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Hey there, a newcomer to the RP Business!


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I've always wanted to RP, and this game seemed like my first big opportunity. Sadly, none of my friends are really into the idea, and I am really bad with approaching people, so I got up to 50 on Sargatanas without actually making many friends.


So I wanted to make an alt RP character and become part of the community here :D


I've played a lot of F2P MMOs before, FF XI back in 2008, and then played some of STOR last year.


So I got a bit of experience here and there.

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Welcome to the community! Always happy to see new faces showing up. Plenty of information around here on these forums to help get you on your feet if you need it, and if you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask! Most of us here will do our best to answer them as thoroughly as possible.


Hope to see you around!

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Hello and welcome to the community! I'm pretty new myself, but this seems like a really nice group, very helpful and welcoming. RP can be a great way to make friends, and I hope you have a lot of luck with that here. If you have any specific questions please ask! In my experience most Roleplayers are happy to help newcomers learn the ropes. 


If you see Grina lurking around town feel free to say hello!

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Hello Broken, and welcome to the RPC!


I used to play on Sarganatas as well! actually Lindblum before the server merger in 1.0... but thats besides the point! good to see you making the hop into the Roleplaying world. Just want to check before I start posting too much info, is your RP alt going to be on Balmung or Gilgamesh? or will it remain on Sarganatas?


There are some generic links I can start with.


That is a welcome post from the RPC as a whole to anyone new to the community, it talks about the site in and of itself, as well as describing a few of the resources here at your disposal. Hopefully you'll be able to use them to meet some interesting people.


Since you seem to imply being new to RP on a general level this guide by Eva should be of particular use:


On top of discussing a few areas unique to FFXIV roleplay, providing examples for her points, there is also a great deal of general information that can be used to make a foundation of Roleplay knowledge for nearly any medium. (I've even nudged it in the way of a few of my new DnD members.)


Well, with that out of the way i'll wait a moment before linking communities, knowing which server you're on if fairly important to that...




.... :tonberry: Bah who knows, if you roll an alt on either Balmung or Gilgamesh, consider these groups as open, when ever you'd like to apply.



"Intermission" of Balmung is an OOC LS dedicated to getting roleplayers together of all stripes, talking, planning, admiring the way the subligar looks on that Ele' fellow at the docks near Limsa... or maybe thats just me.


Or maybe you just want to a group and roll around with people against monsters!


"Balmungs Finest" is a PVE oriented linkshell that provides a place to advertise for groups of pretty much any nature so long as its about killing stuff. Duties, Dungeons, Trials... from Sastacha to the detested Aurum Vale.


Or maybe you want to check out Gilgamesh!


The "Coalition" OOC hub is a Gilgamesh equivilent of Intermission, plenty of people, plenty of chatter. Get to know whos who, where they might be, what they're up to and all the good stuff.


I hope the helps you feel a bit more confident going out into the world. Please remember that the RPC is by roleplayers, for roleplayers. If you have questions, comments, concerns, voice them. I and many others will do what we can.


Hope to see you in Eorzea! :cactuar:

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Welcome! The Hydaelyn RPC is one of the most helpful MMO-roleplay hubs I've ever been a part of, so as has already been stated, I'm sure---don't hesitate to ask questions. Roleplay-newbies especially are in good hands here.


Cheers, and welcome :chocobo:

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*Throws lasso* You should have never shown interest. Now I will never let you go :P. If you would like some practice sessions or have any questions what so ever, please do not hesitate to ask. I remember how scary it was for me when I started up last year myself. I think the most nervous part was finding a group that would be accepting of my flaws and willing to show me the ropes as I had only known very little about it. Even though I kept making little new RP mistakes, haha. I still make them now, but luckily I found an easy going FC that is willing to overlook them.

I'm also chalked full of ideas if you ever need some help coming up with character stuff :)

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