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Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise?


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Was what I said controversial? Sure, I'm willing to admit that - but I'm not the sort of guy who sugar coats my words or beats around the bush. I'm going by what I've seen for myself and I did suggest that not everyone on the server was guilty of what I mentioned.


And yet what you said was a blatant show of disrespect to the community overall. You are taking a minority and blaming the majority for it. I am calling you wrong, not controversial. Someone clearly blinded by their bias and elitist appearing attitude.


In short. Your opinion was neither warranted nor grounded in fact. Once more a worthless spewing of drivel to make your point seem more valid and demean a group of people.


It has nothing to do with 'elitism', nor did I ever tarnish the community as a whole as being guilty of what I spoke of. Please spare me the hyperbole, personal attacks and drama. I'm here to indulge in debate and discussion, not suffer abuse from posters who can't seem to reign in their temper.


It's always baffled me when someone tries to paint another poster as 'mean' or 'elitist' only to launch a barrage of insults (thinly veiled or otherwise) in their direction. Go ahead and disagree with me, just stop with the borderline abuse, please.


@Siobhan: I see where you're coming from. As I said, I just tend to say things as they are rather than wrapping them up in a nice little bundle. If that doesn't sit well with some people, that's fine by me - I'm not here to indulge in a popularity contest or carefully tread over eggshells. If I see a problem that I perceive as large enough to be notable then I tend to tackle it and address it rather than sweep it under the rug. I've made my peace with that rubbing a lot of people the wrong way in role-playing communities, though I strive to remain on the side of the terms of service and code of conduct - thus I don't go around insulting people for having a different experience or opinion than my own. I'm also guilty of finding it fascinating to discuss the more complex issues in the role-playing community. Again, I post because I enjoy a good debate. I thank you for being mature about it, even if we might not agree on certain matters.



a problem in the initial bit was how you worded the initial post with 


"a lot of the role-play on Gilgamesh is tied to what is essentially just a giant ERP circle passed off as 'tasteful entertainment'."


and while you may have added afterward that there are exceptions... you made it appear a if the vast majority of the server revolves around rp... which can very easily be taken as an insult to many of the rpers we have here. 


I myself came over to Gilgamesh with a group who have been rping together for a good while and while i've not yet been able to join into the rps asn much as I'd have liked due to not having my own computer yet that can handle the game, i've seen some good rp when taking breaks from leveling and the like. I've heard great stories about diffrent rp events that have already been held.


regarding erp though, you will find that no matter where you go... it is inevitable no matter what game you play on what servers. Again like it was stated earlier, tact is a big part of things. Whether you intended it that way, it how it came off by saying our rp was tied to a just erp circle... there really is no other way you can take it worded s such

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Can the arguing stop? My intent was never to make some sort of server war, I just wanted to know where to go without having to relevel to find out. 


Rudeness and insults to either party for any comment are not needed.

Things were said that should have been worded better, but what's said is said, it'd be best to let it go.


If you do not like a server, that's fine, explain why, but please don't fall to attacking the other, or insulting ME for starting a thread of innocent inquiry.  Not a big fan of being called 'stupid' for wanting to know the activity of a server. 



If I must I will make a request to close this thread, your input is NOT needed if it's going to just be attacks to another person/server.

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Was what I said controversial? Sure, I'm willing to admit that - but I'm not the sort of guy who sugar coats my words or beats around the bush. I'm going by what I've seen for myself and I did suggest that not everyone on the server was guilty of what I mentioned.


And yet what you said was a blatant show of disrespect to the community overall. You are taking a minority and blaming the majority for it. I am calling you wrong, not controversial. Someone clearly blinded by their bias and elitist appearing attitude.


In short. Your opinion was neither warranted nor grounded in fact. Once more a worthless spewing of drivel to make your point seem more valid and demean a group of people.


It has nothing to do with 'elitism', nor did I ever tarnish the community as a whole as being guilty of what I spoke of. Please spare me the hyperbole, personal attacks and drama. I'm here to indulge in debate and discussion, not suffer abuse from posters who can't seem to reign in their temper.


It's always baffled me when someone tries to paint another poster as 'mean' or 'elitist' only to launch a barrage of insults (thinly veiled or otherwise) in their direction. Go ahead and disagree with me, just stop with the borderline abuse, please.



Please spare you the personal attacks, drama and the like? Why not spare a whole community your personal attacks. That's all your post came off as.


