life for any reason. I think it can in some ways enhance the RP, because it has you thinking more on your feet. We had an interesting situation on Gilgamesh, our FC had done an RP using Satasha, we found a stash of gold and had the wenches we rescued to deliver it to the drowning wench in limsa, but they ran off with it, when exercising our frustration, by sheer coincidence Amaare was there, who introduced himself as a renowned treasure hunter, the coincidence couldn't have been any more appropriate, now he's on a mission to get out treasure back.


So it's my opinion it's possible to add something to the RP, if people don't want you to join in for whatever reason, there's RP ways of getting rid of you, just as there's RL ways of doing it. ;)

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Don't be afraid to approach anyone you see engaging in role-play if you feel that your character would comment on or observe their presence. If they're in a public location and aren't up for perceived 'outsiders' joining a scene then the fault rests upon their shoulders rather than your own. It can be a bit hit-and-miss at times, but don't let that discourage you. You've taken a huge step forward by making yourself open for advice and asking around.

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There's a good number of us who are on UK time or otherwise play weird hours in the linkshell too, so whenever you log on there's usually at least a few of us about. You can usually at least find Athir, myself, and Wyahee during what in US time would be very late night/early morning (and thus would be afternoon/evening for you) in case you want to do normal times :P


Yes, there's quite a few in Europa and Eorzean Union who are about in the morning and afternoon which would be evening for you.

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