As for 'elitism'... Let's see. "The sense of entitlement enjoyed by such a group or class." Which is something heavily perceived within the eyes of the biased party slinging the original insult. Which would be you, sir.



Now to get to the point. I'm not thinly veiling anything, I'm not 'barraging' insults. I am stating one insult. One that is pretty much seeming perceived by many people in the thread and those I've spoken to who have read it. Namely, your original comment.



I'm not abusing you. Not even borderline. I'm stating you're not debating, you're downright insulting an entire group of people. That's not constructive.



That is the insult I am stating.



That you are a biased, elitist asshole. Or at least coming off as one.

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It doesn't matter how you try and paint it, you're simply launching insults at me and seem to be deliberately misinterpreting my words even after I've elaborated upon the matter to get your kicks.


Once again, I did not say that the entire server was terrible. You're blowing things out of proportion, though as this is shaping up to be a circular argument and I have no intention of derailing the OP's thread into a discussion about who insulted who I'll ask that you either take the matter to a PM or message me in-game instead.

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Alright guys, the name-calling needs to stop now. I've counted numerous instances now and have let it slide. But it's only making things a million times worse. The server issue has always been a hot button issue and it's understandable that people are very protective/invested in their respected servers. But any and all name-calling is uncalled for and only escalating the situation.


This thread, as it stands, has a 90% chance of getting locked right now. We'll be monitoring it and any further personal insults that are hurled will result in warnings being issued.

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To be fair, opening with a trollish comment and then complaining about people getting riled up is *facepalm* material.


Anyways, try out both servers and wander around the major cities - you could also try some looking for RP LS, they exist on both servers. RP isn't level specific, unless the RP is happening in a higher level or secluded location, in which case it's more than likely going to be more "cliquey". Tavern RP is usually the most common and most RP'ers I've met will always welcome one another. Just find an excuse to engage them!


P.S. Not all RP'ers are quick typists and some like to think about the situation before responding, so don't be offended if it takes a moment or two for them to acknowledge you.

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To be fair, opening with a trollish comment and then complaining about people getting riled up is *facepalm* material.


Is this aimed someone else, myself or is it more of a general statement? Regardless, I suppose this highlights how people should be more careful about what they deem to be 'trollish'. X posting something Y disagrees with doesn't make X a 'troll'.

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Well you did post your opinion as if it was fact, and adding a disclaimer later doesn't really change the fact that you (inadvertently) painted an entire community as cyber whores. So its understandable that some of the Gilgamesh got their panties in a bunch and came to defend their server (which only escalated things)


All that being said, the ONLY rp ive seen on Balmung (so far) was two cat girls (they probably have no idea what miqo'te even are) picking up on each other at the Drowning Wench before going off to go spread some cat nip on each others naughty bits.

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Hello! Don't mind me, just adding my 3 cents in here!




I have been to both Gilgamesh and Balmung. I have found equal amounts of roleplay on both, HOWEVER, I can definitely understand your frustration!


When not surrounded by a group of friends who traveled with you, and starting on your own on a server that is for RP, it is VERY frustrating to find roleplay, and also nerve-wrecking. Where did it go? Who RPs and do who doesn't? Where can I find it? Linkshells for IC? How do I find out about those?


A few points:

  • The game (for some) just came out (again)! Many people are most likely doing the 'go go gadget GET ALL THE LEVELS' and aren't actively searching for roleplay because they want to explore all the fun of a 'New' game. This will be a moot point very soon, as the first month of the game's relaunch is upon us! Fear not, friend!

  • Without a Linkshell or a Free Company, it's always going to be just a tad more difficult to find roleplay. People are more comfortable asking in general for roleplay among a known group of roleplayers in a linkshell or FC than they ever will be in /shout. (If you're having trouble looking for either of these, ask in /shout, or look around this site! They've got flyers and the whole nine yards for your fingertips to tap in to!)

  • As others have suggested, try out both servers! As I said, I have found equal amounts of roleplay, as well as equal amounts of quality or lack there of on both. Right now, people are busy switching back and forth to figure it all out. The only real difference, in my experience, is that on Balmung, there are Legacy players. These players have already hit the high levels and are ready to get up and go roleplay! On the flip side, Gilgamesh has also had a few who slaved away day and night and have many level capped classes, so they are equally as ready to get going on the roleplaying! It's gonna be alright, no matter where you go. Promise.

  • Test the waters while you're questing or crafting. A lot of the time, especially when weaving or something else that is just as stationary (for the most part), I roleplay out the frustrations of pricking needles on my fingers, growling under my breath, or outright cursing in frustration - just to see if anyone else is about and up for a spot of random roleplay! I've found great responses most of the time, too! -- Don't hesitate to also try this when questing out in the hostile territories with mobs! Someone saved my character's life the other day, so I thanked them in say. They responded, and a thirty minute session popped out of no where and also got me two levels! Huzzah!


Moral of the story: Try, try again. You'll find it on either server, so don't stress that one is better than the other, or that you're missing out here or there. The fun is where you make it, my dear.


Have a wonderful weekend! Hope this helped ease your troubles. 



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I once again suggest asking a member of the officers for Intermission found here  In addition, I'm surprised that chose not to attend the cold full moon gala then if you were looking for RP.  There were well over players 200 in attendance.


I would hate to start feeling the impression that people who don't go to events are simply choosing not to attend, or that its overly surprising. Time zones, real life obligations, and sony launch/server problems can all contribute to making it harder to make those very useful and probably awsome...not that I'm jealous....chances to meet some regular rpers. And it is harder for some people to find rp for those reasons as well.


That being said, the link and suggestions are very helpful. I have gotten a lot of help with the EU OOC linkshell, and I am pleased with the number of events I have seen set up on Balmung. You can find info on them posted on the top left of the large featured articles image spot.

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I play on Balmung, and I will say that I've never lacked for RP ever. That said, I got into an active linkshell early on, with active members among whom there is almost always someone up for RP.


Lacking such a resource, your best bet would be to check out the taverns in the cities as I have yet to see anyone of them NOT having someone RPing, no matter the hour. Most RPers have no issues with an OOC tell asking about joining in, or even trying to get into an RP community- no RPer I've met would turn down the chance to add to the overall RP scene, even if a particular RP is private.


I can't speak to Gilgamesh's situation, though from what I hear it's a similar situation, so regardless of the server you choose, I suspect the RP is there. My personal experience is that, as is often the case in real life with jobs/etc, networking with other RPers (via linkshell, free company, or even here) is the absolute best way to get steady RP. If you can't find anyone for whatever reason in game, look through introductory threads and character wikis, find a few characters who seem interesting on your server of choice, and PM them here to see if they're willing to get something going! That's how I made initial contact with the folks of my current FC and linkshells and I have no regrets! And the best part is that this works no matter your server of choice :D


Of course... you can always have a character on each, and flip over if you need a break/change of pace/etc from one or another. This is not for everyone, of course, but is always an option.

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As for the original post, I to have wondered if Gilgamesh would have more RP, or at least be more welcoming. It's not that the Balmung community has been rude, but we are dealing with the Legacy community, with established cliques and sometimes breaking into those can be hard.


It doesn't help with you think you see a group of RPers standing about, but none of them are talking outside of their group/party/linkshell. Doesn't exactly scream "hey come RP with us" rather in screams the opposite. Also I see "you need to join a linkshell/free company to find RP" posted a lot on this forum, and that's kind of depressing to think the community is so xenophobic of strangers. 


The exact same problems may exist on Gilgamesh, I have yet to roll a character there. But with the community there being new, it may or may not feel more welcoming to someone looking for RP. I dunno, I'm not ready to give up on Balmung just yet.

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As for the original post, I to have wondered if Gilgamesh would have more RP, or at least be more welcoming. It's not that the Balmung community has been rude, but we are dealing with the Legacy community, with established cliques and sometimes breaking into those can be hard.


It doesn't help with you think you see a group of RPers standing about, but none of them are talking outside of their group/party/linkshell. Doesn't exactly scream "hey come RP with us" rather in screams the opposite. Also I see "you need to join a linkshell/free company to find RP" posted a lot on this forum, and that's kind of depressing to think the community is so xenophobic of strangers. 


The exact same problems may exist on Gilgamesh, I have yet to roll a character there. But with the community there being new, it may or may not feel more welcoming to someone looking for RP. I dunno, I'm not ready to give up on Balmung just yet.

(Bolded stuff for emphases on what I'm responding to) :)


Apologies if my words created the wrong impression. I wasn't trying to suggest that someone had to or even should join a linkshell to find RP. Rather, I was trying to suggest that it was a very useful tool to have in order to establish regular RP, and yes, new RP stuff. I'm on Balmung and a 1.0, but NOT legacy person. I played all of three days I think in the original. I've found the server to be very welcoming, and at least in my personal experience the RPers I've seen continue to be welcoming to new people. But yeah, I never meant to imply that a linkshell (or free company) was a necessity to find RP. Oh! And I forgot to mention before, I've seen many an RPer at the Bismark as well (the culinary guild in Limsa). Not as much as in the taverns, but still plenty active.


Even had a random walk up while RPing with some friends, who broke up a brewing fight between two of them, as he tried to look out for the other patrons before returning to his cooking. Made a new friend that day despite never having met the fellow before, and also a source for many OOC jokes about the extremely dangerous guy who everyone thought was just a cook (didn't they make a movie or six about that? :angel:). I give him kudos for reaching out for RP in what is admittedly a very challenging thing for many to do (stepping into RP with strangers) and also to my friends for being welcoming and accommodating. That is how we grow a community and I was very happy to have been a witness/part of it! :)

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I think we were typing our posts at the same time, so my post wasn't directed "at" yours, but at others I've seen in my short time here, so no apologies needed. :D


You make some very good points. A lot of my poor experience so far could simply be chalked up to "wrong place, wrong time". Also the FF community is a bit different than what I am used to. Usually the cantina/tavern/inn's in other games are slammed with RPers with walls of text flying, and here they seem to be pretty empty.


I know a RP community exists here (its a busy forum), just haven't seen where your all hiding yourselves at. :P

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I think we were typing our posts at the same time, so my post wasn't directed "at" yours, but at others I've seen in my short time here, so no apologies needed. :D


You make some very good points. A lot of my poor experience so far could simply be chalked up to "wrong place, wrong time". Also the FF community is a bit different than what I am used to. Usually the cantina/tavern/inn's in other games are slammed with RPers with walls of text flying, and here they seem to be pretty empty.


I know a RP community exists here (its a busy forum), just haven't seen where your all hiding yourselves at. :P

Well... I'd say feel free to look me up Balmung, but I'm not in game at the moment due to the 401/601 billing thingy that seems to have hit a number of 1.0 owners, including me. However, once I AM back in game you're more than welcome to prod me, and I'd be happy to introduce you to the assorted weird people I've found myself tied to! :P Though I should warn you, most groups I wind up with are sanity-optional :bouncy:

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As for the original post, I to have wondered if Gilgamesh would have more RP, or at least be more welcoming. It's not that the Balmung community has been rude, but we are dealing with the Legacy community, with established cliques and sometimes breaking into those can be hard.


It doesn't help with you think you see a group of RPers standing about, but none of them are talking outside of their group/party/linkshell. Doesn't exactly scream "hey come RP with us" rather in screams the opposite. Also I see "you need to join a linkshell/free company to find RP" posted a lot on this forum, and that's kind of depressing to think the community is so xenophobic of strangers. 


The exact same problems may exist on Gilgamesh, I have yet to roll a character there. But with the community there being new, it may or may not feel more welcoming to someone looking for RP. I dunno, I'm not ready to give up on Balmung just yet.

I'm pretty much on the same page as you Strife right now. I've been focusing on content pretty much until a few days ago actually and haven't really found much.. Though it could be I was at the wrong place wrong time thing but who knows.

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You can send Meat (Swyrbhrat Syhrberksyn) a tell any time if you are interested in RP, I'll be happy to wine and dine ya:lol:. I try to be somewhat of a fixture at the Bismarck considering I RP my Butcher Shop being right down the ramp from it. Happens to be my hangout because people come and go and stories get shared then gossip gets tossed around like free gil. Rumors, wine, custom made food dishes, BBQ oh my. I currently RP an investor who's a volunteer cook, waiter & lazy bouncer there so feel free to stop by. Don't be a stranger. 8-)

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You can send Meat (Swyrbhrat Syhrberksyn) a tell any time if you are interested in RP, I'll be happy to wine and dine ya:lol:. I try to be somewhat of a fixture at the Bismarck considering I RP my Butcher Shop being right down the ramp from it. Happens to be my hangout because people come and go and stories get shared then gossip gets tossed around like free gil. Rumors, wine, custom made food dishes, BBQ oh my. I currently RP an investor who's a volunteer cook, waiter & lazy bouncer there so feel free to stop by. Don't be a stranger. 8-)


I think I need to find you again. <3

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Interesting past few pages to say the least.. I am not impressed at all. However, I won't add my two cents at this point.


I've encountered numerous RP scenarios in-game, both in bustling and secluded areas. Frankly though, I don't keep a keen eye out for such things since I cannot participate in them. I am still mostly bound until a certain degree of RP kicks off between my characters and a friend's so I also fall into the category of 'still too early to RP enthusiastically'.


As for linkshells, I would insist that you join one. They're simply a surefire way to be where you want to be without having to sniff around for it, as well as being a good way to finding RP scenes you are really interested in and not finding yourself settling with some random scene you encountered elsewhere. I am in a linkshell for European players who(judging from this forum), are not in massive abundance and we have had to create a secondary shell due to the primary filling up. I'm sure that only reflects positively on other shells and FCs, but as I said, I haven't been paying massive attention to in-game RP nor events.



I wouldn't be too quick to write off people as being in cliques just because it is not exceedingly easy to find random, public RP. Using myself as an example, I'd actually rather avoid such scenes unless my own RP lead me there. I don't like the idea of RP'ing publically around too many non-RP'ers primarily because of the God awful chat system and partially because I wouldn't want to be seen as a nuisance to their own gameplay if I can help it.

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To be honest, I tried to RP on Balmung several times. Most people have their own cliques and they're almost unreachable/unavailable when new role-players are trying to integrate themselves to the community. Last time I RP'd, I was in a "supposedly" RP LS for RP newcomers/beginners. As soon as I politely asked about their RP style and such, people started yelling/causing drama for no reason. Someone even quoted the ToS (which is irrelevant since there's a ESRB content rating symbol on the back of the game box.)


As soon as they implement world transfers, I will move to Leviathan or Gilgamesh. I hope I can have a pleasant RP experience and enjoy what the game has to offer.

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To be honest, I tried to RP on Balmung several times. Most people have their own cliques and they're pretty reserved when it comes to new RPers. Last time I RP'd, I was in a "supposedly" RP LS for RP newcomers/beginners. As soon as I politely asked about their RP style and such, people started yelling/causing drama for no reason. Someone even quoted the ToS (which is irrelevant since there's a ESRB content rating symbol on the back of the game box.)


As soon as they implement world transfers, I will move to Leviathan or Gilgamesh. I hope I can have a pleasant RP experience and enjoy what the game has to offer.


...and this is just oddly random. I hope you have a better experience on Gilgamesh but this is just an unusual oddity that you are allowing to define the entire server for you(in reference to the shell part).

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To be honest, I tried to RP on Balmung several times. Most people have their own cliques and they're  almost unreachable/unavailable when new role-players are trying to integrate themselves to the community. Last time I RP'd, I was in a "supposedly" RP LS for RP newcomers/beginners. As soon as I politely asked about their RP style and such, people started yelling/causing drama for no reason. Someone even quoted the ToS (which is irrelevant since there's a ESRB content rating symbol on the back of the game box.)


As soon as they implement world transfers, I will move to Leviathan or Gilgamesh. I hope I can have a pleasant RP experience and enjoy what the game has to offer.


I agree with K'nahli, this -is- really random sounding. What about RP styles is in any way connected to the ToS?

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I once again suggest asking a member of the officers for Intermission found here  In addition, I'm surprised that chose not to attend the cold full moon gala then if you were looking for RP.  There were well over players 200 in attendance.


I would hate to start feeling the impression that people who don't go to events are simply choosing not to attend, or that its overly surprising. Time zones, real life obligations, and sony launch/server problems can all contribute to making it harder to make those very useful and probably awsome...not that I'm jealous....chances to meet some regular rpers. And it is harder for some people to find rp for those reasons as well.


That being said, the link and suggestions are very helpful. I have gotten a lot of help with the EU OOC linkshell, and I am pleased with the number of events I have seen set up on Balmung. You can find info on them posted on the top left of the large featured articles image spot.


Just to ah...touch on this...I didn't attend the Full Moon Gala because I find really large events incredibly intimidating unless I'm going with a group of people.  And since I didn't have a group to attend with, I chose to pass on it.  


But there are plenty of opportunities in Linkshells.

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